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Voted for Chris, and the other drawn ones are great too, but it is indeed baffling that the shitty Photoshop one is winning..

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It's the one with the piano that's winning. Baffling indeed. You got my vote!

Oh god what ew gross.

I voted (for Chris) just so that thing won't win. Ugh ew ugh gross ew. (I like Chris' the most, anyway.)

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Voted for Chris. It says people can vote once a day (judged by IP address), so I guess whoever did that awful photoshop thing with the piano has a small army of friends pushing it to the front every day.

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They're a bit closer now, 38% to the shit one, 30% to Chris.

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It seems to think I already voted. I suppose that must mean Scott voted earlier.

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Imagine the embarrassment when we find out another Thumbateer made the photoshop one. :greatscott:

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I'm completely baffled as to how the Intro to Photoshop 101 one is winning

Internet popularity contest. Shitty PS is surprisingly popular. One of my friends has started his own photography company. His current portfolio is okish nature shots with awful PS filters and blurs and colour switches plastered on them. people are fawning over his stuff and i really cannot fathom why>< I can't imagine ever drawing something as cool as Chris's poster, but i sure could try my hand at shitty Photoshop if needed.

I wish people would just do what i do when their friends post a shitty entry and ask you to vote - lie.

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I think this phenomena is because of perceived quality versus real quality. Pictures like this one uses elements and clues from pictures with real quality (movie posters, for example), so that your brain makes the connection to something it has indexed as "cool".

That, and Photoshop is still looked at like a mystery by many, while "everyone can draw".

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The shittiest one is winning. Baffling.

Dave has more friends than Chris, clearly.

For the record, I wouldn't have voted for Chris, just because I was asked to. Luckily I liked his the best, though.

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Yesterday I noticed that my analytics for Hobo Lobo was registering visits on a wacky domain like blaparallax.local—as in, it was seeing pages on this domain as if this was my site. Obviously someone (in Dallas) was tinkering with a local instance of the parallaxer, which is kinda neat—and he/she has forgotten to remove the Piwik code which for whatever reason likes to be hard-coded.

I threw two lines into my htaccess file…

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} xxx.yy.zz.aaa
RewriteRule ^googalyticsBdamned/piwik.js$ googalyticsBdamned/piwik2.js [PT,L]

… and redirected him/her alone to a different analytics js file which contained this:

alert("Hey dude, it's cool you're doing wacky things with the parallaxer, but you should really remove the piwik analytics code before you get out of local staging ");

I hope that was startling. :grin: / :dopefish:

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Finally played the text adventure, bbx. Neat! I liked being smothered by buttocks and ending in purgatory the most.

If I died do I win?

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Hello there!

Wanted to show off an indie mobile game project we're working on here in Minneapolis, called "Bumpin' Uglies."

It's a physics-based slingshot puzzle platformer game, and it has recently got some GREAT coverage from Mashable.com (http://mashable.com/...es-kickstarter/)

We've got a Kickstarter campaign where you can learn more and see what we're up to.


I'm posting to see if I can enlist your help in spreading the word as far and wide as we can, and of course back us at any amount if you can.

We'd MOST appreciate your support!



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Hey Thumbs,

This summer I am trying to launch a website about green criminology, which studies environmental crime and how it impacts humans and the earth. I am working with an established group of professors and students called the International Green Criminology Working Group (IGCWG) to launch a site that will be used for publishing articles, teaching materials, etc about green criminology and will act as a content repository for the topic.

We are trying to raise a small amount of money to get started that will pay for a website, hosting, and some software and hardware. So far we have gotten almost 30% of the way there, but mostly from contributions from existing members of the IGCWG. If you think this is a good project we would really appreciate the support. Even $1 is extremely helpful because it makes our project more visible on Kickstarter.com


Following our twitter or facebook would also be a huge help,




Also, Jeff Gold Game Gold Gold Gold Boost.

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Finally played the text adventure, bbx. Neat! I liked being smothered by buttocks and ending in purgatory the most.

If I died do I win?

Yes, you do! And you get to go again and have a whole new story!

Thanks synth!

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Since joining this forum several years ago, a few of my cronies and I have started up a new website called Splitkick. It's about video games amazingly enough. We only do opinion pieces, reviews, interviews, and podcasts, not really news (some of us have done that before and it's not our thing). After being their podcast host for a couple years, I went on to host the weekly Rocket Jump podcast.

I'd be interested to hear what you all have to think about our content.

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That game is pretty good, like target leading practice, I played a good bit of it. Any plans to expand the franchise?

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