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Apparently, pretty much the only way to listen to music at the moment is Music Unlimited subscription, but Sony is looking into adding MP3, CD and DNLA support in the future.

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Re: why do people buy consoles on launch day, this is the first time I ever did. I got an xbone mostly because I loathe the older Sony controllers and I place a lot of value on controllers because of how much time I spend gaming.

Why launch day for me came down to:

-do not own a gaming PC and really sick of the old graphics on PS3 / 360 (this is the really huge one)

-had the money (aka why not)

-played all the last gen games I wanted to

I think I said it elsewhere but the barriers to entry into PC gaming remain fairly high and so if you at all are interested in graphics but cannot / do not want to get a PC, then next gen has obvious appeal.

One sort of parting shot here: some people actually like Call of Duty and sports games. I realize the Thumbs zeitgeist would probably prefer a Catherine-Spelunky crossover Oculus text adventure involving a lesbian ghost who lights brushfires in Africa ... but there are plenty of us out here in the unwashed masses who think a couple shooters, a couple sports games and a good AssCreed is a perfectly fine group of games to mess with until March.

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I realize the Thumbs zeitgeist would probably prefer a Catherine-Spelunky crossover Oculus text adventure involving a lesbian ghost who lights brushfires in Africa



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I had some money to spend and some non-PC playing friends who wanted to play Battlefield. I figured I was going to buy a PS4 eventually anyway, so I went ahead and got one. 


I'm not really worried about not having much to play on it; I've got plenty of PC and PS3 and Vita backlog to keep me occupied. Assassin's Creed 4 is great on PS4. Battlefield is a ton of fun. I'm pretty happy with the purchase. Having a second blu-ray player is a nice side benefit as well.

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I grilled my friend about getting a PS4 and he said "I wanted Killzone", which seemed dubious, so I called him an idiot and then we watched Netflix on his PS4 for the rest of the night.

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I grilled my friend about getting a PS4 and he said "I wanted Killzone", which seemed dubious, so I called him an idiot and then we watched Netflix on his PS4 for the rest of the night.


I could definitely see just wanting a PS4 because it's new technology, but it's silly to want a machine that does nothing, so he displaced that desire on the most prominent game launching on the system. Maybe that's over-thinking it.

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Haha, I dunno. I think he was definitely interested in Killzone, but I really don't understand why. It's never really clicked with me. It's a technical marvel for sure, but... not much more than that.

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Haha, I dunno. I think he was definitely interested in Killzone, but I really don't understand why. It's never really clicked with me. It's a technical marvel for sure, but... not much more than that.


I think he's lying, though. No one's "interested" in Killzone. It's the quintessential "nobody cares" game.

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Hah. I mean it's not though. Every time a new Killzone comes out it's all anyone [who owns a Sony console] talks about.


Which is amazing to me because NOBODY liked the first one, and yet the franchise somehow became this huge thing.

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I played killzone for about an hour today. Bit of a cluster fuck. the first level is "open world", but what that actually means is that it is back track city, with enemies spawning in with no rhyme or reason.

I've heard later in the game it turns in to a corridor shooter which I'd probably prefer. The open world doesn't work very well with the gameplay available here, It just made me think how great a game like dishonoured 2 is going to be.

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I've heard later in the game it turns in to a corridor shooter which I'd probably prefer. The open world doesn't work very well with the gameplay available here, It just made me think how great a game like dishonoured 2 is going to be.


Only if it's starring a lesbian ghost.

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Completely anecdotal thing I noticed that probably means nothing!


Yesterday I went into a Best Buy to pick up something my girlfriend had been hinting about for Christmas. I decided to walk through the games section on my way to the "pick up online reserves" counter, and noticed that they were sold out of PS4s but if I wanted to just grab an XBone off the shelf and take it to the register I could totally have done that. Do with this information what you will, internet.

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The 1 million sales that Microsoft was touting was also worldwide, while the 1 million sales that Sony was touting was just North America, since it hadn't launched anywhere else yet. Still, 1 million out of the gate for the XBO isn't anything to dismiss. Clearly, people are excited to have new hardware, both systems are selling really well. (I wonder how the Wii U will do this holiday season.)

On the topic of early adoption: I've always just seen it as wanting to be in on the newness of a new thing. Part of the zeitgeist.

I've bought the GBA, the DS, the PSP, and the 3DS all on their launch days. (The PSP actually had a really, really incredible launch line-up, the 3DS and the DS were probably equally terrible.)

It was pretty clear in advance that the 3DS wasn't going to be very good out of the gate, but i had sort of built up that personal tradition with Nintendo handhelds and wanted to be there from the start. I wanted to see the 3D screen and all of the other weird, dumb stuff NIntendo would do with the hardware.

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The 3DS made me paranoid about buying consoles at launch, because if I had waited I would have spent eighty dollars less but also never gotten copies of Yoshi's Island and Metroid Fusion on it.

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Hah. I mean it's not though. Every time a new Killzone comes out it's all anyone [who owns a Sony console] talks about.


Which is amazing to me because NOBODY liked the first one, and yet the franchise somehow became this huge thing.


That's weird. Because I tried "playing" Killzone 3 co-op recently, and it was nothing more than a pretty looking orange/brown blob of particle effects and god rays and whatever other shit they could throw onscreen so the enemies could blend into the background. Fastest game I ever quit, it's literally nothing but "walk forward, realize you are being shot at, swivel around and press a few buttons with slightly loose feeling controls, continue onward."


There's no story other than "shoot space nazis". There's no enemy diversity whatsoever, as the solution to their "problem" is, no matter where you are, aim at them with your gun and press the trigger until they're dead. There's no death seemingly, as your squadmates just revive you, there's no time limits or any other fail conditions. Truly an awful "game".

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Man if you're looking at me to defend this game, stop. I don't get the love either. I'm just saying it exists, for whatever reason, and it's not insignificant in quantity.

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Nice. Does the share feature not support YouTube yet? I've seen an awful lot of these videos appearing on Facebook but not so many elsewhere. Seems odd as the PS3 has an excellent YouTube app, I'd have thought it'd be #1 on the share list. It has to be coming, though.

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Only Facebook for videos, twitter is also available for screenshots. Which is kinda shity as it stands.

since that video I've changed my video capture quality from 'high' to 'best'

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that "open world" level in Killzone was so awful I shut the game off and never went back. I don't even feel bad about it because it was my free game from an Amazon promotion. If it gets linear later though, I might go back, because apparently Killzone sucks at doing other things.


Resogun is fantastic. 

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Oh my God, Killzone looks fantastic. I only played the first couple of levels since I quickly got frustrated with it and didn't enjoy it, but holy crap did those levels remind me of Half-Life in the best way.

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I though the same thing, in that I thought they were massively ripping off half life :)

The dad in the first chapter is a carbon copy city 17 rebel.

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The order 1886 is getting streamed in 25mins if anyone is interested

(I'm going to change this back to just a ps4 thread)

I wonder if I'll be able to watch it on my pS4... Probably not :/

Lots of people streaming watch dogs, some guy driving around at night. It looks like a dull sleeping dogs

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