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Posts posted by DarthEnderX

  1. Man, that email about the toilet water behind the mask has me imagining a Mario level where there's a Phanto on the wall, and when you pick up the key and he starts to chase you, water comes pouring into the room from behind where he was, and in order to escape the room, you have to swim around holding the key avoiding the Phanto until the room fills up with water enough for you to escape through the roof.


    Too bad a bunch of those things aren't in Mario Maker.

  2. On the subject of King's Quest and what it means and whatnot, I don't know much about the new upcoming game, but the original King's Quest was about the King sending you, one of his knights to reclaim 3 stolen treasures of the kingdom.  Which, upon your return, he makes you the King and then promptly dies.


    And one of the treasures was held by a dragon.  So I'm curious if maybe the new game isn't some kind of retelling of the first King's Quest game.


    The thing I always liked most about that game was how the manual for it actually had this really long(for a game manual) story that described, like, the entire life of the King and how he kept fucking up and losing each of the kingdom's treasures.  And how, in the end, he basically has to turn to you to fix his mistakes.


    He's quite the tragic character, this titular King of King's Quest.



  3. Haha, loved the Batman eye makeup discussion. I like how in the movie Kick-Ass the Big Daddy and Red Mist characters still have their eye makeup when their masks are off. They even show Nicolas Cage putting on the makeup while he's suiting up. You can see it

    around 0:54.

    I was thinking about that exact same thing during this discussion.


    Before seeing that movie, I never even noticed that the Batmans were always wearing that makeup.  Now I can't not see it.


    Fitting, since Nick Cage is basically doing an Adam West imitation in that movie.

  4. I would imagine that the reason they have the platform names in the actual titles is so they can be distinguished when they're in lists or databases where you won't see the cover and the platform may not be immediately apparent.

    Exactly this.


    After numbers as letters, this should be the new trend.

    -Super Castlevania for Super Nintendo

    -Resident Evil for Gamecube

    -Tekken for Playstation too

    -The Elder Scrolls for PC Oblivion

    -Uncharted for Playstation for

    Street Fighter too.

  5. I think, after having thought for a while, that the sticking point for me is not that someone's reproducing art that is espouses offensive ideas, but that someone gets to make money off of it for the sole reason that it is offensive.

    That sort of implies that the ONLY reason anyone would ever watch something like Song of the South would be to see the racism.


    There are other things going on in the movie, and other reasons a person might watch it.  So it's somewhat impossible to judgeif the "sole reason" you'd make money off it is that it's offensive or not.



    I think the obvious solution is to use profits to support charities, particularity educational funding for low income people.

    Ideally yes.  But the simple fact of the matter is that corporations are motivated by what makes them money.  If they aren't going to make money off of something, they'll generally simply not do it instead.


    You might convince them to split profits with charity, but all profits to charity just means they won't bother.

  6. I don't really agree with the notion of "Should the really be reproducing that in this day and age though?"


    Like I've said before, I'm of the opinion that all art, even offensive art, deserves to exist.


    If you whitewash over everything that doesn't seem appropriate by today's standards, then, in 50 years, when what's considered appropriate will be completely different from what it is today, everything we do now will get whitewashed from history in the future as well.


    I think preserving history is important, even the unpleasant parts.  And the idea that we shouldn't because "Well, someone might see that and agree with it.", as if someone would happen across some 50 year old movie and be introduced to the concept of racism by it and suddenly think "Well, that seems just fine to me." is kinda ridiculous.  As though we can remove racism from the world by hiding all previous examples of it.


    Anyone who identifies with weird ol' timey racism was PROBABLY already racist to begin with.

  7. So are none of the Idle Thumbs guys aware that there is a new Bugs Bunny show currently running on television now?


    Granted, it's nothing like the old cartoons(it's actually like this weirdly mundane sit-com, and what little

    there is, is generally portrayed as taking place inside a character's head), but it doesn't really play into that image that they think the character represents currently either.

  8. Though it might be bad for discourse, the ability to express a less-than-popular sentiment without attaching it to one's public persona is valuable in situations where the subject of debate impassions to the point that people might draw negative conclusions about a person's character based on a single argument. And that guy definitely was talking a lot of shit that would be reputation destroying here.

    I doubt he really cares.  He made a separate account to say something he thought might get him banned, and it totally did, but he still got to say what he wanted.  So it pretty much did exactly what he intended it to.

  9. In an old cartoon, Dragon Warrior (a.k.a Dragon Quest in Japan)

    I loved that cartoon as a kid.  It sucked that they never brought more than 13 episodes to America.  I kept hoping each time they got to Najima Tower that there'd be a new episode the next week, but nope.  Back to the start...

    That attitude displays such a profound inability to empathize with others. The option to not get involved is a luxury that is only available to those who are not directly affected by an issue. 

    And I completely agree with that.  I am in NO WAY suggesting that that sort of inaction is okay, or that that reasoning excuses that behavior.


    I'm simply arguing against Merus' stated reasoning for why people do it.  I don't think the cause is the same thing he does.

  10. Yeah, I'm done with you.  You're basically down to strawmanning and negation, and I have a book to read and a bed that's calling me. Besides, there's someone far more interesting over here.

    If you really want me to give your argument more of a response then I thought it warrented, then fine.


    Moreover, it's the same initial assumption, the same programming, responsible for both 'Game of Thrones is gritty and realistic, it's probably fine we see lots of boobs and not many dicks' and 'it's probably fine that he's taking her home while she's barely able to walk'. It is an underlying assumption of our culture that leaks out in a thousand ways.

    I think that your assertion that "what would cause a person who is fundamentally against date-rape to allow one to occur" is a result of some sort of ingrained societal misogyny can be far more easily explained as a simple desire to avoid confrontation.


    Lots of people don't speak out against things that bother them, not because society has convinced them that it's okay, but because they don't wish to be involved in the resulting conflict.

  11. rather than pouncing on the first thing you read. 

    Given that I made other responses to other parts of his post, I think it should be fairly obvious that that's not what I did.

    I suggest you take his post in holistically

    *sigh* now I have to Google holistically.

    Especially as a new poster

    I'm not new.  I made a post in April.  It was about South Park or something...


    >_< I..I..was trying to be funny...

    And you succeeded.  But a thorough explanation of the joke will only increase people's enjoyment of it.

  12. Good thing I'm not making that argument! I think it's a pretty safe assumption that you're not, in principle, a-okay with date-rape. But there's a very big difference between opposition to date rape and actually expressing that opposition in the small window of opportunity you'd have to prevent it

    So your argument isn't "Liking boobs on TV means you approve of daterape", it's just "Liking boobs on TV means you'd probably let a women get dateraped".


    Glad we cleared that up.

    Yet when it happens no-one in a very crowded room manages to notice a woman falling unconscious and being dragged out by a guy. That seems like a pretty big oversight, don't you think?

    I certainly do.  I also don't think that has a single thing to do with what I was talking about.


    Moreover, it's the same initial assumption, the same programming, responsible for both 'Game of Thrones is gritty and realistic, it's probably fine we see lots of boobs and not many dicks' and 'it's probably fine that he's taking her home while she's barely able to walk'.

    I disagree.

  13. You're not really helping your case as an informed and aware viewer of media here.

    I guess it's a good thing I'm not making that case then.


    I'm a stupid manchild that likes dumb, sexualized content.  Explosions are pretty good too.


    So we're at the ridiculous situation where it's apparently easier for women to wear special nail polish that changes colour when there's a date-rape drug in their drink than it is for one of the hundreds of people in the bar to shout 'hey, that fucker's drugged that woman!'. So when you say that 'everything has a right to exist' you're also prioritising the freedom of the most awful people to do and say what they want over the freedom of their victims to live safely.

    That's quite the slippery slope there to imply that because I like boobies on TV, I'm also a-ok with date-rape.


    And for the record, I DO think the most awful people have the right to say what they want.  A creator of a work should be allowed to put anything they want into that work.


    But they definitely don't have the right to do what they want.  And I think it's dumb to imply that support of the one equals support of the other.


    A person can make a video of shooting puppies out of cannons to be enjoyed by other fans of shooting puppies out of cannons, as long as they don't shoot any actual puppies out of cannons.

  14. As for the run-down-a-woman-with-a-train achievement, as horrible as that is, it is another Western trope. 

    You'd be hard-pressed though to find an instance of that trope where the woman was ever actually hit by the train.  It's generally a woman being rescued from being hit by a train.  The achievement is pretty much the opposite of the trope.

    The issue i have with the complains about Game of Thrones sexism, is that the sexism is historically accurate and I feel its being portrayed in a way that makes people uncomfortable. 

    I don't really think that "historically accurate" means anything in a fantasy setting.  There's no history that Martin is trying to accurately portray.  It's a made up world that obeys whatever societal norms he creates for it.  So historical accuracy doesn't really give it a pass in that instance.


    Though, again, I don't think sexism requires a pass in the first place.  If that's what the creator wants to do, let them do it.  And let the audience decide if it's for them or not.

  15. Have you looked for it?

    What am I gonna do, Google "opinions on nudity in Game of Thrones"?  That seems like the kind of overly granular search someone undertake only if they were expressly looking to get into an argument.


    I generally just go find the Game of Thrones thread in whatever communities I'm involved in and read what people think.


    These aren't obscure tumblrs:

    All tumblrs are obscure tumblrs to someone that doesn't use tumblr.


    Also, as somebody who likes some dumb/ignorant shit, it's also possible to be aware and critical of the things you like. 

    Again, fully aware that it's dumb/ignorant.  Still think it's okay that it exists.

  16. How have you never heard of people complaining about sexposition

    *shrug* I've only ever heard it referred to as a positive.


    Like, one of the core third-wave feminist arguments is that people deliberately do not listen when sexism is pointed out to them

    Who says it's not sexist?  It's clearly sexist.  But just because it's sexist doesn't mean it shouldn't be made.  Everything has it's fans.  And those fans have the right to be able to enjoy that thing.


    It's a billion-dollar industry that appears in museums and inspires films and television and books and comedy routines and literally the last thing holding it back are 'gamers' and the idea that games are for teenage boys and not for everyone everywhere.

    But that's just it.  Some games ARE for teenage boys(or manbabies with the mentality of teenage boys).  Just like there are movies for teenage boys, and TV shows for teenage, and books for teenage boys.  And yet nobody thinks of those mediums in their entirely as "for teenage boys".


    And the genre of video games has tons of stuff that's not "for teenage boys" these days.  There's no reason that people shouldn't be able to make stuff for teenage boys just because of how it "effects the perception of the medium".  Teenage boys(and manbabies with the mentalities of teenage boys) need games too.

  17. I dunno.  On the subject of social justice warriors, I think there are real issues that deserve to be railed against.  But I'm genuinely tired of the outcry that seems to occur every time a game sexualizes any of it's female characters these days.  It feels like, for some reason, this is only an issue in video games.


    Like, one of the most popular shows on TV right now is Game of Thrones, and I never hear anybody complain about all the naked titties on that show.  In fact, it seems to be considered one of the things people seem to like about the show.


    TV, movies, comics, fashion etc, this generally seems to be accepted, but in video games, when it happens there seems to be a distinct "this is degrading, and it shouldn't exist" sentiment.  In fact, I remember back when Dragon's Crown was coming out, one of the regulars on Gamespot's podcast literally had the opinion of "why does this even exist, we should be past this".  Which is an attitude I find really offensive coming from a person who job it is to review games.


    I can understand the "I find this offensive, I don't like this" attitude to be fine, but when is becomes "this shouldn't exist" it REALLY bothers me.  I think everything has a right to exist.  Everything has an audience.  And the "I like sexy ladies in my games" is a pretty sizable one.  And I realize that makes us a bunch of gross doofuses, but to say that it's wrong for people to be making the thing we like is...well...I find THAT offensive.


    People like dumb shit.  And people who like dumb shit should be able to make dumb shit for other people that like dumb shit.

  18. I think for me the most obvious example of this effect of South Park is the "red heads" thing.


    I'd never in my life heard the term "ginger" used as a pejorative or even ever heard anyone be prejudiced against red heads before.


    But after that episode all of a sudden I see that shit pop up everywhere.  I'll be at the community college and hear teenagers use that stuff without any hint of irony.


    It's as if South Park had managed to invent a completely new type of racism.



    But I don't for an instant blame South Park for that.  I blame the idiots that watch it, see the character on the show that's specifically designed to be a shitty person being as shitty as possible, and think that that's something that would be a good idea to emulate.


    I refuse to blame a medium for the inability of the people who consume it to be to handle it like rational human beings.