
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Greg4cr

  1. I think people should read whatever the hell they feel like reading.

    I probably read "adult" books most of the time, but I also love the Harry Potter books and thoroughly enjoyed Hunger Games. Haven't read Twilight, and never will - but I don't necessarily hold it against people for liking these kind of things.

    I think you need a mix. I love reading books that challenge me, or make me think, or present complex, rich worlds. Sometimes, though, I just want a fun ride.

  2. I loved the Leisure Suit Larry games when I was younger, but.. do they hold up now? Not sure if I'll find them as hilarious as I did when I was younger.

    Jane Jensen, on the other hand.. I might have to buy into that one. Argh, I need to stop blowing all of my cash on these Kickstarters. :shifty:

  3. Hi, I'm another long-time reader. Been meaning to sign up for some time, but the Kickstarter finally gave me that kick in the butt.

    I'm a (somewhat retired) game journalist - most of my work was as an editor on 4 color rebellion and a news writer stint for The Escapist. These days, I'm neck deep in work on a Computer Science PhD. Yay.