DoomMunky Posted June 4, 2013 What do all these books have in common? They're science-fiction-y/fantasy-type books set in this world. I'm realizing I'm INTO these. I like Under the Dome, Michael Koryta's The Cypress House, Daniel O'Malley's The Rook, Tom Perotta's The Leftovers, China Mieville's The City & The City, and lots more. These fall into lots of other buckets, too, but the main thing I like about them is that they're not on other planets, in other times, or what have you; they're people in our world dealing with crazy shit. I get the sense there's a lot of Young Adult fiction devoted to this topic...I'm not opposed to YA, I just like stuff written for adults. I thought The Hunger Games was great, but it doesn't deserve to be on this list. Got any books that might fall under this (admittedly hard-to-define) umbrella? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted June 4, 2013 I enjoy The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher quite a bit. It's about a wizard named HARRY. (Dresden.) He's a private eye of the paranormal persuasion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thyroid Posted June 5, 2013 A lot of books are like this. Little, Big; Joe Pitt; Bobby Dollar; Sandman Slim; most of Stephen King, Peter Straub. Christopher Moore has a lot of funny ones, like A Dirty Job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juv3nal Posted June 7, 2013 Gaimain does something like this with Neverwhere & American Gods. Tim Powers does some good stuff in this vein too; I mostly liked Declare and Last Call. Hm I guess Declare doesn't really work because it is another time, but it's 20th century still, so I dunno. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoomMunky Posted June 7, 2013 Oh yeah! Tim Powers. I read one of his books and wasn't really into it, then found the characters were sort of in the middle of the second book in the arc. So poop. I guess I just like books that take the normal and spin it off into the fantastic. The Magicians was another one of these. I ended up not being that satisfied with the events in the book, but the world and the way he rendered the life in that school was amazing. Maybe that's why everyone loved Harry Potter so much, which, come to think of it, fits squarely in this category as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georgebrussourdx Posted June 10, 2013 I also enjoy The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. I'm very fun of reading fantasy/mystery novels. ________ Check out for more details about everglades park. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjo Posted August 16, 2013 Watchers of the Night immediately made me think of Jumper. Its about a guy that can move around in his dreams and becomes part of this secret agency. Everybody has certain extra powers when theyre in the dream. I dug it, anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreg Posted September 5, 2013 The Atrocity Archives - Charles Stross and its sequels which are similar to The Rook in some ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites