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Posts posted by jmbossy

  1. I do like the sprite system in GM. It really simplifies the animation system.

    I was considering going to school for it, but my issue is that I don't have money and my parents would have to pay. They don't have a lot of money either, so I don't want them to struggle to buy a degree that may not get me where i want to go.

    I love the idea of independence in creation, so for now (at least) i guess I'll just keep trying to learn the programs I have. Maybe I can make some small steps towards developing actual skills. Despite my lack of artistric and programming abilities of course.  :D

  2. i'm not sure I agree osmosisch. There are multiple walls you cannot pass without certain souls/key. Sure you can ring Quelaag's bell first (if you have the master key) but you need to ring both to go to sen's. sure you can fight nito, seath, and the bed in any order but you cannot fight them until you kill the four kings.


    This structure is cool because it means players can choose what is easier and which items they want first, but for new players it's insanely complex. People are so used to following a waypoint, but as Dewar said, a lot of people don't realize how early in the game you're supposed to fight capra. Especially considering the catacombs being connected to firelink is the developer's way of saying "Don't go the ways where enemies are too difficult."


    The first time I played I tried going through the demon ruins after quelaag because there were no shortcuts back up to firelink (little did I know the shortcut back up was the way I came). After at least 2 hours of capra and taurus demons I hit a red fog i couldn't pass xD

  3. Heavy Rain is a good example I guess. I got the "best" ending with very little work though. I was thinking Walking Dead (Telltale) was a good example too, but the events in that game are much more set in stone

  4. Is there a game where death or choices you've made can result in an end game scenario?


    Outside of rogue likes, the punishment for death in games is usually just the minutia of getting to where you were before. I want to see a game where death and decisions are punishable with finality to a story. ie. Because you aligned with this character, you had to kill this character, who was the only one who knew the code to the bomb, which wiped out your home town.

  5. My difficulties were more map based. I couldn't figure out where to go after killing the gargoyle.


    Gargoyles > Lower Undead Berg > Capra Demon > The Depths > Gaping Dragon > Blighttown > Quelaag

    OR (if you have the master key)

    Gargoyles > New Londo Ruins > Valley of Drakes > Blighttown > Quelaag (MUCH Shorter and skips two boss fights)


    I am a huge DS fan. But it bothers me when other fans get enraged at the idea of more easily learned systems. The process of going from the Gargoyles to the next boss could take forever without online resources. Even if you find the right key and then find the right door you may not realize that is the right way to go. That is definitely something From could improve on. There is an NPC in Firelink Shrine (right next to the bonfire) who if you talk to hints at what you should do next. But again I only know that from 150+ hours logged.

  6. I'm going to school early next year for some non-gaming stuff. But I desperately want to learn how to make games (my school don't have applicable courses). I've downloaded Unity, and have been following an instructional series on youtube, but am still completely lost in many aspects of the program. To those who understand this or any other similar softwares, how did you learn to program/develop? How would you suggest someone who has NO experience in these programs learn?

    Any help is appreciated :) 

  7. Hmmm... odd, it works fine on all of my devices...
    I'm not in charge of running the site, just written content, so I don't know what the problem may be...

    I'll bring it up with the designer, thanks :)

  8. I keep hearing that Fez is secretly a game about Myst-style puzzles, i should probably play that at some point.

    Edit: Isn't Miasmata really more of a survival horror thing?



    Fez isn't really all that like Myst, but I guess i can see similar philosophies in puzzle design.


    And yea, Miasmata is sort of Survival Horror...

    Though, that isn't really a good comparison either... It's its own thing, but if you're starved for a myst-alike it can fill a bit of the same holes.

    Edit: And yes, I'm fully aware of how poorly those sentences were structured.

  9. It's like they were saying on Idle Thumbs last week: Imagine someone made a horror game where the Kinect would show an image of you in your room with A GUY STANDING AROUND NEAR YOU!!! That would be horrifying.

     Agreed. Though technically impressive, I would have to vow to never buy a game from that dev ever again... just in case...

  10. I started writing for a site, which as of this week is active. We're going to be posting a little this week, but next week we have 3 writers going to E3 and we're going to try and get as much interesting content as we can.

    The Site is
    I write under the name JM Bossy.


    here is my first article (small mission statement for the coming weeks)

  11. Do you know if he has read any of the material from or the no-fap subreddit?

    It's not so much "Thou Must Not Indulge" as a summary of ways in which porn consumption can alter the way people's brains work, and, as a result, what quitting is like and why it's so worth it. Quite motivating.

    Yeah he definitely reads both of those sites.

  12. I fucking hate mirrors. I know its a weird thing to say, but even in real life I hate having the possibility to see something that isn't actually there.
    There's one scene in bioshock where you see a splicers shadow from around a corner and then when you turn the corner he's gone. I wanted to ball up in the corner and never move ever again.


    Also stealth sequences!!!

  13. So when walking to my old job I would pass I tiny church who always had their signs up for 2 weeks each, and they were always pretty funny.
    My personal favorite was "Church Parking only. Trespassers will be Baptised."  (oddly enough they spelled Baptized wrong)

    So I am an atheist and I currently live with a Baptist (I think that's his affiliation, It's all sort of the same to me, excuse my ignorance) who is going through a problem on a related note. He claims to be addicted to porn, and says that a year ago it was at a point where he wanked as much as twice a day (which I guess is excessive). He is now trying to cut masturbation completely out of his life, claiming he is more motivated is more socially driven and has a higher self esteem when he doesn't fap (points I cannot argue with). This being difficult for him he asked me to block all internet access and all app downloads on his ipad so he can cut himself off at the pass, this IMMEDIATELY reminded me of putting a towel over your computer at night.

    So I think it's crazy to entirely cut yourself off and make forbidden vices and it seems to be a very religious concept (I know of a religious family who never let their daughters do anything, and the week their oldest moved out she was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning). That being said, I do want to help him out, whether or not I feel his methodology is correct.

  14. As an update to this post
    I've actually started playing around with Game Development Software and have been having a blast! My artist friend is making some basic assets for practice and I'm going to see where this takes me.

    Thanks again to everyone who shared their thoughts.

  15. I just dropped a glass in my kitchen and now my hand and foot are a bloody mess. And that's not a euphemism.


    and you thought it immediately necessary to post this on the forums? I'm not sure if that's dedication worth admiration or pity.



    I am shitty Daredevil.


    Can't be worse the Ben Affleck. ZING!