melmer Posted July 19, 2014 Well, I was chatting with the bar staff, some middle aged lady, and I said I had some my vitriol merch but it all got a little confused and it turned out I didn't have any MV mech at all. I had vex red merch which I only realised when I woke. Dream me could've sworn I had dat merch x shhh I'm unbelivable pissed right Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted July 27, 2014 Had a dream last night where myself, Jake, and a female forum member who may or may not actually exist (I don't remember who it was, just they they were from the Idle forums community) were robbing a bank that was disguised as a library. It actually looked a lot like the military archives in Goldeneye, the part right before James steals a tank. We snuck in and opened up the vault, and inside the vault was a video game. It was a Mario game, but this one was one of a kind because it was for the Playstation Vita and the only one in existence. Upon escaping with said game, we got back to our hideout and Jake put it in his Vita. After playing it for about 5 minutes, he was so overcome with joy that he openly wept. I told him he should talk about it on the podcast. The dream ended before I got a turn to play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted July 28, 2014 I love thinking that your brain had to come up with something that would be in the safe once y'all opened it. "uh, a mario-game." Then it has to figure out a reason that a mario-game would be so valuable. " uh, because it's the only one that can be played on the vita." It's like your dreaming-brain is some kid in elementary school who is a horrible liar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuart Posted July 28, 2014 I've been dreaming about an awesome Dino Crisis reboot. They've been pretty rad dreams. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted July 28, 2014 It just occurred to me that I don't think I've ever farted in a dream before. At least not a dream that I've ever remembered. ...Maybe I should've put this in the random thought thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bjorn Posted July 28, 2014 I had a dream that I was a spy in Soviet Russia back in the 50s, but I didn't speak Russian. So the entire dream was a series of wacky hijinks as I kept explaining why I wasn't speaking Russian in increasingly improbably ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atte Posted July 30, 2014 I dreamt I had a cool thing to post in I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games) , but now can't remember what it was, was it a real deep video game secret that my subconsciousness had managed to form or was it just another dream illusion/delusion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dibs Posted July 30, 2014 I had a dream last night that a met an old friend of mine, and then forgot to give her a lift to the cafe so she had to walk. When i got there the turned up and was angry, but then i went into the cafe and while walking around the cafe there were loads of beds, and people were snuggled up in them reading and watching TV. I started laughing at them caus they looked cool. My old housemate told me that she used to hear me laughing in the middle of the night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted August 7, 2014 I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I went on a date with Linda Cardellini. I woke up briefly and then managed to get back to sleep and go on a second date with her! She gave me a kiss on the lips at the end of it and i woke up feeling incredibly happy. To offset that wholesomeness, I had a Back To The Future dream last night where I was kind of involved in a weird time-travel-inducing threesome with Marty, Doc and Clara. I woke up feeling dirty and confused. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syntheticgerbil Posted August 8, 2014 Should have kissed Marty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted August 8, 2014 What makes you think I didn't? I was involved in their threesome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dibs Posted August 8, 2014 The numbers are all wrong Ben. A threesome with three people and you? More like you were the cameraman, amirite? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted August 8, 2014 Well, I was sometimes Marty, sometimes me. Then Doc and Marty got time-traveled out by french-kissing with a bottle of electricity between their mouths and I got left to feel up Clara's/Mary Steenburgen's boobs (and without enthusiastic consent, which made me feel extra grimy when I woke up). You two really wanted this extra info, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dibs Posted August 8, 2014 We represent the community on this. Also, have you ever gone to sleep maybe looking at a sonic the hedgehog poster maybe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted August 8, 2014 Ha ha, I wish I was allowed Sonic The Hedgehog posters in the flat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syntheticgerbil Posted August 8, 2014 Well, how many jigawatts did you expend with the french kissing electricity bottle? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted August 8, 2014 If you're asking if it was a wet dream, the answer is no. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted August 11, 2014 I had a dream last night that I can't remember at all except for one sentence taken completely out of context: "I dream of a world where men are not judged by the color of their skin but by the color of their pants". