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Posts posted by Lumpen

  1. Anyone know if 3MA has gone into any detail on Gal Civ 2?

    I want to know if I should go for the steam deal and whether galciv is something easy to learn and fun for coop MP (new being my g/f who tolerates Civ5 and Minecraft). I like what I hear from Rob about Sins for coop comp-stomps, but the learning curve will turn off my friends, is gal civ any better (cause it certainly is cheaper)?

  2. I'll repost my questions from the 3MA site episodes comments:

    I have a question about these expansions. Rebellion is a stand-alone? Is there any reason to buy the old Trinity and Rebellion? Are all the cool features from the old expansions included in Rebellion? Like warlords and beyond the sword fro Civ 4? Would I be missing anything by just buying Rebellion?

  3. A civ story you say... I think I told my usual on one of the 3MA comments sections on the old website so I'll go for an old MP civ5 story.

    I have one of those friends who is rather competitive and can beat me in any game and I introduced him to Civ5 (I gave him a steam key ;). Anyway, we were in an intense and rather balanced war with two fronts open. I had a perfectly placed city in a mountain pass which protected the rest of my main cities. I had an open border agreement which let me send troops around the mountains towards a city state ally to the south of my friends territory which he had started to attack. I was reinforcing the city state with artillery to hold off my friends attacks and we were basically at a stalemate. Unfortunately he had the tech lead and started to get aircraft. Then I had the great idea to sneak in from our maps arctic ocean and go straight for his coastal capital, so I started cranking out infantry and some naval escorts just in case he saw me. My plan was to bombard with my ships and send wave after wave of land units in direct amphibious assaults on his capital, so I could take it out in one turn and avoid ranged attacks (yeah, something was wrong with the plan). As I started to allocate new units to the landing party I lost my ally city state and my friends bombers were hammering my mountain fortress city which would't hold much longer. I spaced out all my units in the ocean around his capital just out of visual range so I could surprise him with the landing in a single turn. On the big turn, the naval bombardment went well, all ships got bombards off before he started to retalliate with ranged attacks. Once the ranged attacks finished, I sent in the amphibious assault. To my horror, the first unit I sent did not suicide attack as I expected and instead just plugged up the landing zone after doing little damage to the city. I must have been thinking of Civ4 where amphious assaults were a death sentence for the unit and units could stack. Naturally his capital only had access from two coastal hexes and he had finished his ranged attacks and he wasn't stupid enough to clear the lane for me by finishing off my weak unit. The next turn he picked my landing party to pieces with his ranged attacks and shortly after he broke through my mountain pass and I capitulated.