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Everything posted by Zeusthecat

  1. "Cars sucks." - A Pixar Thread

    I could be convinced as well. A lot of these movies are played fairly regularly in our house anyways. I assume it's a re-watch of everything but the Cars movies since we all seem to actually agree on those. To re-iterate, my top three are probably: 1. Inside Out 2. Wall-E 3. Toy Story 3 I like Rodi's brief take on Inside Out and that is probably the most concise way to state exactly how I feel about that movie. I have a lifelong love affair with robots and Wall-E just felt like a love letter to my childhood. It was a beautiful movie and I actually didn't mind all the stuff that happened after they got back to the humans all that much, which seems to be most people's complaint with the movie. It was cute, presented a fairly interesting take on how we would end up if we were stuck on a single space ship in micro gravity for 700 years, and the greatest human triumph in the whole movie was the captain managing to get out of his chair and walk. For me it struck the right balance of being cute and just the right amount of goofy. However, the ending would have been better if they all got back to Earth and died a slow, painful death from all the pollution and dirty water and that wonderful Peter Gabriel song would have played to an animation of Wall-E and Eve dancing on their graves for all of eternity. Missed opportunity there. I already said my piece on Toy Story 3 but basically I like it's rendition of Toy Story 2 just a bit better since yeah, it was basically the same plot. And just generally speaking, I feel like a lot of Pixar movies could go from good/great to great/fantastic if they just went a little dark and had some more realistic, less happy endings. Toy Story 3 is the best example with the trash fire.
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    Man, there's a surprising amount of variation on opinions here. It's kind of funny that we all pretty much agree on Cars though.
  3. Movie/TV recommendations

    Totally agree with you here. I don't necessarily hate it but it is really really middling for me.
  4. Video Game Baby - Idle Parents

    I meant to post this awhile back but I did a fun thing with my daughter a couple months back. We had bought a few Amiibos for my daughter and I decided instead of just giving them to her, we would do something a little different. So we wrapped them up like presents (she didn't know what we had gotten her yet) and I convinced my daughter we should turn it into a treasure hunt. She was ecstatic of course and we proceeded to make a treasure map of our back yard and picked out a good spot to mark an 'X' for the treasure location. Then we went into the back yard and I dug a big hole in that spot and we buried the presents. She was so into the whole experience that I didn't even need to try to convince her to wait a few days before digging it up. She was committed. So we waited three days and then finally went on our grand treasure hunt around the yard pretending we didn't know where it was and following our little map until we got to the spot. We then dug them up and she finally opened them and just went nuts. At that point it probably could have been anything and she would have been excited, but they were freaking Nintendo toys that you can connect to your games which just blew her mind. So next time you get a gift for your kid, don't just give it to them. Make a treasure map, bury it in the back yard, and wait. They will never forget it.
  5. Psychonauts 2

    Yes! I played it like a year ago and thought the gameplay was great.
  6. Because Taco Bell is great! You haven't lived until you've had a Fiery Cheesy Gordita Crunch (no beef, sub beans).
  7. Life

    Hey, if it makes you feel any better, my wife and I went through a year of long distance relationship when her mother moved them back to Washington for her senior year of high school (I had graduated the previous year). Now that I've had a solid 12 years to reflect on that one super difficult year, I have some thoughts on long distance relationships (assuming that both parties actually want to continue the relationship, even long distance): A long distance relationship is way different than a normal one but can still be pretty exciting. You have to get creative to get some of the same satisfactions you would get if they were physically there. Suddenly, phone sex is super appealing and exciting and because talking is all you have, conversations are completely different and more interesting than the mundane conversations you might have on a daily basis. You get to plan trips to see each other and when you finally do it is the greatest thing in the world. Oftentimes in normal relationships you don't really have big things like that to look forward to. Having some space from each other gets your head out of the clouds and is a good opportunity to really reflect on your relationship from a different angle. Number three is a really tough one but it is hard to understate how valuable that perspective ended up being for me. When she moved away, I was devastated. We had spent every second of every day that we could together, were having sex every second we could sneak it (we had a whole range of lies that we would tell our parents but always went to our secret sexy spots instead), and our entire lives revolved around each other. It was maybe just a little unhealthy. Those first few months I was just utterly lost and numb and our relationship came close to ending a couple of times. But being forced to face those feelings on a daily basis ultimately forced me to come to terms with how unhealthy my obsession with our relationship had been and let me rediscover myself and learn to not derive all of my happiness solely from our relationship. I started hanging out with friends again that I had drifted apart from, started smoking a bunch of weed and having other fun experiences, and stayed busy working full time and getting through my first year of college. Once I accepted that it wouldn't be the end of the world if our relationship didn't work out and just resumed living my life, everything got so much easier. Somewhere along the line we came to a mutual understanding that we just had to be together and that this long distance thing was no big deal and with that pressure off, it all just ended up working out for us.
  8. Sorry if we ever did that to you. And weirdly, we moved from that to playing online in Worms World Party on the Dreamcast. The first online console experience I ever had. So many good memories playing WWP on the Dreamcast. We even had that stupid Dreamcast keyboard.
  9. Kerbal Space Program

