Twig Posted August 3, 2016 i'm okay with this because that means I'm only missing out on two days instead of five days! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted August 3, 2016 I happened to have a vacation starting on the 9th, so it's a bit of a bummer for me, but I'll live. Maybe I will buy Rimworld instead. Edit: Also, I always thought that release dates on Steam were non-negotiable once listed, so this would be an interesting situation. I assume I could get a refund if I wanted it, since the info on the Steam page is wrong. Edit2: I wonder if PS4 and PC will use the same universe and naming databases. Part of the fun for me seems like it would be having my name as the discoverer on a bunch of stuff. If being 3 days later means everything is already named, I'll be a bit bummed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
root Posted August 8, 2016 Just preordered my copy so it'll start downloading tomorrow evening. I am here to board this hype train. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted August 8, 2016 Little bummed that PS4 players get a head start on the PC crowd.. But man, I'm excited to play this! Those day-1 patch notes are just amazing. Also, the bonus "Next up.." info at the end. BASE BUILDING! Holy shit! :tup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A wild PB&J Posted August 8, 2016 Edit2: I wonder if PS4 and PC will use the same universe and naming databases. Part of the fun for me seems like it would be having my name as the discoverer on a bunch of stuff. If being 3 days later means everything is already named, I'll be a bit bummed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A wild PB&J Posted August 8, 2016 I mean from what they've said about how big the universe supposedly is I doubt that everything will be named. I would think you might find a few things, but that seems interesting to be too, going to a planet that's been discovered and maybe finding plant and animal live there that has yet to be named. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prettyunsmart Posted August 8, 2016 I'm kind of glad that the PC version is delayed. It makes it easier to not pre-order and just wait to hear how people like it. If it sounds good, I'll pick it up on Friday. If not, I'll hold off. Delays make it easier to suppress hype. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmuerte Posted August 8, 2016 Little bummed that PS4 players get a head start on the PC crowd.. tsk, you first have to play ABZU anyway Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griddlelol Posted August 8, 2016 Little bummed that PS4 players get a head start on the PC crowd.. But man, I'm excited to play this! Those day-1 patch notes are just amazing. Also, the bonus "Next up.." info at the end. BASE BUILDING! Holy shit! :tup: Head start on what? It's not a race to finish the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
root Posted August 8, 2016 Yeah everything I've heard about this game so far makes it sound like the kind of game that I'd rather spend time in than hurry to finish. I just wanna go live in space and tag weird space creatures and smuggle space contraband. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted August 8, 2016 Head start on what? It's not a race to finish the game. Nah, just a head start on discovering things, claiming planets and species (which, judging from the size they refer to, won't matter one bit!). I can't afford the game now anyway, so it doesn't matter for me.. I definitely did not mean that I intend to rush anything. I plan to just hunker down on an unclaimed planet and explore.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griddlelol Posted August 9, 2016 Yeah, I get you, I just doubt it'll be an issue. There's such a low chance of player interaction that there'll be plenty left for you to call what you want. I'm excited to come across my first "Buttplanet" and "Penisaur" though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted August 9, 2016 Haha, wow. I was just peeking at a gameplay video and holy crap the the UI is a lot like Destiny's. The ship customisation screen is so lifted. I mean it works, but Destiny's novel and superb UI is a significant part of its identity (especially bearing in mind how much time you spend there) so to have another space-orientated game use such a similar approach seems like a missed opportunity to me. Then again, the similar might help to endear it to the masses — something that was potentially a conscious design decision — so I can't completely condemn it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted August 9, 2016 Yeah, I get you, I just doubt it'll be an issue. There's such a low chance of player interaction that there'll be plenty left for you to call what you want. I'm excited to come across my first "Buttplanet" and "Penisaur" though. You're probably right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prettyunsmart Posted August 9, 2016 Austin Walker's first impressions of the game are making it really hard to not get my hopes up. And to not cave in and by it for PS4 to play a few days early. