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Everything posted by Security_Tubbs

  1. Kerbal Space Program

    That, I think, would indeed be the most optimal way to do it, but to pull it off you'd need to calculate the correct phase angle for the planets to be in. This is how I got to Duna the first time when the new planets were added, but before maneuver nodes. A friendly person had created a program to calculate the correct phase angle between the planets, your position around Kerbin when you needed to burn and the velocity you had to reach. I had to hold a protractor to my screen to measure the angles. A less efficient, but easier method (which I use) is to first escape from Kerbin orbit into Solar orbit. Then you can easily use the maneuver nodes and Hohmann transfer orbit. One thing to note is that you can take advantage of the delta-v you need to use to get out of Kerbin's orbit. If you're heading for planets in a lower Solar orbit (Eve or Moho), you need to do your escape burn in front of Kerbin (in relation to the direction it is moving in its orbit). This way your escape trajectory will point retrograde in solar orbit, which takes you into a lower orbit. If you're heading for any other planet, you need to burn behind Kerbin, so that the velocity gets added to your solar orbit and it takes you to a higher orbit. Nappi, goddamn that logo looks nice. My scribblings can hardly compete with that level of smoothness.
  2. Kerbal Space Program

    The latest blog post gives a little update on the next version. Apparently resource gathering won't be included. Things that will be added are a number of performance increasing tweaks, an in-game information database, kerbal seats (to put on exploration vehicles solid rocket boosters) and some more parts. The final thing on the post not yet mentioned here is flags. Both flags to be planted on planets, and flags on the spacecraft themselves. I think this is a good opportunity for a little community effort: create a design for an Idle Space Agency flag. I suck at artistic creativity, but I'll try to come up with something myself.
  3. Kerbal Space Program

    If your kerbal(s) didn't die, it was pretty successful, especially for a first attempt. Now send another mission to save the poor fella.
  4. Kerbal Space Program

    Looks like I managed to figure out how to make airplanes. Well, I've managed to make a few, but taking off was always the problem. I solved it by having the front wheel be a little lower than the back wheels, so that the nose of the plane points a bit above the horizon naturally. Other key aspect is using Shift+WSADQE to rotate the wings a little (so that from behind, the wings form a very flat V, and that the front part of the wing points a little up). Also, my first ever probe to Eeloo. The surface looks pretty interesting. Shame that my ship was just a boring ol' probe without a rover or even landing capabilities. It was originally intended to go to Jool's orbit, but the opportunity arose to catch Eeloo with only a little extra effort. Getting there was hardly optimal, though, and it took two years and a few weeks.
  5. Kerbal Space Program

    Well, by then it will be called "Kerbal Space Program" again, or "KSP: Kerbal Space Program".
  6. Banished - The Indie City Simulator

    I think this thread needs bump just to raise awareness. There's been quite a few updates since the previous post. A recent new video: And two select screenshots from before that: Looks extremely nice, I think!
  7. Kerbal Space Program

    Maybe we have different expectations then. I bought the game based on the demo (way back), and I thought I got exactly what the demo seemed to promise. That is, launching things into space and Gravity Simulator 2012. Also, which parts are you talking about not working?
  8. Recently completed video games

    It was actually a couple of days ago, but I got the "final" ending in E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy. To get that you need to play through the game four times: three to get the normal different endings and once more for good measure. Luckily you keep the same character in all the playthroughs, so even after the first one your character is a lot more powerful, which makes tearing through enemies more fun. However, the final ending was dissapointing. It's a weird game, but what is even more weird is how compelling it is. Playing it is fun, but it's also sort of a surreal experience. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for anyone, but if you're looking for a FPS/RPG/drug trip game, then try the demo. It doesn't really get any more coherent than that, so only buy it if the demo enamors you (it did that to me). I had fun with it, but it's painfully obvious how much better it could've been if it was way more polished. The world is also very interesting, sort of a mix of Deus Ex and Warhammer 40k, which only makes the wasted potential much worse. Overall:
  9. Kerbal Space Program

    Now with the improved flight path projections in the map mode, as well as the maneuver nodes, there's hardly any need for math and calculations. Only things you need to do to reach the Mun are (although the first step is a bit challenging at first): #1 Get into orbit (circular orbit makes it easier (I think there's a tutorial for circularizing/changing orbit)) #2 Make a maneuver node that puts your apoapsis (Ap) at the altitude of the Mun #3 Move the node (by click-dragging) along your orbital path until you see a projected encounter with the Mun #4 Execute maneuver You can reach other planets with the same method, although first you need to escape from Kerbin's sphere of influence into solar orbit. Although the other planets have more or less eccentric orbits and might orbit in a slightly different plane... But I digress. It's not rocket scie quantum physics.
  10. Kerbal Space Program