    Mmmmmm... wobble physics. Woof.
  10. Movie/TV recommendations

    To be honest, that subjective line is all over the place for me. It's weird that Ratatouille rubs me the way it does and yet I guarantee there are probably a bunch of other movies with similar "issues" that I totally love. I'll at least give Ratatouille credit that it is consistent with all that goofy stuff. Unlike Up, where you start the movie in tears and are led to believe you are going to see a movie about one thing (an old man flying his house around the world), but instead you end up with a movie about an entirely other thing (talking dogs flying planes (they're dogfighting! DO YOU GET IT?) and old guys that can't even walk down stairs ziplining between flying ships). Also, I quite liked Monster's Inc. But Monster's University was a hot pile of garbage. They literally copy-pasted Revenge of the Nerds and made it into a kids movie. Actually, I think I've blocked that one from my memory because now that I'm thinking about it, yeah, Monster's University is the worst Pixar movie (maybe even worse than Cars if Cars didn't have Larry the Cable Guy in it). Also also, I know it's not Pixar but I like Wreck-It Ralph a whole bunch. It's one of those movies that has been played in our house a lot over the years so I've probably seen it at least 30 times and never get sick of it.
  11. Movie/TV recommendations

    So. Hard. Not. To. Argue... I disagree. I think Ratatouille went way too overboard with the dumb goofy shit that plagues almost every other kids movie. Granny blowing her house apart with a shotgun to get a single measly rat? Check. A dude that can have all of his extremities controlled perfectly by a rat pulling on different parts of his hair? Check. A cringeworthy romance? Check. It was just too all over the place with that kind of stuff for me. Copy and paste these same complaints to Up. I really wished they didn't manufacture that dumb conflict with the talking dogs and the crazed old dude. If the whole movie would have been just him flying around in his house seeing beautiful sights and bonding with that kid in some low key way, it would have been perfect. But I guess you can't have a story if you don't have some conflict to drive it along.
  12. Movie/TV recommendations

    We usually spend all of our Pixar debates focused exclusively on how terrible/great Ratatouille is. It's become a years long running joke at this point. I'll make sure we debate Toy Story tomorrow and get back to you. I agree that Toy Story 3 is a retread of 2, I just think it does what 2 did a bit better with the toys having to actually deal with Andy being fully grown up. Those toys should have died in that fucking trash furnace though. Had that happened it might have made number one on the list for me.
  13. Movie/TV recommendations

    Oh man Patrick, we are like polar opposites on this stuff. Are you sure you aren't secretly my coworker that I argue about Pixar movies with on a daily basis? My top picks are probably Inside Out, Wall-E, and Toy Story 3. My bottom picks are Ratatouille, Up, and at the way way bottom is Cars. Which reminds me, I need to see that latest dinosaur one.
  14. Kerbal Space Program

    I'm not so sure that fixes the issue as I understand it. Typically these pieces would all need to be launched separately and then docked together in space since getting the pre-assembled thing off the ground and into orbit would take a massive amount of thrust.
  15. Criminey, It's Christmas (2015-)!

    Well they never played THAT at Applebee's.
  16. Criminey, It's Christmas (2015-)!

    Home Alone and Elf will be the only Christmas movies I watch for the rest of my life (and maybe some Ernest Saves Christmas every now and again). As much as I like this time of year with the holidays and whatnot, I really really don't like most of the Christmas media out there. Especially Christmas music. 4 1/2 years working at Applebee's drained 4 1/2 lifetimes of my patience for shitty Christmas music. Unless it's the N'Sync Christmas album.
  17. Dude! A friend and I played that same demo online constantly around 2001/2002-ish. There was that one snow level that we played over and over and over and got so goddamn good at it that we could pretty consistently take out whoever we were playing against in one to two turns. Unlike WA and WWP, in W2 (the demo at least) if you swung around on your ninja rope and let go so that your worm would gently slide down a hill, the collision physics worked out so that you could bump into an enemy worm during your slide and knock them into the water while still retaining your turn since you can use the ninja rope multiple times in a single turn. So we would just swing around the level and bump each of the enemy worms into the water and finish off the harder to reach ones with some other item.
  18. Kerbal Space Program

