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Everything posted by Zeusthecat

  1. Weird Medical Shit

    Keep in mind I live in Arizona, a somewhat racist, homophobic, and very religious state. I notice most of you guys seem to come from areas that are light years ahead in the tolerance department so I guess I forget that the culture where I live is a bit different. The reason I took it as a compliment is that it is not uncommon here for people to see a person that is well mannered, enunciates their words well, and walks in a slightly different way and assume they are gay. I see these as very positive qualities and if someone thought I was gay it was usually because they noticed I had one or more of these qualities and just assumed as much. So, why not take it as a compliment? It makes no difference to me if someone thinks I'm gay. And if they are the type of person to treat me any worse because of that perception they are not worth giving the time of day to.
  2. Weird Medical Shit

    I'm not entirely sure but the two came up in conversation on more than one occasion. I always just thought it caused me to walk in a sort of flamboyant and non-manly enough way and some people that really take that dude-bro manly man shit to heart just made dumb assumptions. It was a weird industry.
  3. Coraline Questions and Spoilers

    I think she may have seen part of it on Netflix or something, I can't remember. That is definitely one that looked pretty cool though and seemed to have some mature themes from what I've read so I'll try to get her to watch it (again?) to see if she gets into it like she did with Coraline. She's 4 now so she is starting to pick up on some more complex things in movies and it's pretty cool. Sweet, I'm glad to hear that's the case because this movie has been drilled into my brain so many times at this point. I would be sad if I was searching for deeper meaning in something that had none and was just another silly or slightly clever kids movie which I am now convinced is not the case for this one. There are certain scenes I have seen a lot more than others because my daughter goes through phases where she just constantly has it on and I'll tune in and out as I'm doing my thing. Last night was one of the few times I actually sat there and watched through the whole last 1/3rd of the movie which seemed much more thought provoking than the first 2/3rds. The other peculiar part for me was how spider Terri Hatcher was able to capture Dakota Fanning's parents (or if she actually did at all). The cat shows her the mom/dad doll that resembles her parents but how would that doll have been used to actually capture them? I thought STH used the doll to spy on the real world so she could create a favorable world to lure children in with her rats. Is the implication that she actually lured them into the world and they climbed through the house's digestive tract just like DF? Then once they came through the other side she captured them? Then maybe when they were freed they just assumed they had had a dream like DF did the first time she went through? I don't know though, there didn't seem to be any inclination that it would have played out that way and it seems more plausible that it was some kind of illusion. I would think the parents would have noticed their bag of rotting groceries on the table and started to wonder where the fuck those couple days had gone.
  4. Coraline Questions and Spoilers

    I've mulled this over in my head quite a bit and I thought of that as a possibility too because that would basically mirror the concept of the Creation theory and how humans were given free will. But it just seems a little too smart and deep for this movie. But maybe not, I don't know. So many things about this movie seem like they could have incredibly deep meaning or just surface value weirdness.
  5. Movie/TV recommendations

    One of my favorite movies of all time. RIP Rufus.
  6. Weird Medical Shit

    Haha, yeah I've probably gone a little overboard on that front. I'm implementing a self imposed moratorium on my pud for awhile unless I get requests. This is a fucking amazing community and I don't want to wear out my welcome. My weird cocked out foot caused a lot of people to ask me if I was gay when I worked in the restaurant industry. I always took it as a compliment.
  7. Weird Medical Shit

    So does that mean I'm not allowed to post here? **I walk away with shame in my eyes as a single tear drips down my cheek, then I come back 15 minutes later to try to redeem myself** When I was 6 I got thrown off a hill and broke my tibia and fibula and had a cast for awhile. When the cast came off my leg was super weak and I had to cock my left foot out to walk. To this day I walk with my left foot at a 45 degree angle. I never even realized this until I was 17 and someone pointed out how fucked up my footprints looked in the snow.
  8. I Had A Random Thought...

    So I'm in a hotel in Tucson watching the Mexican version of The Voice on Telemundo. I don't know why but I can't stop laughing. Also, I don't know any Spanish even though I grew up in Arizona.
  9. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    Sooooo... We're all sexist and not sexist and everything is funny and not funny. Also, we're all right and wrong. Cool, I can live with that.
  10. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    Some people find certain things funny and others don't. I think it is pointless to try to argue that one is right and the other is wrong. Even when I find stuff offensive or in bad taste I cannot come up with some universal logical reason why it isn't okay for others to find it funny so I just shrug my shoulders and move on. Although it is a little different when there is direct intent to insult or offend. Humor is a complex thing. I imagine everything that is considered humorous by someone is also considered offensive by someone else and both sides should realize this and do their best to respect each other and be reasonable. Problem is, each side has a different opinion on what is reasonable so this shit will go on till the of time.
  11. Life