    So, we meet again! Since KSP was mentioned in Episode 102, I thought that just might be the needed catalyst to rocket (heh) this game into fame and popularity among the community. Just to make this post more than shameless tooting of my own horn, here are some of my creations. I finally finished (or rather, concluded) my Space Station Kir project. The idea was to re-create the Soviet/Russian space station Mir as closely as possible in KSP. That turned out to be not very close, since there isn't a huge variety of structural parts that would allow for similar designs as the real station. There would probably be mods that would fix this problem, but I've been playing the vanilla version. Still, I tried to imitate the shapes when possible, and I had solar panels in corresponding places. As the station grew bigger, I ran into severe computer performance issues. I was about to run out of blood, sweat and tears when I finally managed to dock the final module, the Priroda Earth sensing module. Some of the better images I managed to take. I've retracted some of the solar panels to give a better view. Two images of space station Mir from Wikipedia for comparison: Another project I didn't manage to finish due to computer issues was a big colony ship (I need to build less ambitious spaceships). One idea, that worked at least to an extent, was to have habitation modules I could drop from orbit onto planets with an atmosphere. I would then also land a lander carrying a hab-module transport vehicle. The theory was sound and the prototype worked.
  11. Hotline Miami

    Just bought this off the sale on Steam. Boy howdy, after I got through the initial nausea (from the somehow extra unsettling violence and the general funky feeling) I started to blast through levels. Most levels devolved into frantic grabbing for guns and gunning down people in chokepoints. Sooner or later I'm going to have to go back and redo some levels with a stealthy approach.
  12. Banished - The Indie City Simulator

    Good grief that looks nice. The video hit me straight in the pleasure center and now my soul has a raging boner.
  13. Kerbal Space Program

    Yes, but not right away. Official FAQ: Q: If I've already bought the game on the KSPStore, can I switch over to Steam? A: The answer to that is Yes, but not right now. We are going to set up a system on our store where you'll be able to get a Steam key for KSP provided you already have purchased the game. However, we are still working on the exact details of this feature, so it'll likely be a while until that's set up. We'll of course let you know when that becomes available.
  14. Kerbal Space Program

    Hey, it's this thread again! So, some grand news. Kerbal Space Program is now available on Steam. I've edited the first post accordingly as well. Also, a new version was released recently. The two biggest updates are: 1) Electric rover wheels. No more giant landing gear equipped and RCS powered rovers or landing craft! 2) Re-entry effects. I must emphasize that only the visual effects were added to the game at this point. I tried re-entering a munar space craft at about 6.7 km/s, and there were no negative consequences. Only pretty flames. The first thing I did after updating was de-orbiting my space station. Pretty!
  15. SimCity: The City Simulator

    So in other words: they kick their customers in the nuts and then offer to sell them some painkillers. Brilliant! And the next logical step is to make the painkillers poisonous and then offer to sell them the antidote. And then the antidote carries some nasty disease, so they can offer to sell a cure... If such DLC was released, I would lose all respect for anyone who bought it.
  16. Space (Asshole) Station 13

    I played a bit SS13 a while ago. The crippling lag eventually drove me away, but I did enjoy it as long as I played it. I started out picking Janitor or Barkeep as my profession. Later I also tried playing as a hydroponics worker. I tried growing as hot chilis as possible, but due to a mutation they became "cold chilis". I then worked to make those as potent as possible, and eventually the extract from those plants would freeze anyone who drank it into a block of ice. There's a remake in the works. I haven't been following it, but it seems to be active.
  17. FTL

    I tried it a moment ago and even though trying to be a wizard forever sounds good, I can't say I really liked the game at first glance. It seemed a bit... spammy to me. I'll believe you if you tell me it gets better and more tactical once you get more spells etc.. The fast pace and lack of a pause button certainly contributed to the picture I got of it. This is going quite a bit off topic, but I must mention it. Magi, in turn, made me think of the hacking minigame in EYE: Divine Cybermancy. Magi has of course a lot more depth, as there's only 4 action in the EYE hacking game, but the idea is the same: bring down your opponents defence while keeping yours up, debuff the enemy and boost your own attack while also landing hits at the enemy.
  18. FTL

    I dislike the boss fight (especially the second part) very much. While the rest of the game allows varying playstyles, there doesn't seem to be many reasonable ways of beating that one. I absolutely rocked the whole game up to that point with my burst lasers and boarding parties. I didn't take many points of damage in the first phase of the boss either, but when I failed to destroy it in the second phase in two volleys, it spawned the "rocks fall, everyone dies" swarm of drones even though I had destroyed its drone system. It seems like a bullshit slap in the face to me. "Looks like the ship is routing power to drones", the game says. "I better disable the drones then", I think. "Oh you think disabling my drones will disable my drones? You wish. You lost the game".
  19. Easy game, beat it on the first try. Honest. Or the DLC ending while maintaining artistic integrity: Alternative ending
  20. Kerbal Space Program

