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Everything posted by zerofiftyone

  1. I think you might be right.
  2. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    I've come across Genesis inspired chiptune, but not specifically hard-rock; that's pretty cool! Not totally what you were after, but I may as well make you aware of the Soundshock albums. It's more funk than heavy metal, but it still has that Genesis FM sound. Many of the tracks sound like they'd fit pretty well in Sonic 3 or something. Both albums are free to download from here:
  3. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    Okay, I went ahead and bought this today. Guess I'll see you guys on Monday!
  4. Bookmarking this episode title for the next wizard jam.
  5. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    Aaaaa you guys are making me want to buy this game.
  6. [Released] ROBOT NEWS by me, Dinosaursssssss

    Haha that's excellent. Those kind of bugs are the greatest.
  7. [RELEASE] Shoot that Pizza / I Like the Hair

    Aha! Your saying that made me realise that donations is a thing you can turn off on Awesome. Having that prompt come up every time was bothering me.60 pizzas is pretty respectable
  8. [Release] Shadow of Something

    This is pretty incredible! And funny! All of the little details are so well observed. I had a really good time with this. Congrats.
  9. P.T (Playable Teaser for Silent Hills)

    What the what.
  10. [RELEASE] Shoot that Pizza / I Like the Hair

    Hahaha this is exactly the experience I was hoping for. Good stuff
  11. [RELEASE] Shoot that Pizza / I Like the Hair

    Oh man, speaking of debug commands, there may or may not be a bullet-time mode still accessible in there. I'm on a train atm so I can't check but I think the "T" key is what triggered it. The game originally involved having a slo-mo power up, but it was ditched for making the game kind of boring. It's still a cool effect though! Will probably end up recycling it for another game.
  12. P.T (Playable Teaser for Silent Hills)

    Thanks Merus I don't have a PS4, but I figured that it was worth adding to my account in case I did get one in the future.
  13. [RELEASE] Shoot that Pizza / I Like the Hair

    And because I left in all of my debug commands, now you can! Press "8" a bunch of times for more machine gun ammo. But don't tell anyone about it, okay? This one's just between me and you.
  14. P.T (Playable Teaser for Silent Hills)

    Is there a store link that works for the UK? I can't find it
  15. [Release] Shadow of Something

    This looks cool! Looking at the gifs I can see there's a lot of really nice stuff going on. I'm going to have to give it a try once I get home from work.
  16. [Release] The Lord of the Donk - A Print & Play Microgame

    Having it alternatively available as a Tabletop Simulator game is a great idea!
  17. [Release] The Mind-Tech Contingency

    Not played this yet as I'm at work, but that cover image is strong.
  18. Welcome to WIZARD JAM

    Yeah I'd like to echo that sentiment. The past two weeks have been a blast, and I feel a whole lot more involved and at home with the Thumbs community than I did going in. You guys are awesome. I hope we do another one of these real soon.
  19. I had an idea on the train this morning as I was relistening to this week's podcast. I think I want to make Jake's suggested interpretation of "I Like the Hair" as a joke minigame. Basically it'd be a game in which you're presented various portraits and asked if you like the hair or not. And I thought it might be even better if the game featured pics of folks from the Thumbs community. What do you all think? Is this a good idea? If people are prepared to do this I'll set up some kind of webform for submitting your pics. Edit: Alright, I've put up a quick webform for picture submissions. Here it is: If you want your beautiful mug to appear in a video game about hair, send me a picture! I guess it's worth saying just for clarity that I won't be distributing any of these pictures to anyone or using them for anything other than this. THANKS GUYS Edit #2: This game is done and you can play it! It's accessible via a cheat code in my other game, Shoot That Pizza. In the main menu, type in the secret code "puffin"!
  20. [RELEASE] Could I borrow your hair? (I Like the Hair)

    This game is done and you can play it! It's accessible via a cheat code in my other game, Shoot That Pizza. In the main menu, type in the secret code "puffin"!
  21. [RELEASE] Shoot that Pizza / I Like the Hair

    Thanks everyone for playing! It was really fun to make so I'm glad people enjoyed it. If I have time tonight after work, I'll write some kind of postmortem if people are interested in reading that. I'm also thinking of starting a devlog for my other projects in the game development subforum.
  22. [Release] Shoot That Pizza

    Noooo! I found out the other day that I can't do cross platform packaging from Unreal which really sucks! I got 56 points, not sure how good that is though
  23. [Release] Shoot That Pizza

    Great job, this looks like it turned out well! I'm mid playthrough now, currently in the intro. Also, you're currently the #1 result on for the search term "pizza"
  24. [Release] Nineties Cockpit Freakout

    I like that title screen! Makes me wish someone had done Free Macintosh Warez for this jam. If you're going for that visual style, you may or may not be interested in a quick post process effect that emulates a low res pixellated look:
  25. [Release] Nineties Cockpit Freakout

    Hahaha oh man this is great.