
The E3 Retrospectapalooza

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I predict that almost everything will get "leaked" or revealed before E3 as why the hell would you announce your game at the same time as everyone else guaranteeing you only receive a tiny sliver of the limelight


Case in point

New Bethesda free to play game: Battlecry is Bethesda’s take on Team Fortress envisioned by Half-Life 2 and Dishonored designer Viktor Antonov (Dishonored 2 will get shown at one of the conferences innit)


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Ubisoft will tease Beyond Good & Evil 3

More accurately, they'll tease BG&E2 and then a week later state that they're currently not working on BG&E2.




God no one is going to get that joke :getmecoat


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Which company will announce a WoW killer, which will be a WoW clone and fail horribly, The anticipation is killing me.


Other than that I expect a bunch of overdone AAA shooters (New Killzone, new COD, new Battlefield, new MOH etc). More F2P games from EA and perhaps one trailer for a game that looks cool but gets totally ruined or was misrepresented (Watch_Dogs 2.0)

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Announcing Star Wars: Clone Management, the last Lords Management game you will ever need.

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Kinda intrigued to see how Sony and Microsoft are gonna play it this year after 2013's pre-next-current gen faceoff.

I guess each of the three console co's would like to hit the mix of humility, sincerity and humor that Sony bottled for '13. Circumstances are different now.

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I think it's pretty obvious how Microsoft will tackle the elephant in the auditorium. Phil Spencer will come out and be humble, talk about games, players' choice, show off Call of Duty, Halo, maybe whatever Bioware's working on, and call it a day. Spencer has to somehow manage to be everything Don Mattrick wasn't. They will still undoubtedly do something really, really stupid. Like, wabam-level stupid.

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They will still undoubtedly do something really, really stupid. Like, wabam-level stupid.

"We will be shutting down online services for all XBox 360 consoles in 3... 2... 1... Gone."

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(Watch_Dogs 2.0)

That's going to happen, isn't it. Two point O. *sigh*

Harmonix should acknowledge the Kinectless SKU with a joke. Someone needs to - it's not going to be Microsoft.


Announcing Star Wars: Clone Management, the last Lords Management game you will ever need.

I'm betting on Star Wars: Canon Management, a meta mobile experience where you assume the role of an up-and-coming hotshot director charged with integrating the Expanded Universe into Episodes VII, VIII, and IX.

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All games will be announced for 2015, then delayed until 2016

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Everything announced before E3. At 2pm today Mortal Kombat 10, Homefront 2 and Forza Horizan 2 got announced



look like its gone a little bit medieval, a mostly new rooster would be good. Game of Kombat. Kombat of Thrones. Mortal Thrones of Kombat


(actually that would be really fucking good if they got Jaime Lannister in a MK game :P)

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Quite excited by Forza Horizon 2. That was a good game, even for a non-race-gamer, and I'm curious how they'll gen it up.

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well, interestingly Horizon two is cross gen, coming to both 360 and one


Not so much what i'm predicting, more what i'm hoping for is a game play demo of a really far along version of Tomb Raider 2, i'm super interested what and where they go with the sequel. I hope they incorporate stuff from the original games... or else why call it tomb raider. Like dinosaur's! They've done the gritty realistic origin, they can keep a more serious tone just have a bit of fun with the world, in fact in a strange way dinosaurs are more plausible then the stuff they pull in the uncharted series


I wonder if they'll use the bow and arrow as the primary weapon again


(if you haven't guessed i'm having a very slow work day)

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well, interestingly Horizon two is cross gen, coming to both 360 and one


That's actually better, I had forgotten that Forza is a Microsoft only thing and I'm never buying a One. So this is good.

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According to a tweet from IGN executive editor editor Ryan McCaffrey, "another studio" is developing the Xbox 360 version of Forza Horizon 2, while Playground is creating the Xbox One version in the Forza Motorsport 5 engine.


I was a huge fan of the first Horizon game but can't see myself buying an Xbox One and my 360 is failing.  I'd be more than happy to play the 360 version but sadly I'll probably skip it for fear of losing progress or not being able to play at all.  Glad to see that series return though, not particularly revolutionary but Horizon felt just a little like Burnout Paradise in the open world aspect.  The racing was fun but I enjoyed just driving around mindlessly even more than the competitive aspects.

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Tomb Raider 2


Tomb Raider 2, the second Tomb Raider game.

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Tomb Raider 2, the second Tomb Raider game.

Well, the second good one, anyway, if it takes after the first good one, which is all that matters.

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