
Some heartless jackass makes a fake Majora's Mask HD trailer because he hates me, specifically

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I would enjoy having a version of Link to the Past that I could play on my 3DS, but it just needs to be a virtual console version of the SNES game. That game holds up perfectly well as it is; Majora's Mask has a lot more to gain from a remake.

(That said, I'd rather just have an entirely new game.)

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That one wasn't really a remake though, the graphics were the same. They did add an extra quest and dungeon though, outside of the Four Swords separate game.

I do think that was a pretty substantial rerelease though and it's now Majora's turn.

Also thinking about extra dungeons, I would like that on the next Zelda remake. The only thing Ocarina had added besides the complete graphical revamp was a boss rush, which totally doesn't count as new.

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There is literally no reason to remake LttP. I hope they realize that it's still perfectly playable today. MM is not. That's why MM deserves the remake!


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Well that and, also, they've already actually remade LTTP.

On the GBA.

That's where Four Swords came from.

Metroid Zero mission is a remake of Metroid. A Link to the Past on the GBA is a port. A 3DS remake of LTTP would be colossal. Also I have a strong bias at play with this decision.

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I think a LTTP remake in 3d would be cool, though it depends on the art style. I would still much prefer MM over LTTP though because LTTP doesn't look any worse today then it did when it came out, but MM has certainly aged, at least visually. I also think that despite having the birds eye view that would make use of the 3D, MM would benefit more from it, though I guess I can't really say that without having seen a 3d LTTP.

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I think 2d sprite games look absolutely beautiful with the 3DS's autostereoscopic 3D. It's a really crisp, novel visual to see.

See Mutant Mudds or Mighty Switch Force on the 3DS shop for good examples of it. (Mutant Mudds has a demo.)

So if Nintendo did something like that, that might be something really cool.

But if they all-the-way remade LTTP, they'd probably redo it as a polygonal game, and i would be way less interested.

Either way, Majora's Mask is more in need of a another chance to shine.

Just as one of the single most bold and interesting games in that entire series, and something that has been erroneously maligned in retrospect, it needs more love.

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LTTP as a 3D polygon game would have to look a very precise way for it to feel right. I'm not saying what that look is or that I know, but when something is sprite based and 2D, changing it is dangerous old-man territory. I'd very much like to see it remain a 2D game, even if they changed how things look.

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YYYYES! Well, this was basically a given, but 2013 is o-kay in my book. And with the added precision of shooting arrows by shifting the 3DS around, I will finally (hopefully) be able to kill all the blasted

aliens on the farm! I wouldn't mind a slight tweaking of the insane difficulty spikes either - especially the fish boss. AAARGHH that was so infuriating, and I never got past it, so I never finished the game. This time I will! I won't stop until I get to the ending!

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Well, I guess I can finally sell my Gamecube Zelda Collector's Edition now that I can play all four of those games in superior forms on a handheld. We've come a long way.

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They might fix some of the difficulty spikes or maybe make it easier to use the bomber's notebook. I'm also curious if they would modify how the save system works at, maybe even just adding more owl statues and not having them delete your save there every time you load one. If it's for 3DS, Majora's Mask needs to be more friendly for handheld consumption, because I was able to nicely chip away at Ocarina of Time on 3DS over the course of a few months.


I love Majora's Mask more than Ocarina, but it's very FAQ heavy on 100%ing, and I doubt I will remember everything all over again. I don't think there were any changes to Ocarina concerning gameplay outside of adding labels to the Water Temple (from what I hear, I actually don't remember if there were labels in the first place on the 64 version).


If this happens, my Zelda Collection disc on Gamecube will be worthless, but that's okay.

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I think the announcement turned out to be yet another version of Link to the Past. Oh well.


EDIT: Nevermind, didn't see the 2 after it. Either way, doesn't look very good.

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I'm kind of disgusted, but Majora's Mask 3DS is still possible, I suppose.  (EDIT: Or maybe not, I think the decision was between the LTTP project and MM3DS.  Between this, Wind Waker HD, the happy decision to bring the Oracle titles to their online service and the guarantee that there is a new Wii U title in development, Nintendo has probably greenlit all the Zelda projects they're going to for awhile.) 


What the hell does "takes place in the world of Link to the Past" even mean?  The world of that game is the same one of at least 50% of Zelda games: Hyrule.  Are we to understand that it'll be the same map?  The same timeline?  It feels like they're just trying to coerce a connection to what is traditionally considered the most popular installment.  Direct sequels work better when less than twenty years intervene; make a game that's original both in content AND name and spare it the baggage.

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The new Zelda game looks pretty early in development. I'd be surprised if they've even decided on a story at this point (and even more surprised if it actually comes out this year). At any rate, I'll take that over another remake of a game I already own in several other formats any day.

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Didn't they say after OoT came out that they wouldn't do a remake of Majora's Mask until after they did an original game for the 3DS, or something like that?  Meaning that if this is a new game set in the same world/time/whatever as LTTP that that would still be true?

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Didn't they say after OoT came out that they wouldn't do a remake of Majora's Mask until after they did an original game for the 3DS, or something like that?  Meaning that if this is a new game set in the same world/time/whatever as LTTP that that would still be true?

That's what I remember hearing.

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Some extreme thread necromancy on my part here, but on the subject of you wanting Majora's Mask 3DS, well, Eiji Aonuma laughs at you.


Nintendo’s Eiji Aonuma is keeping quiet about the potential of a Majora’s Mask remake. In a recent interview with IGN, Aonuma laughed when asked if fans might see the game remade soon, purposefully leaving his answer open for interpretation.


“Please write that I laughed,” Aonuma told IGN in response (after, indeed, laughing). "Don’t make it sound like I laughed because I was troubled or inconvenienced or put out. I don’t want them to read anything into it. But if you want to say that I laughed, I think that would be a good answer."


When pressed about how fans should interpret that, Aonuma simply told us, “it’s really up to them. If they want to interpret my laughter as, ‘yeah, we’re making it’ or ‘no, we’re not,’ I guess that’s really up to them.”


What the hell, man.

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Have I finally found the corner of the internet that agrees that Majora's Mask is a better game than OoT? You guys are the best.


a link to the past is still the best zelda


what the hell does this bbcode do?


edit: oh. ew.

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Hey Aonuma, I've got this wild idea: what if you stopped fucking with my feelings, you emotional sodomite?



Fan: First off, I want to say that A Link Between Worlds looks awesome. My question is kind of a shot in the dark: I like when Zelda gets really gritty and dark. I know you produced Wind Waker and this new game, but I wonder if you have any information on Majora's Mask at all, because that was my all-time favorite Zelda game. (Crowd cheers). Please say you'll make this [for] Wii U.

Eiji Aonuma: (pauses) If you play A Link Between Worlds, you may get an answer. You might find some information.



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