    Friends... Thumbs... Countrymen. I return to you, bearing news of another KSP update, version 0.18. An update that brings not only the usual new parts, but also new essential gameplay mechanics and features. May I present to you... Docking! That's right. Now you can bring space station parts into orbit separately and assemble them in the peaceful and calm void of space. This enables people to build insanely large and/or mind boggling structures. The release was less than a day ago, so you can expect to see those crazy things on the internet... any second now. The new version also adds electrical energy, the way to generate and to store it. You can now build unmanned probes, but they require you to include a way to replenish its electrical energy. This can be done with solar panels or nuclear generators. There's also ion thrusters that use a little bit of propellant, but mainly just electrical energy. The thrust is so weak that there's no point in using them in anything but the smallest of crafts. Another notable feature are the "maneuver nodes". Basically what they do is allow you to plan burns beforehand (duration and direction of thrust) and to see the projected results of that maneuver. It is still up to you to execute that planned maneuver, so it's not an autopilot mode in any way. You can also set other objects, be they stellar bodies or other spacecraft, as targets, and the flight path projection will show the closest pass you will make with your target in the future. This makes planning rendezvous fortunately quite a bit easier. As the release of this version seemed imminent, I decided I needed an actual plan for what I was going to build in orbit. After a short amount of pondering, I decided I would try to recreate the now decommissioned Soviet/Russian space station MIR as a Kerbal equivalent. I was very pleased to find the information on the Wikipedia page on MIR, more notably the structure subtopic. I launched the Kir core module into a nearly circular 145 km high orbit. I then created a small craft to test out and practice docking. Thanks to the maneuver nodes, I managed to rendezvous pretty easily. The core module still has the orbital insertion fuel tanks and engine attached, but that will eventually be removed. After about 10-15 minutes of poking around with the docking holes (the sexual innuendo was anything but subtle) I came to the conclusion that my practice craft docking clamp was incompatible with the ones on the station. The maneuver did appear to be successful, though. This is as far as I've gotten now. After I've clicked "Add Reply", I will go right back to KSP and try to attach the second part of Kir, the Kvant-1 astrophysics module. Edit: Current progress: I've added the two Kvant- modules. Also docked is one of the delivery craft in case I need it for something. Delivering the Kvant-2 module was almost a disaster, and you will notice it is not neatly aligned with the space station axes. Immediately after I had docked it, the physics of the game went absolutely mental. The space station was literally doing cartwheels. Cartwheels, not barrel rolls. Only the Omnissiah kept the station intact as I was furiously trying to select the docking clamp to disconnect the delivery craft. By the time I got the station under control and switched to the disconnected craft, it was already over 50 km away (not the debris in the picture).
  21. Oblivion

    I may be the Champion of Cyrodiil, but that doesn't mean I have the right to touch an objectively worthless clay pitcher in the cheapest, smallest, shittiest inn in all of Tamriel and expect to NOT be thrown in jail. I've just fallen victim to the adventurer entitlement, thinking that saving an entire dimension from a daedric invasion would grant me such privileges.
  22. Idle Thumbs 77: Our Neighbor Scoops

    I felt disappointed as well. I was fully expecting a full load of hot scoops to be cast right into my awaiting face, but what I got was lukewarm at best.
  23. Idle Thumbs 76: The Three Antidotes

    I was driving a car when the whole "how am I driving?" discussion came up. It made me very conscious about it. How WAS I operating that complex piece of machinery with such ease? I really had to concentrate to remain at a steady speed.
  24. Prison Architect

    That "The CEO is constantly telling you that it's not your place to consider the rights or wrongs"- part made me wonder... If you DID take it upon yourself to place judgement upon the prisoners, how easy would it be to arrange the demise of someone, and with what kind of consequences? My Dwarf Fortress instincts kicked in immediately, and even without drowning chambers or access to magma, I bet there are ways of getting someone taken out. Like, placing that child rapist in the same cell with a huge, psychotic murderer with "accidentally misplaced" bladed tools nearby. (*) It might be early to speculate, but would it be possible for the player to create a horrible, vigilante justice prison, or would it result in a "game over" after your prisons "Safety rating" equivalent drops too low / funding gets cut / other failure criteria are met? (*) Also, can you see the background and crimes of the criminals at all, or are they just random faces and prisoner numbers?
  25. Prison Architect

    Never before has so little information about a game gotten me as excited as Prison Architect did. Literally after seeing only the announcement trailer I knew this would be a game I'll be extremely interested in. $30 is a bit much for me for an alpha, but I'll surely buy the game when it's done or closer to finished. Until then I trust you'll bring back stories and tell me exactly how amazing the game is.