
Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

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I am going to start up a new game.

It will be 12 players, but other than that I'd like to hear some suggestions on the rest of the galaxy settings.

Who wants in?

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Put me on your reserves list. If you can't find enough people or some of the folks drop out prior to the start feel free to add me. I don't want to take the spot of someone that hasn't gotten in a game yet though.

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Oh I see, I make the map too big and all of a suddenly the real game 2 doesn't exist, we'll just forget that one.

I see what's going on, well count me into Game "2" just so I can destroy you!


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Since I'm already in Puffin Galaxy, count me in on standby, in case you need to fill out some slots.

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Oh I see, I make the map too big and all of a suddenly the real game 2 doesn't exist, we'll just forget that one.

I see what's going on, well count me into Game "2" just so I can destroy you!


Oh, it is ON Murdoc!

I'm mostly just addicted to the game and felt the need to eradicate all sleep from my life.

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So, let's disscus settings for this game.

Here is what we can set:

Speed: .5x, 1x, 2x, 4x

The production cycle, the default is 1x or 1 pay /24h

Alliances: No / Yes

I have yet to be in a game with this enabled, I don't know how it works really, default is no.

Stars per Player: 8, 16, 24, 32

Determines the total number of planets

Home Star Distance: 1ly, 1.5ly, 2ly (light years)

Average distance of stars in the early game default = 1.5ly

Natural Resources: Standard, Sparse, Plentiful, Maximum

Determines the resource level of the planets. Lower resource levels make development of that planet expensive.

Starting Systems: 1, 2, 4, 6, 10

The number of planets all players start with. default = 4

Starting Infrastructure: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20

This is the economy and industry level on your home planet at the start of the game. default = 5

Starting Science: 0, 1, 2 3, 4, 5

Just like infrastructure. default = 1

Starting Cash: $100, $250, $500, $1000

Just what it sounds like, your starting funds. default = $250

Starting ships: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

Number of ships at each planet at the start of the game. default = 10

Starting Technology: 1 - 5

Each technology level can be individually set, so we could start with level 1 weapons and level 5 scanning for example.

Research Cost: Standard, Cheap, Expensive, None

We can individually set the cost of research for each tech. This also gives the option to disable a tech as well. So, you could turn off weapon research, or all research.

That's everything. How do you all want this game to play out?

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I liked Joflars settings; maybe we should go with those?

I suppose I can be on standby as well since I'm in the other game; though really I'm totally addicted and may soon be unemployed, so I'll be doing like 15 games at once sooner or later.

Also, I'm sure I'm dead in puffin galaxy, my strategy seems like it would have worked in a faster game.

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Yes, well I guess I don't want to be the asshole here, so put me on hold also.

I think I actually prefer the settings of the second game, the first game seemed to have a point where it jumped to the end game really quickly after about a week. Obviously I don't know yet how this new game is going to turn out, but expensive science and a bigger galaxy just seems more compelling to me.

Also I like the fact that there are huge gaping holes in many points around the galaxy where there are no stars. It seems to give a little breathing room to those who start out in the middle, well except for Murdoc. He's still pretty much fucked.

EDIT: Although I can imagine the end game taking fucking forever in a galaxy as big as the one in the second game. 188 stars to win, that's a lot.

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Will we be doing another one after this? I'm feeling pretty Neptuned-out for now, but I might like to try again in a while, and possibly bring a non-Thumb friend if that would be OK.

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Will we be doing another one after this? I'm feeling pretty Neptuned-out for now, but I might like to try again in a while, and possibly bring a non-Thumb friend if that would be OK.

Well, I was planning on getting this one going sooner rather then later.

If you have some one you'd like to bring in, that's cool too

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I'm in - i'm in puffin, so put me on standby as you will.

I realy wish my WoW guild could get behind a game. We had one with 4 peeps which was so much fun despite my untimely betreyal of the GM.:)

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Put me on standby too. It looks like everyone is asking to be put on standby; put me on the second tier of standby.

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If it's cool, I'd like to get in on the new game.

I'm almost finished with my second free game which should be over in less than a week. My first game was pretty frustrating because we had 4 people drop out and no one made any attempt at diplomacy. In the game I'm in now, everyone pretty much contacted me right away. It's a totally different game when that stuff goes on and it's the best part of the game.

I just wish there was some sort of notification system (via email or text message) that would let you know about messages or events outside of the game since I can't view it at work and I can't check it on my phone. If this gets released as an app with push notifications, I might just become the least productive person on the planet. Anyway, I would love to get in on a thumbs game.

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I'd like to play. I prefer all default settings, 12 players, with alliances on. Never tried it like that, but I think the defaults work very well! Let me know.

I know I'm not a regular (yet!) but I'm an avid thumbs listener. If you guys prefer to take an elder wizard I understand.

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Here is my list so far: I think we won't need to worry about people on stand by.

1. Jennoa

2. Chris

3. Wurtsi

4. Murdoc

5. SGP

6. ENS


8. dibs

9. toblix

10. bd_monkey

11. Jhraid

I asume Jamesm is a no?

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Hey thanks for setting things up. I appreciate your contribution.

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As for game settings,

Large Map

Alliance Enabled

Standard Research cost

Standard Starting tech, except for lvl2 speed.

Standard starting infrastructure 5,5,1

6 starting planets

Starting funds $500

Now I have been contemplating going with a 2x pay rate. Would you guys be for or against that?

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Might be a little speedy with 2x pay for my tastes but whatever works for you all. How large is large?

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Might be a little speedy with 2x pay for my tastes but whatever works for you all. How large is large?

A large map is 32 star per player. So to win you'll need 188

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Well, I was planning on getting this one going sooner rather then later.

If you have some one you'd like to bring in, that's cool too

No, I meant I'd like to sit this round out but maybe join another one in a few weeks. I was just wondering if there would be any interest left at that point. I guess it's impossible to say.

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As for game settings,

Large Map

Alliance Enabled

Standard Research cost

Standard Starting tech, except for lvl2 speed.

Standard starting infrastructure 5,5,1

6 starting planets

Starting funds $500

Now I have been contemplating going with a 2x pay rate. Would you guys be for or against that?

That seems like it would cause a really extreme curve towards the end game, which already sort of happens in this game, so my vote would be no on that, but I'm willing to give anything a try really.

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I've been resisting the urge to join because I should be doing more important things, but now I'm too curious. In. I'll be crushed by everyone who's played it before, though. o/

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