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Posts posted by Afterward

  1. Now that's not entirely fair, as it's a password you wouldn't normally enter anyway, and caused the *original NES Metroid* to crash.

    The GSW article makes it sound like this is weird password censorship along the lines of Animal Crossing townsfolk rejecting the word "chump" as a catchphrase, but surely the NES version didn't have any kind of sophisticated Cuss Detector. Is there just something about how this password is interpreted qua password that crashes the game?

  2. I can't decide... I almost want to say I'd prefer that 1.8 be delayed so they can fit in more of what the "Adventure Update" is supposed to be, since pushing ahead for a release this week probably means more features will end up in 1.9/1.8.1.

    On the other hand I always want a Minecraft update, all the time.