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Everything posted by thainatos

  1. Necropolis

    I really like this game. The breadth of content is not something you would expect to find in, say, Diablo or Dark Souls, but it does have mechanical depth. It doesn't explain all of its content - instead it says, "try this and see what happens." Fans of Spelunky might find a lot to love here, as will fans of Ron Gilbert-esque humor.
  2. Recently completed video games

    Just bought and beat Toren in a few hours. Really charming Brazilian game that reminds me of a N64/Xbox360 action platformer. It's got some jank, but the atmosphere and writing and art direction are very cool. Definitely recommend picking it up during the Steam Sale. Here's a link, in case you're interested:
  3. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention all the UI updates they released in the past year make everything inventory related 100x less cumbersome. Don't forget to hold Start to quickly access the map. I really liked the monster quests. The hunting and detective work is a little rote, but I enjoy all the little things leading to a big payoff and then I get a trophy. The thing that does it for me is the depth of characterization and the feel of a lived-in world. I never finished the first game, but I instantly felt that Geralt and Regis had an interesting history. I liked how Geralt wryly tells they've met before. I like the overdone pomp and circumstance of everything in or related to Toussaint. It's just a marvelously fleshed-out experience on every level. Maybe my favorite game. Definitely top five, at least.
  4. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Just finished Blood & Wine. They really turn it around towards the second half of that DLC. I will miss Geralt and his friends.
  5. E3 2016: Content Experience

    Is it just me... Or does Sony seem like the only company that isn't pretending like they exist in a bubble?
  6. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Completed HoS. Some great characters in there. About 15-20 hours into B&W and its sprawling, yeah, but I'm not as invested in the different factions.
  7. Idle Thumbs Streams

    I'm off on Thursday and Friday. So I will be available to watch those days. Just saying.
  8. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    This game is so good. Playing through Hearts of Stone now, and it's very charming.
  9. The Big VR Thread Google announced a new VR thing. Only works with phones that are coming out in the fall. Just in time for an upgrade for me.
  10. I DID IT! FUCK THAT GUY! Losing my cool starts around 26:00. Victory lap starts around 28:00.
  11. What happened to Sean on Idle Thumbs?

    Yo Sean we miss you bro. Best thoughts and wishes.
  12. Tried streaming a second attempt but was unsuccessful. I've gotta say: Nick really makes this drunk streaming thing look easy.
  13. That's ridiculous. Part of me thinks I should just put some levels into HP and then sword and board it, but then there's the Nick Bredon part of me that says that's what a baby would do.
  14. [DEVLOG] Change the Name to Game

    I love this. I look forward to the 49 other games that will be released with it on a compact disc at my local Staples.
  15. DOOM

    Solid tags. Game looks like good proper DOOM fun. My only complaint is regarding the enemy design. The monsters just aren't very intimidating, are they?
  16. A record of my failed attempts: Dark Blade is useful, but I can't get the timing right. I noticed that it one-shotted the clone ONCE, but every other time it took two. I was getting a little upset there at the end, so I cut it short.
  17. I'm playing a sorcerer, and I have zero melee weapons worth a damn. I could maybe Deep Soul and Affinity him, but dodging and keeping away from his clone is TOUGH.
  18. That Vordt illustration. So good. Edit: see previous page. As far as difficulty goes, seems like there are parts you can walk through and parts where you need to Git Gud. Never hit a wall like Pontiff Sulyvahn though, except when I fought Ornstein and Smough. Eff that guy.
  19. Clint Hocking

    In case you missed it, Clint Hocking left Valve a while ago and rejoined his old confederates at Ubisoft Montreal. I'm sure they're working on something fabulous, but this has nothing to do with that. In this video, he and Mathieu Berube sit down to play through the Panamanian bank level created for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
  20. I just wanna hear Jake say Mein Conf Grenade.
  21. Campo Santo sent its PR stiffs to Giant Bomb so they could finally answer the ultimate question.
  22. Really enjoying Idle Weekend. I sometimes disagree with Rob or Danielle's ideas but it's always a pleasure to hear them articulated. Also it's a great source of discovery. I had no idea who William Buckley was!
  23. Spacebase! After JP LeBreton announced on twitter that he and Chris were working on something together and it would be announced today I was excited. Now I know it's set in space and all my dreams have come true.
  24. Great first episode. Can't wait for next weekend. I strongly identify with playing games while in a rut--they've helped me through some rough times. KG wrote an article about this back in the day: He has this to say about games vs. music/tv/film during depression: "Fundamentally, as long as it is, as distracting as it is, as all-consuming as it is… it ends. You complete it, look up at the sun and realise you have to do something else."
  25. I agree, and it hit me hard in this episode. Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but, with the other Chinatown vibes in this episode/series, I'm suspecting she'll be part of some grand revelation. So far, I'm digging this season and thinking that maybe the pedestal for the first season is a little too high. It definitely also had bloated and pointless segments but was held together by the individual gravity of the actors.