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Everything posted by doctorfrog

  1. Once again, the Netflix Axiom presents itself: any movie I hear about, no matter how old or new, obscure or popular, fine work of art or straight-to-DVD, Netflix is guaranteed to not have it available for streaming. The Apartment, starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley McLaine, is not available for streaming.
  2. I'm in the same bucket, this looked like yet another time sink Lords Management that you can't do anything less than completely involve yourself in to hope to compete on a multiplayer level.
  3. Episode 194: Checking In With Arcen

    I made this thing a while ago, it is a print-n-fold reference for AI War hotkeys. I need to update it for 6.0, but all of these keys are still the same (there are just some new ones). It also includes a 'strategy guide' of sorts: nine simple steps you continue in a cycle.
  4. three fries short of a happy meal

  5. Far Cry 2

    Yep, I saw that and it's part of why I went back and started the game over with my ridiculous self-imposed rules. But, I decided for my first run to just play the game vanilla. Here's partly why: This mod (and the one or two other mods available for Far Cry 2) basically edit a long XML configuration file. This is great. However, Ubi's method of obscuring and using their game files means that the XML file is buried within an archived file somewhere, with dozens of other files, many of which are unreadable or have unreadable filenames. These files are not manipulable by the operating system. So, in order to use a mod like this, you have to use a special program to extract the files, edit the single file you want, and repack them, with dozens of original files missing. Then you use this repacked archive to replace the existing one. So, basically, this mod also removes a bunch of files from Far Cry 2 to alter some features. What do the files do? Are they leaves in the forest canopy? Do they supply sophisticated AI subroutines for the brilliant zebra behavior? Are they just there to obscure precious source code? Who knows. So I'd rather just play vanilla for the first run, then probably use Dylan's as a guide to create my own mod later. If Ubi had simply exposed the XML file for editing in the first place, this would be completely unnecessary, of course.
  6. Far Cry 2

    I wonder if anyone is as insane as this: Bought Far Cry 2 about four months ago, played it about halfway through for two months, got to the second map, penultimate difficulty. Then, erased all my saves, started a new game (with a different character of course). Highest difficulty, and I'm not using the magic in game map or all-knowing diamond finder. Instead, I'm using and marking an actual blank paper map I found online, and I also use weapons until they break. This is what I have to do because Ubi doesn't allow mods in this game that would allow me to play a more desperate game. It takes forever to get anywhere, of course, and I march into situations almost completely unprepared. It's fun as hell.