
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Codicier

  1. FTL

    Anyone got any tips for the Rock Cruiser? i'm having real trouble with the combination of ammo limited weapons and slow as hell crew.
  2. anime

    For a moment i was thinking what about Franz in Gankutsuou, but of course the tragedy of that whole character was the audience could see he had feelings for someone but he couldn't/wouldn't articulate them.
  3. The big thing to remember is that this is a game which has a quite mature meta game. Perhaps following Osmosisch's lead and watching a good streamer play might be a good idea. Seeing someone talk about their choices when drafting or playing can be a hugely useful thing. On a separate note I've found I've been only playing on the ipad only since the release, it really feels like the natural format for the game.
  4. FTL

    the remarkable thing about this is its about half way through sector 6. i've got another sector & a half to refine it. I think the general advice to junk the pike is sound. I'm writing this from a store just 1 jump on I sold the pike and the Intruder and bought enough power for the 4th weapon and a zoltan crew member. Will keep the rest and see what the final sector & 1/2 offers up and optimise for burst potential from there update dead flagship with 0 dmg taken, man that was the most utterly one sided boss fight I've ever had.
  5. FTL

    I think I'm spoilt for choice here , any opinions thumbs?
  6. Life

    I just had a really strangely depressing night out Went out with three of my closest friend, normally they are guys who I can feel comfortable around and enjoy my time with even if I'm not particularly enthused by whichever establishment we have decided to visit . But tonight something in me just snapped as we we're sitting in a bar, I went from a little bored but enjoying seeing my friends, to being unable to stand being out for a second more. So I said my goodbyes and went home. Idk I mean, I know I don't particularly like my home town, but it's something I thought I'd made my peace with in exchange for taking a shot at doing some work I care about by move home to minimise my outgoings. But I feel at times if it's wearing me down, dating feels impossible, and the place is culturally dead. Things like this happen all the time where I am, not often from my friends but from their friends & it always leaves me with worrying are my friends just behaving I front of me because they know I've called them on it in the past. There one particular friend of a friend who insists on using the N word, who I've almost come to blows with a couple of times (which wouldn't work out well for me since he's built like a brick shit house). It just frustrates me deeply that my friends who I feel are good people tolerate this stuff .
  7. Are you still getting that discon mington? they were having some big problems with EU battlenet earlier this week, i haven't seen that error myself but got a good half dozen random variety's of disconnect or freeze during those few days, but it seems fine now. While I agree that the basic cards offer some very solid agro possibilities if you want to go control its pretty much go epic/legendary or go home. Interesting that you mention Croc, it really didn't get much play until recently with the rise to viability of hunter decks with explosive trap. Currently the meta game basically tells you if you drop a creature turn 2, it had better have toughness three or its going to be dead 1st time it attacks. I agree on the anti weapon stuff to a extent, playing at least 1 ooze does feel mandatory at times. The best way to play around them is to get ahead of the toughness curve, if you can get a mob to just +1 toughness more than the weapons attack power they suddenly become a lot less effective.
  8. Just hit rank 10 with my Mage deck and feeling pretty happy about it as a metagame choice (but also a bit annoyed i had to start late this month so prob wont be able to get much higher), although from past experience this is the point where the REAL bastards start popping up. decks positively glowing orange with legendaries. How's everyone else doing atm? any decks people are having problems vs? personally finding warrior control a extremely easy deck to misplay against, since it can bust damage in so many different ways.
  9. Movie/TV recommendations

    Just watched Man of Steel and enjoyed it more than i was expecting to considering all the bad press it's got, think the key is to just think of it as a silly alien invasion film like Independence Day rather than expect anything too closely resembling character development.
  10. combine those card ranking along with a decent curve for you deck & you shouldn't go far wrong. For people 1st stepping into building decks there are 2 things worth remembering 1. There will be people out there who just have better cards, and they will beat you sometimes even when you play well. You have to accept this and build your decks accordingly. 2. Agro is often the most affective playstyle for cheap decks because it relys on cheap creatures and most of the overpowered and expensive cards like legendaries are at the upper end of the power curve. There is currently a format of competitive Hearthstone called "Limited" which bans the use of rares and legendaries. A site called managrind run a weekly tournament for it every wednesday and the weekly top 8 decklists you can find on the net are a good starting point if you need a idea of what a cheap but powerfull deck looks like Here for example is a very competitive hunter deck from this weeks north american tourney Managrind's Wednesday Limited Swiss NA 11 - Geistwraith 1 x Savannah Highmane 2 x Hunter's Mark 2 x Stonetusk Boar 2 x Timber Wolf 1 x Freezing Trap 2 x Starving Buzzard 2 x Tracking 2 x Houndmaster 1 x Deadly Shot 2 x Scavenging Hyena 2 x Unleash the Hounds 2 x Explosive Trap 2 x Eaglehorn Bow 2 x Kill Command 1 x Ironbeak Owl 2 x Animal Companion 2 x Flare Sidenote: Flares presence there is a great example of a card which is a pure meta-game choice. There are alot of strong hunter decks around atm so it makes sense in a way it would not when another deck ruled the roost
  11. You guys might want to have a quick read through of this article It's a really solid breakdown of the basic elements that make up a good deck. Of course the kicker is now that a good deck can easily still loose most of the time if it's in the wrong place in the meta game
  12. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I went onto Origin to reset my password as part of my post heartbleed tidy up & found out they have a few things on sale atm. in particular of interest was I know they have patched out the always online requirement now, and I'm wondering as someone who enjoyed the reboot up to a point is this worth giving a shot?
  13. Ok first big tip i can offer to you is simply know what playstyle you feel relaxed with, because you will make less mistakes when your not fighting your natural instincts there are two prime archetypes Argo and Control. Agro: Attacking your opponent forcing him to make mistakes or loose Control: Sitting back using your cards to counter your opponents threats Decide which you think suits you & look at what Deleric wrote earlier, agro decks should be early-mid game focused, with control mid-late game. Practice with all the classes until you've unlocked the basic cards, and beaten every expert AI (you will get some free gold for doing so) Not only will this give you a good understanding of what classes you like but you should unlock 2-3, which will give you around 300 gold. You should then run arena, here's a couple of good general guides to card strengths in the format Hopefully after a few arena runs you will feel like you know which decks your most comfortable with & what sort of card pool you have. At that point we can probably give you a few more specific tips
  14. Idle Thumbs Spot The Difference

