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"Princess in Another Castle" film

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I apparently missed the short film

from a couple of years ago.  It's just a 9 minutes short about a young girl from a troubled household and her escape through Zelda.  Go watch it if you missed it. 


I just watched it over my lunch hour, and it was a bit of a gut punch.  I can remember being a kid and listening to my parents argue. I'd sneak out of my room and go downstairs to watch my older brother play video games, usually Zelda or Metroid, so I wouldn't have to lay in my bed, alone in the dark and listen to them.  Not to give the wrong impression, my parents were mostly super awesome, but money was really tight through a chunk of the 80s and they would always wait to argue about it until they thought my brother and I were asleep in bed.  I'm sure in hindsight those arguments would sound a lot different to my adult ears than they did to an 8 year old. 


The director of Escape is working on turning the idea into a feature length film, "Princes in Another Castle".  It's interesting that he's setting in 1996, as it seems to be hitting a lot of the same nostalgia notes as Gone Home did. 

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Now that kids that grew up in the 90s are getting older and have more expendable income, we're going to see a lot of things over the next few years tug at those nostalgic heartstrings.


Regardless, this sounds very interesting and I appreciate the link. I think I've always used video games as a sort of escape in some form or another. Over the last few years I've leaned on them as a stress reliever and something to sort of disconnect from grown up life for a few minutes.

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I suppose that's true, in the 90s and early 00s there were certainly a fair number of movies and shows looking back so fondly on the 70s.  Now that we're in the teens, it makes sense that we're looking back on the 90s in the same way.  Weird. 

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