    What if you go with two parallel docking ports on each end and try to get them to both dock simultaneously to give you a stronger connection? Not sure if KSP would actually support both of them fully docking and locking in but it seems like it might work. And speaking of mining. I hear this game has it but that mechanic has yet to reveal itself to me, even though I'm 90 hours in. Am I missing something here?
  19. Kerbal Space Program

    I ended up putting together a decent rocket design last night that quite easily gets one of those big ass orange fuel tanks up to my Kerbin space station. So I launched the first of four that will comprise my fuel bay, managed to get it successfully docked, and then watched in horror as my space station started trying to violently rip itself apart. At first it was a small sway but after about a minute the whole thing was bending and twisting in every direction and just as the pieces looked like they were going to break off, I realized it was the fucking SAS over-correcting and amplifying every little rattle. So I turned that off just in time and everything settled down. It's kind of a bummer that I docked the first two pieces with a docking port junior because it seems like a pretty big weak point right now and seems much more susceptible to wobble. I'd rather not scrap it and start over so I'll need to think of some way to rearrange things to eliminate that weak point.
  20. Movie/TV recommendations

    I have definitely started to notice some of the flaws more with repeat viewings so I can see some of what you guys are saying but overall I still really like this one and think it is one of Pixar's best. As a movie made for and targeted to kids and as a parent with two kids myself, this one resonated very strongly with me in a lot of ways and I find it much easier to forgive the missteps here than in my most hated Pixar movie, Ratatouille (this movie got under my skin so badly). I do kind of wonder what it would be like if Pixar actually made some movies targeted at adults. I can't help but feel that movies targeted at children generally have some bullshit fun stuff for the kids that lessens the experience for the adults (for example, the ridiculous scene at the end of Inside Out with all the imaginary boyfriends and the trampoline; that kind of stuff is just dumb gimmicky kid stuff that apparently has to be in every children's movie ever).
  21. Movie/TV recommendations

    I've actually watched this movie a good number of times now since we got it for the kids so I'm tempted to go on a crazy deep dive about every little aspect but nah.
  22. Kerbal Space Program

    As I think about it more I think I'm leaning towards the orbiting fuel ships to refuel my bases before landing. One, it kind of makes the whole thing a little more intricate and exciting. And two, it will most likely serve me really well in future missions if I get that infrastructure in place now. So I think my tentative plan is to build out my shitty little Kerbin space station a bit more to give it some kind of refueling bay, and then assemble similar space stations to orbit the Mun, Minmus, and eventually Duna so I have a series of refueling checkpoints that can get me around these areas a little easier without needing massive, unwieldy rockets to go straight from Kerbin to my destination. Then I guess phase two of my plan will be to start assembling and landing additional outpost components in each location. Man, I'm really excited for the next few dozen hours this is most likely going to end up taking. I fucking love this game.
  23. Kerbal Space Program

    So another quick question: for those missions that involve setting up a base on Mun/Minmus/Duna/etc. with X amount of fuel (the one I have requires 4000 units of fuel on my Minmus surface outpost) and a bunch of other junk, how do you guys go about getting such large amounts of fuel successfully attached to your surface outposts? Do you send an initial outpost with all of the other components and then send a separate rocket with all of the fuel and some docking ports to dock to your existing outpost? Or do you go piece by piece and relay smaller amounts of fuel between space stations? I'm just starting to dig into some of these contracts and I have one for Minmus and one for Duna. So far I have landed a basic science outpost on each one (although I ended up misjudging the thin atmosphere of Duna and destroyed all of my outpost rover wheels upon landing and have no engineer to fix it) and have started tinkering around with different rocket designs to try to figure out the best way to get so much damn fuel out to those outposts. The problem is that that quantity of fuel makes my final stage so damn heavy which cascades down and requires more thrust on the lower stages which adds even more weight which ends up resulting in a pretty unwieldy rocket that eats up about $300k of my funds. I could go through and figure out the delta V's of each stage and optimize it that way to get the best results but for now I'm still at a point where I'd prefer to just experiment and see if I can cook up something that does the job on my own.
  24. This forum is weird (Look a new topic!)

    Ah geez, thanks man, that means a lot! I will admit the last few games I've played have been especially great because there have actually been some good, healthy threads for each of them with lots of great posts from other people sharing their thoughts and experiences. The KSP thread has been especially inspiring to go back and read through after I started playing the game. I need to remember to get some of my own screenshots and progress updates in there now that I've actually gotten to a point where I'm doing more interesting things.
  25. I Had A Random Thought...

    Now I think conversion therapy is a terrible terrible thing and everyone should just accept and love everyone else. But(t), if there was an actual place that did conversion therapy that had the balls to call themselves "Anus Anonymous", I just, I might have to let that one pass.