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"The other side" has no shortage of fuel. They are seemingly enraged by literally anything progressive that a female in the gaming industry does. Tone policing Anita Sarkeesian because she retweeted a tweet that doesn't even directly reference GGers is fucking ludicrous. Anita doesn't need to adopt the same cognitive dissonance GGers exhibit when they simultaneously make every attempt to distance themselves from people making death threats yet feel offended when people publicly say that the people making the death threats are shitholes.

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I don't know. Like i said: I don't have the solution to this problem, but I don't think she is on the right track with retweets like this. and frankly I think it hurts her cause and credibility too.


Yes, but you are just saying that, you aren't actually describing why this is a problem.  Why does retweeting someone pointing out the irony of the situation hurt her credibility?  Couldn't that just as easily compel someone to join her cause?  The other side has been acting by creating their own fuel.  Anything, even reasonable things, she says they use as fuel by performing the very same fox news style debate you are advancing.  This movement has survived by not saying anything specific, by focusing on Anita's response to shitty behavior, and not the shitty behavior itself.  Unless you are aware of some specific, compelling evidence to the contrary, this is a witch hunt, plain and simple.

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thats pretty pessimistic

We're talking about a movement that is still outraged that sex was traded for a review despite the fact that no such review exists. Or who responded to an article saying that the people who play video games have diversified and developers should cease playing to those stereotypes by saying "How dare you slur me with these old hateful stereotypes! I'm going to join up with a movement that embodies the worst of these hateful stereotypes out of spite!"

The saddest thing is I could construct a giant wall of text of all the patently false horseshit that drives Gameragrog, and then hit post and think of another 2 or 3 I've left off. They're not operating on a fact-based discourse.

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Goddamn it I was just about to point out that the retweet is supposedly insulting us but we have the perspective to realise that we're not making death threats so obviously we're not who that tweet is making fun of-- yeah probably good that he was banned.


I had a doctor's appointment


My heart's fine, it turns out

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To bring the topic back to something else, here's a really detailed breakdown of the sources for the language used in the latest death threat against Sarkeesian. I need to thank #GamerGate and the MRA movement for turning me onto We Hunted the Mammoth.

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Banned 'im.


Good, thank you. I don't think they were arguing in good faith, felt like a time-waster/energy-sapper (I can't remember the usual term) to me.

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lets be real though apostrophes commas and semicolons all suck. dont you agree.

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That sentence is just so hard to follow like that.


I think it's worse... when people like... to spam ellipses all... throughout their sentences...


I think they are sociopaths when that happens. No one has ever taught that in the history of time!

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I used to do massive ellipses posts when I was way younger. I don't know why. May have just felt like a natural translation from thought to text... As opposed to conscious construction of coherent text.

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My writing quirk when I was younger was to Arbitrarily Capitalise certain words in my Sentences. I don't really have any idea why I did it; like, I was aware of it, and that it was an incorrect and odd thing to do, but I still did it anyway. One day I just looked at it and thought, "This is dumb, why am I doing this," and stopped.


And yeah, that person was definitely not arguing in good faith. Their arguments were going around in circles and they were ignoring basically everything that was said except whatever they could launch an argument off.

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I Still do that and You're Dumb so Take That Nerd. (Well okay it's not arbitrary. I always have a reason.)

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One day I just looked at it and thought, "This is dumb, why am I doing this," and stopped.


If only more people could have that epiphany about their lives.

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I Still do that and You're Dumb so Take That Nerd. (Well okay it's not arbitrary. I always have a reason.)

How dare you say mean things about me! It's a breach of Forum Ethics! #ForumGate


If only more people could have that epiphany about their lives.

Self-reflection is a wonderful thing.

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My writing quirk when I was younger was to Arbitrarily Capitalise certain words in my Sentences. I don't really have any idea why I did it; like, I was aware of it, and that it was an incorrect and odd thing to do, but I still did it anyway. One day I just looked at it and thought, "This is dumb, why am I doing this," and stopped.

On the first forum I was ever a regular on, probably about fifteen years ago, there was a guy who started every word with a capital. When someone else did the same thing, he called them out for copying his "thing". That single post was so weird to me, because previously I'd assumed he just didn't even notice that it was wrong. Knowing that it was a deliberate choice was utterly bizarre to me.

That said, I think for a brief period I was part of the no-capitals-on-the-Internet crowd. I was never on LiveJournal, mind.

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Good, thank you. I don't think they were arguing in good faith, felt like a time-waster/energy-sapper (I can't remember the usual term) to me.


It seemed like it was sincere to me. It's a very common sentiment. Some people don't really understand why it's bad to say things like "If you don't want to get raped, then you shouldn't dress a certain way." They understand that rape is bad, and that rapists target people who are dressed a certain way, so to them it's practical advice for ending rape. They don't see the whole picture, about how such advice runs counter to the goal of stopping the cultural perpetuation of rape.

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Also how rapists don't target people based on how they are dressed.

This is something that comes up a lot in feminist circles online, where a clueless person will argue something they don't understand. Its very frustrating to have to go over the same basic concepts over and over just in case this one random internet dude is actually arguing in good faith.

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It seemed like it was sincere to me. It's a very common sentiment. Some people don't really understand why it's bad to say things like "If you don't want to get raped, then you shouldn't dress a certain way." They understand that rape is bad, and that rapists target people who are dressed a certain way, so to them it's practical advice for ending rape. They don't see the whole picture, about how such advice runs counter to the goal of stopping the cultural perpetuation of rape.


As Synnah elucidated, it wasn't what he was arguing that made me feel that, it was how he was arguing.

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Yeah, in this case the fallacy they were arguing (That Anita being mean about 'Gaters is just giving them more fuel to be angry at her) was refuted several times, and they still kept saying the same thing. It's okay to not understand the nuance of a situation, but if people explain it to you and you just keep repeating a fallacy, then it starts to look like you're just wasting their time. Even if you disagree, there's got to be something more you can say to expound on why you disagree.

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When I ask for computer-programming help, I do a little bit of research after I get a piece of advice before I continue to complain that my script isn't working. Two differing ways to approach forums are:

1. "I have something to say."

2. "I'd like to get another perspective on this (so I can then take keywords I can use to further my understanding of it because I want to understand it)."

I try to make sure I alternate between the two every few posts I make in a thread.

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If only more people could have that epiphany about their lives.


I may never have it.


On another note, it blows my mind that this shit has gotten so insane that even the damn Raspberry Pi people have to weigh in. It's nice that this is getting wider coverage, but it's also really validating my personal mission to never, ever use Twitter.

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