    number 2: edit: nvm Hermie already spotted that one for some reason when i finished i only checked dibs.
  15. FTL

    I've been doing a little research to find out if transferring your profile (unlocked ships etc), from the pc version to the ipad is possible & it seems that it is. however I'm still cautious since i've never messed around with altering stuff on a ipad so wondered if anyone here has tried it & can confirm it worked for them or not?
  16. anime

    Scrapped Princess remains one of my favourite anime, I'm not sure how well it would stand up to viewing it right now but I remember it's as one of the first shows I watched where the moment you thought you could just boil down the characters to one trope or another they would do something that broke you expectations. You might want to try Sorcerer Hunters if you looking for pure silly fantasy genre trash. Possibly Those Who Hunt Elves as well, although that is more humour.Also Ping Pong doesn't appear to be on the UK cr site either, so perhaps they just don't have rites to do a English language subs version.
  17. tnx for that more comprehensive list Sno On a different but related note: I have a old Samsung NC-10 Netbook laptop which has served me well as a back up / away from home, basic work machine the past few years, the problem is that it runs win XP. With Microsoft finally having stopped support for XP and with so much crap going on with heartbleed I'm feeling its not a time for having a vulnerable system which means its also time for a new OS. so... Can anyone suggest a version of Linux that offers a good stable, and secure OS alternative for a low power machine like my ageing Netbook? and which can be installed from a USB flash drive with only a medium level of IT literacy.
  18. BBC have a nice little summary of who's patched/not patched for anyone wondering which sites its safe to change passwords on yet.
  19. After hearing the various exploits of the hat mafia from the thumbs on various episodes the fact that steam is among the list make's me worried. Just a quick question for SAM (or anyone else who knows) regarding lastpass and similar things, are the randomly generated passwords hidden from the end user? or would i be able to get my pen & paper out note down the generated password and lock them away somewhere irl if I so chose to? uh oh guys, bad news! Edit: is scaring the hell out of me >_< big old list i found during my subsequent freak out
  20. FTL

    I have been playing FTL as my break game for the past couple of days. The advanced edition has really been a nice surprise, it wasn't expecting that much from it but it's rounded off some of the jagged edges of the experience while still maintaining the tension. I always seem to go for the maximum amount of lasers combined with a missile system or a beam that I can switch between by powering one on or off. I intend to use the missiles to take out Shields early on, then switched to the beam to inflict lots of damage, Managed to hit sector seven on normal this way which I was pretty happy about.
  21. anime

    Thing is I kinda sympathise with this viewpoint. AoT hits every single cliche without a shred of self awareness, & the characters are pretty much universally unsympathetic. The only saving grace it possess is the "3D combat", where the squads zoom about like a bunch medieval Spidermen. Not to mention the way It un-ironically uses freeze frames like they are going out of fashion is a crime against production values. Add to that as I've said before it's one of the most gratuitously violent series that I've ever seen, far worse than even something like Berserk that at least has a coherent philosophy behind it. This is violence done because it looks cool, nothing more. I don't think it's even doing the whole dramatic plot twist thing some have championed it for particularly well.
  22. anime

    & meaningful?
  23. anime

    Argh Funimation grabbing something means reliance on subs. I just watched on a whim while browsing the CR site, really wasn't expecting much at all but actually really enjoyed the episode. It had a nice pace to it, the art though nothing special stylistically was fine, it had some good slapstick timing, a few smart winks to the camera. Too early to see if it can maintain that energy or gets dragged down into a lore mire, but considering I went in with zero expectations I was more than pleasantly surprised.
  24. anime

    Looking forward to Ping Pong myself, any idea who (if anyone) is going to be streaming that in the uk?Think I might give JoJo a go, it looks silly and being one season behind the curve means If I don't watch too fast it should last me a while.
  25. anime

    So apart from Mushshi what are we watching this season?