
The Idle Thumbs Lords Management Consortium - Dota 2, LoL, other Lords Managers unite

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solo queing can suck someitmes, but I've had lots of good experiences and met some cool people in there to party up with later. It's all about making the most of the situation. Get on mic or text chat and just engage people with jokes, banter, or just game talk, take the leadership position.

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I just listened to that Bastion narration pack and cracked the fuck up at how many times he said "got a case of the mega creeps."

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So far I like the new mode a lot more then diretide, it's quick, crazy, and a nice distraction from the regular game. Lots of easy to get items too!

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Didn't really get any good experience on the new game mode so far. Only people wanting to report me for feeding.

But hey, weekend is coming. Time to try it with friends (and fellow Idle Lords)!

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Didn't really get any good experience on [playing any part of a LoMa with strangers]. Only people wanting to report me for feeding.

That's still kind of par for the course unfortunately.

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If you want to have fun, pick heroes that can steal camps and never under any circumstance teamfight. My favorites are Queen of Pain, Sniper, and Invoker. I'd still suggest just not playing it anyway.

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I'm practically completely new to DOTA, and would love some friendly help to get started.

This is me:


What's the best way to find a few people from the group that are happy to teach a newcomer? I should mention I've played a very small amount of LoL and also watched a few introductory DOTA 2 videos so I have a basic understanding of the game, last hits, etc but very little experience actually playing.

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I don't about people willing to mentor you but I'd suggest watching pro games and try to apply what you've learned in your games. Also just playing a lot is underrated advice.

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I need to start playing with ya'll, because most pub games are getting boring. I know 99% of the basics, and have played almost every carry out there (most non carries are boring I've found).

But getting into a game where everyone is silent, and there's no teamwork is getting tiresome. Oh sure, I once played a fantastic pub game. Literally down to the second win, as creeps battened down our Ancient while we battened down there's. But for every game like that there's a dozen that's "oh, were going to lose/win because they/we are so much better than the other team and there's almost zero chance of a rally or changing teamwork or etc."

Also, I've got 5 god damned copies of DOTA 2 in my inventory. What do I do with them? My brother plays Lol, what friends I have don't play video games that often, or wouldn't play DOTA 2 if they do. I've no one to give them too.

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I've got 6 Dota 2 passes that I'd love to give away to anyone interested. Reply with your steam profile page or PM me your e-mail and I'll send one on over.

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Haha I went 14-4-18 as KotL in a 42min game. Illuminate can be a bit ridiculous sometimes. Especially when you have popped your ulti and it's in the middle of a teamfight. Really hard to spot it being cast.

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Oh man, I just played my first Keeper of the Light game last night, and holy hell is he fun. I didn't even really get a chance to use his spirit abilities all that much, but the constant nuking with Illuminate was so damn satisfying.

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One crazy combo I saw with keeper of the light was warlock and his link damage spell. I think, maybe somoene can confirm this for me, that it actually doubles the hits of damage if two players in a lane are hit with illuminate?

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yea i knew it was only a percentage damage shared, but if i hit two players linked up, with illuminate, they are both taking that 20% extra added on right?

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yea i knew it was only a percentage damage shared, but if i hit two players linked up, with illuminate, they are both taking that 20% extra added on right?

It will also link you to creeps. 6 linked targets at max level. So thats double damage or so if you hit a creep wave.

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Has anyone ever received a random Dota 2 copy for gifting?

And if so, has anyone ever received six of them!?

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I received 6 last time I got invites. Got a ton sitting in my inventory if anyone still haven't experienced dota.

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lol just stumbled upon this random clip. 4 black holes in the span of 20 seconds. I can't explain it. Just watch

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midded against night stalker as axe. destroyed him. Went 11/1/13, only cause I dove into their spawn. Died laughing when I got the "Good Night, Stalker" line when executing night stalker early on.

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I hear a lot about Thumbs games but have yet to find anyone in the group chat to talk to. Anyone down to play?

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