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Everything posted by Reyturner

  1. Screenshots. Shots of your screen.

    Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 has an FOV slider
  2. DOTA 2

    Someone in the HOTS thread mentioned that they feel like the laning phase in Dota 2 was superfluous. This video of Purge analyzing a 2K game does a pretty good job of explaining why I don't think that's the case (or, at least, why I'm not bored during the laning phase)
  3. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Its a Core 2 Quad Q6600 so I don't think it's the problem (unless the problem is that it's like 8 years old).
  4. DOTA 2

    Rhymes to SMOBLA
  5. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Game crashes on launch 100% of times. Drivers up to date. Integrity of local cache confirmed. My PC of well below the minimum required spec but I was able to play GZ without much issue. I guess I'll refund and try again after an upgrade T___T
  6. DOTA 2

    There are a bunch of community curated guides with titles like "6.84 Axe Lane" by a guy who's name is basically Tortellini that are recognized as being good. That's what I use.
  7. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    or those who have bought it but haven't played for 2 hours yet. Like me. Thanks edit: Weird, I can't find MGSV on GMG. Maybe it's region locked? Or they have limited codes? edit edit: yup region locked
  8. Other podcasts

    For Ben X's dad: 99% Invisible Hardcore History You are not so smart Regular Features (jk, tho it is British)
  9. Diablo III BattleTags

    A new season of monster click is upon us!
  10. Destiny

    Regarding Ghosty North. Is it to late for
  11. Dota 2 - Summer 2016 Roster Shuffles

    It's cool that they got Southeast Asian Fido Dido on their team.
  12. Dota 2 - Summer 2016 Roster Shuffles

    Is team BulbAui official now? It's been rumored for a while.
  13. Dota 2 - Summer 2016 Roster Shuffles

    OK. iceiceice, rOtk and Chuan will be the three stars of Orion's belt which I will use to navigate Chinese Dota!
  14. Dota 2 - Summer 2016 Roster Shuffles

    I think I'll be pulling for Mad's Sing Stack, Aui's Bulba Stack and... some Chinese team I guess (what's a good one note I still know nothing about Chinese Dota..... )
  15. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Reviews are rolling in and there are roughly one billion 10/10s. Officially going media dark until I play it. God speed. It's been a hell of a ride.
  16. Planetary Annihilation

    Has anyone played the Titans expansion? I haven't played since beta and I'm wondering if it's pulled anyone back in?
  17. Dota 2 - Summer 2016 Roster Shuffles

    Oops, my mistake. EE was on Kaipi when that happened.
  18. Dota 2 - Summer 2016 Roster Shuffles

    EE (or C9) caught fake nicking when trying to weasel into an NA tournament Puppey accused of abusing pause w33 as above. What has Misery been accused of?
  19. One Evening Games!

    This is a great thread for reminding me of all the games I've picked up over the years in bundles and steam sales that I haven't played yet Asura's Wrath
  20. DOTA 2

    Weirdly, my desire to understand Dota faaaar outstrips my desire to play it (or, at least, doesn't trigger the anxiety entering the solo queue does). Even though I very rarely actually play, I'm constantly reading about it and thinking about it.
  21. DOTA 2

    The dynamic of playing Dota is like basketball, but the dynamic of watching it is like baseball. The stats, the sublevel strategy, the esoterica: baseball is painfully dull to watch if you can't / won't engage with it at that depth and if all you're seeing are the physical movements of the bodies on the screen. This is the impulse that got me interested in Dota in the first place and I can't say for certain why Dota inspired this other than it being so brazenly obtuse. I can't imagine it's a universal response, or qualitatively better than the opposite, but I think its presence in someone is necessary for that person to get into Dota. And it richly rewards you if you come at it at that angle.It's frustrating when people talk about the accessiability "problems" of LoMas (at least the ones that aren't cultural).