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Everything posted by thainatos

  1. Toky Jungle 2012.
  2. Far Cry 2

    Been replaying this again. The fast and low speech really works. Makes me want to listen to what people are saying, whereas, in most games, I'm waiting for someone to stop talking so I can go do something.
  3. Torchlight II

    I'm putting this off because I don't want to feel guilty for playing another RPG after I just paid $60 for Guild Wars 2. I hope its worth the wait. I really liked the podcast with Max Schaefer that Idle Thumbs did a while back.
  4. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Yeah, I think the only JRPG I've ever finished was FF6. Though I loved FF12, it got to be too much of a grind after something like level 30. Some people can just walk through that game without a problem, but stacking status effects and whatnot always seemed really unintuitive to me. The judges were a brilliant touch though. And I agree with the above that Xenosaga was embarassing.
  5. Episode 184: Best-Case Scenario

    I'd love to know the title of the book of battle maps that you referred to.
  6. Steam Greenlight

    Frankly, I prefer buying games through the developer. I bought La Mulana and Lone Survivor and The Witcher 2 that way, and it's not exactly a headache to not have to launch a front-end platform to get them running. The option exists to create a shortcut to any game in your Steam library though, if you're really into that sort of thing. I think Remo mentioned this in a podcast at some point. Also, everyone should buy La Mulana.
  7. Guild Wars 2

    I've been meh about the progression so far, and been enjoying the exploration.
  8. Guild Wars 2

    I'm thainatos.3528 if anyone wants to add me.
  9. I was curious about this as well and realized that I would never use a female avatar in Day Z because of all the horrible things people on the internet will do.
  10. Sleeping Dogs

    When it rains, this game is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
  11. PS Vita

    I'm super pumped for Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper on the Vita. Also Soul Sacrifice and Ragnarok Odyssey, but those are probably kind of niche.
  12. PS Vita

    So the Vita's getting PS1 games on Aug 28th, and Tearaway looks FABULOUS. Check it out: Also, Sony wants the Vita to be the Wii U? Ok...
  13. PS Vita

    I got my Vita 3 weeks ago for $240 on ebay with a 32gb card, and already feel like I got my money's worth out of it. The OLED screen is a thing of beauty. Mutant Blobs Attack is amazing. I'm weirdly interested in collecting trophies now, when I couldn't be bothered on the 360 and PS3. Mortal Kombat is solid, and Shinobido 2 is the sequel to Tenchu I've always wanted. The minis store is really exciting. I've purchased six of them, and they're all brilliant. I've barely scratched the surface of the PSP store, but The 3rd Birthday is weird and awesome. Can't wait for AC: Liberation. Anyone else own a Vita? What are you looking forward to? PS: I will say that the back touch panel thing is a little ridiculous. Sony probably thought they had to one-up the DS in some weird way.
  14. Down in the Zone (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)

    Installing STALKER for the umpteenth time, so I can try my hand at this.
  15. The Walking Dead

    The Girlfriend and I just finished Episode 2 last night. Liked the first one more. Seemed like an intense and personal journey, while Episode 2 was more of a horror throwback.
  16. Odd quotes that stick

    A lot of WH Auden. One bit in particular: "I cannot remember a thing between noon and three." Also, Sly from Anachranox: "I'll handle this lightly and politely." That guy's VO was amazing.
  17. Steam Summer Sale 2012

    I'd recommend Dark Messiah if you're at all interested in Dishonored. It has its faults, but its still very lovable.
  18. Yager's Spec Ops: The Line

    This game. Phew. I know that it was marketed as an in-your-face, THE-HORROR-OF-WAR game, but if you're going to make a game about the horror of war this is how you do it. I was seriously impressed with the sandstorm firefights. The stuff that seems silly and Army-of-Two-ish at the beginning turns truly brutal by the end of the game, to the point where I was wincing at my monitor at melee executions. And the script was spot-on. It begins as a parody and morphs into something really grim. I would recommend Spec Ops The Line to fans of Metro 2033 and people who enjoyed Gears of War but thought it was trite and broseph-y.
  19. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I am broke, and so must also resist DoW2. I keep telling myself it isn't worth putting up with GFWL. Am I wrong?
  20. "I'm smarter than you!" This was hilarious.
  21. Diablo III

    Found some sweet, sweet gloves today, got the mobile authenticator, and now I wait.
  22. Books, books, books...

    Martian Chronicles was my first as well, but my heart belongs to The Halloween Tree. Reading either can make me feel the beauty of literature in my bones.
  23. Books, books, books...

    I've found this to be the case as well, but I've also found that some audiobooks lend themselves well to several listenings. I started The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, based on Chris' tweets. Not sure where it's going yet, but I like David Mitchell's writing.
  24. Anathem

    Recently, I've been re-reading Neal Stephenson's beginner course on logic, and it somehow reminds me of Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which Famous holds so dear. It also feels like a follow-up to Cryptonomicon. It is a good book, and a great relief to read after being mostly disappointed with Reamde, which was more of a rip-roaring, rollicking ride. Any other Stephenson fans? Anyone have a clue about what he's working on now? Also, I tried to have a conversation with one of my peers about the idea of polycosmic quantum entanglement, but I ended up just stuttering something about pink, nerve-gas-farting dragons. Oh well.