    Spiders are fucking scary.
  12. It mostly applies to trademarks. But even for copyrights and patents if they don't do some level of policing to prevent infringement it could technically enter the public domain. Most cases are with trademarks though, i think it may have happened with vasoline but don't hold me to that.
  13. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    I just tried to bring the conversation to it's logical conclusion where both sides can meet in the middle. I think we all should agree that that is about the level of exaggeration that makes it appropriate to use the big tits and ass art style.
  14. Maybe I reacted too harshly too. But at the same time, let's be honest, it takes a hell of a lot for something to officially be deemed a part of the public domain. I seem to remember Xerox or some similar company running up against this issue years ago and they still ended up keeping their rights to their trademark despite the fact that their trademark had for the most part been genericized. I think as a whole the move may have been more of a detriment on Nintendo's part just because most people would see it as a dick move. Yeah, they may have been protecting their IP but does it really matter all that much? Had they not made the move I doubt there would have been any substantially increased risk of their IP entering the public domain. In reality, I think they just ended up pissing some people off but at the same time maybe made a few extra bucks. In the end it's probably all pretty inconsequential. They still make good games and it's no reason to boycott Nintendo. But maybe still reasonable to be a little irked by the move.
  15. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    Even though I'm on the side that is turned off by this design, I agree with this statement. I find myself laughing at just about everything, laughing is great. The problem with the design is that they didn't go far enough into the absurd with the proportions and jiggle. They should have implemented harmonic frequencies on the boobies and booties so that a breeze would cause the jiggle to grow exponentially. And the proportions? Well, they should have gone much larger, something like this: Yeah, I drew that. I wanted to properly end my stay at 69 posts and this seemed most fitting.
  16. Life

    I'm pretty sure bees are reindeer and insects are people. Nutritional yeast is actually deactivated yeast so yeast is robot. That makes me a robotarian.
  17. Life

    Syntheticgerbil, do you realize what you've done? I'm actually vegan and you made a joke about having sex with vegans. So nice job giving me the perfect opening to talk about my junk some more. I'm not even putting this one between spoiler tags. You only have yourself to blame. My vegan penis would beat any non-vegan penis in an arm wrestling/pissing match any day. Because it has vegan powers. Also, I do eat honey and still call myself vegan. My reasoning is that bees are insects, not animals, and a line has to be drawn somewhere. I mean, vegans eat nutritional yeast and that is produced by a small organism, why would honey bee (get it?) any different. Cause they're bigger organisms? Plus, honey is fucking good for you.
  18. Show me your desk/gaming space

    National Security was awful, agreed. The New Guy, I can't explain why but I love it. Probably because I was in an altered state of mind when I first saw it and every time he did "The Stare" with that little whiplash sound effect I laughed so hard I almost pooped my pants. I laugh hardest at movies when their absurdness is over the top and ridiculous and I love to laugh. Never speak ill of My Girl though. Macaulay Culkin can do no wrong.
  19. I Had A Random Thought...

    I like this Carl Winslow: And excellent Die Hard/Family Matters mashup. Loved it!
  20. That... was beautiful. More beautiful than a plastic bag blowing around for 15 minutes. Actually, someone needs to redo that video to that music from American Beauty.
  21. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Thanks for the backup! I do admittedly like a lot of really dumb movies but I have a juvenile sense of humor and laugh at just about everything. As an example, The Pest is one of my favorite movies of all time. I watch that movie and crack up every single time at John Leguizamo's retardedness even though it is a universally hated movie. I mean, he owes money to the fucking Scottish Mafia, how is that not funny? I hope I never end up on Hoarders. If they tried to tell me to get rid of one of my multiple Game Boys or NES's or SNES's I would fucking go apeshit. Also, don't ask why I have multiple copies of Metroid, Battletoads, Excitebike, Punchout, Ninja Gaiden... I am a hoarder, and this is my story.
  22. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Ah, cool. So Independence Day sucks (but Jeff Goldblum, I mean kind of obligatory). My wife and I saw Signs in theaters on our first date (but it is still a fucking stupid movie, agreed). Adam Sandler movies are all terrible except Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore (don't ask me why I own any of his other movies, with those 2 exceptions I agree with you). Waiting was a horrible movie and Dane Cook has never been funny in a single movie but I had to own that movie because I worked at Applebee's through college and it was the movie we would all get stoned and watch after our shift so we all had it. Underworld makes me want to gouge my eyes out. On the other hand, I really liked 300 when it first came out but it has become somewhat of a comedy to me with the passage of time so I still like it but for different reasons (and it came with my HD DVD player along with Bourne Identity). Which brings us to Will Ferrell. I absolutely love Will Ferrell and most of his movies, even the really fucking stupid ones. I have friends that despise him and that's fine, I won't defend my love for that beautiful man. He has invaded my brain since he first emerged on SNL and he is a part of who I am. Please feel free to offer up your opinion on some of my other movies (or games for that matter). I love having these discussions and have no problem admitting when a movie is terrible even if I like it. You seem a little more educated that me as a film buff and I'm curious how badly I fail with my taste in movies.
  23. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Also, Tegan, I'm curious which of those movies you were able to make out from the picture and which ones you think are terrible. I was looking back at the picture and If you're mostly referring to the movies on the shelf above my N64 and Super Nintendo games then yes, over half of those are terrible and we bought on impulse because they were like $2 on black friday (ugh, I hated the Transporter and Underworld movies). But you might also notice The Truman Show on that shelf, one of the greatest movies of all time!
  24. I guess they already did something like this on a Dutch tv show but I haven't seen anything posted here so... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo1lXpzgkVA
  25. Post your face!

    Not 30 yet! I'm firmly planted at 28 and hope to be there for a couple more years.