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Ben X

Fan Edits

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Does anyone here ever watch these? I'd like to try a few out but the download process seems massively complicated.

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I've watched the Despecialized editions of Star Wars and the Gangs of New York recut that removes Cameron Diaz's character entirely.


Those were a while ago, though. Has the download process changed? Back then it was just a torrent or a Megaupload link for an ISO to burn to disc, last time I checked.

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I would love to see some of the fan edits that have been done of the Star Wars prequels, just out of morbid curiosity.

Can a watchable film be salvaged from that footage?

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I think there's a copy called The Phantom Edit, which was rare even when I looked for it a couple years back. For the most part, it pares down scenes with Anakin, Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar to make Obi-Wan the clear protagonist, or so I've heard. It doesn't leave behind a very long film, just over an hour or so.



EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_edit

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Does Wizard People, Dear Reader count? Because that thing is spectacular.


For those not in the know, it's an alternate audio track for Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone that adds a narrator fond of bizarre nicknames, elaborate similes, and recasting every character as a jerk. From Wikipedia:


At one point, Harry calls himself a "beautiful animal" and a "destroyer of worlds". He also repeatedly affirms that he is "Harry fucking Potter". Numerous references are made to characters taking out unseen flasks or drinking alcohol, and Harry is mentioned as being "drunk every day before noon" and producing "many a Wine-Out-of-Nowhere Spell."

Hermione ("Harmony") is repeatedly described as incredibly ugly, Snape ("Snake") is referred to as a hideous woman, and at one point, Neely simply remarks that "Ron loves Twizzlers." (Ron is almost always referred to as "Ronnie the Bear.")

The work makes extensive use of simile: Professor McGonagall ("Hardcastle McCormick") is described as having a voice that is "chilling, like a piano made of frozen Windex," while her "eyes float like smears of fish-scales on her candle-wax stump of a head"; the face of Voldemort ("Val-Mart") "moves like a marmalade baby just out of the womb."

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I think there's a copy called The Phantom Edit, which was rare even when I looked for it a couple years back. For the most part, it pares down scenes with Anakin, Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar to make Obi-Wan the clear protagonist, or so I've heard. It doesn't leave behind a very long film, just over an hour or so.



EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_edit



Topher Grace did a similar thing, editing the entire prequel trilogy into one film. Apparently it was ok. http://www.slashfilm.com/topher-grace-edited-star-wars-prequels-85minute-movie/

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Edit: Nevermind, I was making fun of a man who dresses as a bat and punches big tough dudes. Move on.

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I think if we're getting into alternative voice tracks, we're getting into Abridged Series territory, specifically Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, which re-edits and re-voices the series to make it a good deal shorter and much more deliberately silly.



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I've watched the Despecialized editions of Star Wars and the Gangs of New York recut that removes Cameron Diaz's character entirely.


Those were a while ago, though. Has the download process changed? Back then it was just a torrent or a Megaupload link for an ISO to burn to disc, last time I checked.


There are pretty much no torrents. It's all NRQs and signing up for paid accounts and stuff. I can't find a proper help guide anywhere so it all feels a bit impenetrable.

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