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dibs Posted August 11, 2014 Wow, raw deal for those of use who just don't want to be held back by pants. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted August 15, 2014 Last night I dreamt that I was on the upper floor of a restaraunt/bar that I reminds me of what I would think a newish restaruant/brewery would look like if it was built in a ski-resort town. Apparently, a band I liked which seemed to be two grrrl-rockers who both played drum-sets was coming to play but once they got there, no one knew who they were so they didn't want to play; but they felt like they had to once they found out I was a fan. They asked me what I wanted to hear and I said I wanted to hear something off of the album "Bruck" or "Broxy" or something like that. After playing the song they both decided that it wasn't worth it, apoligized to me and went to get drinks. I continued eating my food or working in my sketchbook or whatever. Then a college-aged woman at another table started exclaiming snobby disapproval towards my table. She was kind of holding her nose and going "Oh my God what is that!" I had apparently bought a bag of prunes a week earlier and put them in a pocket of my backpack and since forgotten about them. A few of them had leaked out onto the floor and begun to stain it raisin-brown. I guess tey also smelled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted September 2, 2014 I had a dream last night where I was a reporter trying to get a story in a large government facility. After my partner, who was essentially Lois Lane, distracted the guards, I snuck into the facility and discovered they were doing research on extinct animal species. The story ended up being a massive coverup of a deadly disease that reappears every few millennia and was responsible for wiping out entire species, including the dinosaurs. It was on the verge of coming back and the research was to find a cause and cure. The process of discovering this coverup somehow triggered the disease and it started spreading over the world. I apparently had a daughter in this dream because I called her at her isolated summer camp in the woods to tell her to stay at the camp because she would be safe from the disease. This entire sequence played out like a movie scene with no audible words but stirring music in the background. After a tearful goodbye, she and her friends decided to continue the research and find a cure (because it was now an extremely advanced science camp for some reason). After another movie like scene transition over several years, only she, another girl, and 2 boys were left. They all had beards, even the girls. They also looked a lot like the characters in Lumberjanes. It was the middle of winter and the majority of the world had perished (including myself I guess because I never reappeared in the dream after the phone call). They found out that a cure could be made from an extremely rare plant that would grow in response to the disease. Knowing of only one area where it could grow, they set out to find it. At some point in the journey they suddenly became puppies which struck me as strange but was perfectly normal to them. One of them succumbed to the disease and died. It was around this time that I woke up, very sad about the loss of the puppy person. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dingdongfootball Posted September 21, 2014 I had a dream a while ago that involved idle thumbs. In the part I remember, I was on a bus sitting at the front with Jake, Sean, and Chris and we were talking about music. I was trying to describe this really experimental and hard-core rap group I listen to called Death Grips. I recall that I was having a lot of trouble communicating just how hard core they were. Chris seemed really confused. For some context, here's one of their songs: . (warning: not for the faint of heart) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tberton Posted September 21, 2014 Last night I dreamed that the mystery you discover in Firewatch is that a bunch of different groups are using the the forest to play a giant game of Diplomacy. There were big lines in the ground denoting different territories and everything. I thought to myself that this would distract from the relationship between Henry and Delilah, but then the voice of Vanaman reassured me that it wouldn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikemariano Posted September 28, 2014 Oh, I forgot: Friday the 19th, the final evening I spent in my old apartment, I had a Chris Remo dream. I was at some party, I guess? Chris was leaving and said to me, "Hey, we're all going over to so-and-so's. Come with us." The group was random people, but one of them was Nels. Nels and the rest of the group went on ahead while Chris and I walked down a San Francisco street. Then we turned a corner and were in the woods. The cabin we were heading to came into view, but when I looked around Chris was gone. I had gotten him lost in the woods. I didn't want to go inside without finding him first. I rarely remember any of my dreams, and even those rarely have other people in them besides zombies or Count Chocula. Chris and Nels have now joined that illustrious company. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites