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Welcome to your very own Idle Thumbs League of Legends (Lords) thread! As League was being talked about a lot in the DOTATO threads ( it made sense to get all that out of there and put it somewhere where it's a bit more appropriate. This thread to discuss anything you want related to LoL, including but not restricted to: general questions, help getting started, the competitive scene, Teemo and yordles, why Darius is a bad Axe remake, how OP Jayce is right now, and more. Hopefully this can also be a good place for you to get into some LoL games with other thumbs.



You can download the game right here (non-referral link):

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How OP IS Jayce right now?



I just grabbed Wukong last night because I keep feeling what I need from top lane is a strong teamfight presence after the Rumble nerf.

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How OP IS Jayce right now?



I just grabbed Wukong last night because I keep feeling what I need from top lane is a strong teamfight presence after the Rumble nerf.


I think Jayce is pretty OP right now, at least competetively. If you look at the Korean meta, he is banned/picked every game. So maybe not more OP than Twisted Fate at this point, but right up there.


I keep seeing junglers using Rumble now and I don't get it but whatever. However, that is awesome because it lets you make rumble in the jungle references and absolutely no one will know what you're talking about.

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Is thresh played as a support? I'm out of the game since Around Vi and I miss it and thresh looks a bit like a leona for support.

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Is thresh played as a support? I'm out of the game since Around Vi and I miss it and thresh looks a bit like a leona for support.


Yes. Thresh is awesome. He has a hook like Blitz, and he's designed to get better over time without farm.


Check out some ridiculous Thresh play from MadLife: 



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His hook is more similar to blitzcrank, but he functions as an initiating support like Leona does, yes.


He is awesome.

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A Jayce acceleration gate snipe to a champ trying to back under their tower is one of the most satisfying things I've done in this game.

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Agh. I want to play thresh and nami so bad.

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Agh. I want to play thresh and nami so bad.


They're both really good. I don't play much support (and when I do play support I do awful things like Morgana/TF support), but Riot has been upping the ante with their support releases lately. They've all been excellent, interesting champs that make their way into the meta fairly quickly.

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I keep trying to play Sona because she's really good, and then when I go aggressive my carry is all incredulous and then I'm dead.


It's mostly the best. I need to break out Nami, because Thresh is always banned.

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I actually (used to) play soraka mostly. I had a 70% or so win rate on her in S2. I went aPen runes for a little poke:D Also, I stopped caring about runes after filling 3 pages of them so I never replaced. Leona would have been my 2nd but bit in ranked usually.

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I have a bunch of skins from PAX 11 (Riot Nasus and PAX Sivir) if people want. I don't know if either of those champs are relevant right now though.

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I have a bunch of skins from PAX 11 (Riot Nasus and PAX Sivir) if people want. I don't know if either of those champs are relevant right now though.

Nasus is pretty relevant...Sivir not so much.

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I have a bunch of skins from PAX 11 (Riot Nasus and PAX Sivir) if people want. I don't know if either of those champs are relevant right now though.

Holee shit I would love that sivir skin.

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I have a bunch of skins from PAX 11 (Riot Nasus and PAX Sivir) if people want. I don't know if either of those champs are relevant right now though.

I would love the Nasus skin. I would be happy to reimburse you in some way. Gotta play that Big Dog.








That Edward thing is CRAZY. I seriously wonder how much money Curse threw at him.

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For those interested in competitive LoL, the NALCS starts today at 4:00 PM Eastern with a big slate of games, and goes all through the week. The schedule is up here:


Starts off with a bang, too - Team Coast (formerly GGU) versus TSM: ie, the #2 and #1 teams from last season. Watch to see how Coast does in this game, because they finally have their primary mid on their team again (Shiphtur). He couldn't play in the Spring split due to visa issues, but he's a step up from their previous mid player.

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Interesting matches, lots of unexpected outcomes. Looks like things will be even more competitive this season. The TSM vs C9 game was quite good and tense the whole way through. 

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Damn, NA is actually looking interesting this half of the season! Hope they keep it up.


I'm rooting for Velocity because Studio is coaching them and he is awesome.

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What are people's thoughts on the new champ.  ADC is my main role so I look forward to trying him out seems like he's got some cool mobility stuff which is always fun to use.

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What are people's thoughts on the new champ.  ADC is my main role so I look forward to trying him out seems like he's got some cool mobility stuff which is always fun to use.


I think he looks interesting. It's a very nice visual design. But without any CC, I don't see him making a big impact on the meta.

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Teams ranking are all over the place in both the NA and EU LCS so far. EG and SK are bottom table in EU, last season winners (Fnatic, TSM) are mid table with even wins and losses. Also there is a load of rosters changes going on and so far it seems to be working for the teams doing them in EU, not sure about NA cause dont' watch it as much

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