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dium Posted August 9, 2016 It's looking like, baring some unexpected thing taking up my weekend, I will be getting this game when it comes out for PC and I am PUMPED. But I'm trying to keep my expectations in check because I keep thinking about this game in the context of other games that I like a lot but wish looked as pretty as No Man's Sky. Like Minecraft or Don't Starve, etc. The fact that base building is, apparently, an upcoming feature is exacerbating this problem. I'm sure base building will be cool, but the level of customization in my imagination right now is perhaps too lofty. Anyway, what's really important to me right now is that the game looks goddamn beautiful and I just want to be in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted August 9, 2016 I'm so upset I'm in Seattle for dota DDD: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plasticflesh Posted August 9, 2016 Well, I went for it and played a few hours last night. It is cool. Very vaporwave / seapunk colors and sound track. Very pretty wild life; cool aliens and space stations. Lots of looking at rocks. Seriously, where's the Zinc? Naming things is sort of a chore, but the game gives you money for it, so a lot of plants and ainmals get names like "Rhuk" and "Bulp," or I'll go crazy with the auto-complete words, and name things with long random strings, "The Desire of Finality is the Ontological Realm." The futility of naming the vaguely idiosyncratic instances of an obscure rock is as wide as the void of space; but to reiterate, you get paid for it. So there is economic meaning. Plus why am I "discovering" things on a planet that has Waypoints and Shelters all over it? What company is paying these Explorers to rename animals and rocks? Maybe the game answers these things eventually. The most interesting thing to do with the naming might be to theme the naming conventions of systems and planets. The "Emily Bronte" system. Planet "Wuthering Heights." The "Heathcliff" carbon plant. Instead I have the "Magentastan" system, with the moon "Little" orbiting the giant planet, "The". I have a lot of mis-named entities. There is no way to fix that. A planet where everyone is named "Not Sure." In conclusion, this is "Similar Face: The Game." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
root Posted August 10, 2016 Today I was on a toxic planet and a storm was blowing in, so I ran to my ship to leave the surface, only to discover that I was completely out of plutonium, which I need to power the launch thrusters. So I had to get out of my ship and trudge out in this horrible storm and run my scanner and try to chase down some plutonium, repairing my environmental suit every few minutes as the storm kept fraying it down, and trying not to get lost or killed in my quest to refuel my ship so I could leave the atmosphere. This game is hella scifi. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plasticflesh Posted August 10, 2016 I numerous awards for Walking while exploring my first planet. Oh the best one was after learning a new alien vocab word. Cue Metroid power up music: "You learned 5 words!" goddamn patronizing UI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted August 10, 2016 ;_____; I wanna play!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ariskany_evan Posted August 10, 2016 Had a weird promo dell gift card, so what else should I use it towards! $15 real money for No Man's Sky puts it back to the small game price and lowers my expectations to a wonderfully comfortable place. All of the footage I've seen so far makes all of the planets seem like underdeveloped biomes. Has anyone run into any "woods" or is the horizon always available? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
root Posted August 10, 2016 I've noticed that some planets will have these pepperings of high-value harvestable items that don't have any apparent crafting use, they're just worth a lot of money and they really piss off the sentinels when you pick one up. I found this clutch of alien egg-looking plants that just said 'unknown' when I approached one and offered the press-square-to-interact prompt. I did, and it fell open with a gross noise, and there was a bigass pearl inside. So I then picked it up, and suddenly there was a Big Dog-style robot chasing after me, tearing up my shields with a laser. A few planets later I found something similar - these naturally-occuring pedestals with big red floating cubes hovering above them. Just everywhere! on this planet! I took one and sure enough it's worth like 20k units and it summons a hateful robot who wants me to take only screenshots and leave only footprints. So I spend some time on this planet, landing in random locations, locating a trajectory of cubes to collect, starting with the furthest from my ship, so I can keep grabbing them and stuffing them into my exosuits loot sack, giggling and shouting FUCK THE POLICE YOU ROBOT DICKS as I do this supermarket sweep routine toward my ship. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted August 10, 2016 A few planets later I found something similar - these naturally-occuring pedestals with big red floating cubes hovering above them. Just everywhere! on this planet! I took one and sure enough it's worth like 20k units and it summons a hateful robot who wants me to take only screenshots and leave only footprints. So I spend some time on this planet, landing in random locations, locating a trajectory of cubes to collect, starting with the furthest from my ship, so I can keep grabbing them and stuffing them into my exosuits loot sack, giggling and shouting FUCK THE POLICE YOU ROBOT DICKS as I do this supermarket sweep routine toward my ship. I love this. So much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xchen Posted August 10, 2016 I played the first hour to get a hang of the mechanics then deleted my save and restarted. My 2nd starting planet was an ice planet and mining was now truly a matter of survival. Also when I left the first planet the surrounding space was desolate whereas planet 2 was surrounded by other planets. I find it interesting that everyone starts with the luck of the draw and some people are obviously going to be unlucky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites