
Favourite endings to games.

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Too many video game endings are merely a movie---"This is what happens next. The end." I like endings that make you feel like you accomplished something.

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The ending to that game was not a real ending, you were forced to buy the DLC if you wanted the real ending. I did not buy the DLC because I can't support that, but I still enjoyed the game very much.

well, I haven't actually played the DLC, but going off of second-hand information, apparently it doesn't really advance the story in any meaningful way, meaning that by the end of it, the characters and events in the world are still very much in the same state as they were before the events of the DLC took place. I'm okay with that.

maybe someone who has actually played it can clear that up a bit.

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Isn't that a bit hyperbolic? I always thought the DLC ending was just to extend the story. I, myself, personally, found the ending to the full game more than adequate.
I would have been fine if that had been the game's ending and there was DLC that did not continue the story, and a sequel picked up where it left off, but it's ridiculous to have to pay an additional $10 to continue and finish a certain storyline. This is one of the best/worst examples of shit DLC IMO.

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The ending to that game was not a real ending, you were forced to buy the DLC if you wanted the real ending. I did not buy the DLC because I can't support that, but I still enjoyed the game very much.

there is no DLC for the PC version

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Got to say I wasn't a fan of KOTOR's ending... it felt rather rushed and unsatisfying to me. Still, I can't really argue with the rest of the list so far... Tim Schafer does endings very well it seems!

I really loved the final (mini)chapter of Monkey Island.

i agree, even tho combined with my other posts it seems like this is one of the only games i care about, this was one of the games for me where like chris the complete disregard for the previous game mechanic in the final duel was enfuriatingly difficult, granted it wasn't completely different but u spend the entire game training up a team and enter the final battle completely on your own against a boss who could kill u in two hits, causing a perpetual stalemate of heal/hit until u run out of med packs or force. As a get out clause i didn't play through again and choose to have bastila fight with me, to avoid spoilers can anyone email and tell me wat happens?

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This is definitely my favorite ending of all time. It may make me super lame, but it has actually brought me to the verge of tears. (The music is a big part of this.)

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complete disregard for the previous game mechanic in the final duel

Arrrghghgh fucking hell so many decent to awesome games have been plagued by this shit. Did you happen to enjoy the combo/parry/weapon class based combat of Conan? Too goddamn bad because now you get one of the worst QTE's ever for the last fight! Whoopee!

Oh hey new Bionic Commando how have you been?

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Portal still alive, nice tidy and i just played through it again today just so i could get this song

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Portal still alive, nice tidy and i just played through it again today just so i could get this song

Haha, I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned earlier! Admittedly, I've never played the game and I've never seen the ending until just now thanks to you, but I've certainly heard enough about it.

Full Throttle, a game that I love, is also a good one, however, I forgot the ending and I had to use Youtube as a refresher, so I dock it points for that.


The end to Ocarina of Time is also very memorable to me,but I feel that's a cliche answer.


OK, got it!

I love blasting the snot out of the credits at the end of Super Smash Bros. Melee. That's my favorite ending. Eh, Maybe that doesn't count because its not really wrapping up a story.

I really liked the ending to Final Fantasy 8. The only FF game I have ever played.

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Yeah, I can't believe we forgot Portal! That game's experience was largely its ending, if you ask me. Sure it's clever, slick and fun... but the ending was what really elevated the game to something else -- I wish that amount of personality and charm was featured more prominently in the game itself.

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At least two of us have mentioned Portal, thankyouverymuch.

Having said that, and good though the ending credits are, I kind of think of them separately from the rest of the game. Perhaps I'm taking it too seriously, but the silly bits (the song and all the cake stuff) completely irrelevant to what I like about Portal. It's a superbly-told story that I can take seriously, and it capable of being funny without relying on the crutch of a zany gimmick (ask someone to come up with something "random" and they will, in my experience, almost always pick either an animal or a foodstuff) or a novelty song. Not that either is bad *– it's just that it doesn't really fit with my conception of the world.

But the whole world disagrees with me, apparently, so I must be wrong.

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Oh, I thought we were talking about the actual ending cinematic stuff, and not about the credit roll like we did in [thread=6649]this thread[/thread]

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But the whole world disagrees with me, apparently, so I must be wrong.

Actually, I totally agree with you. They feel like two very separate things... I just prefer the world of the song.

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Actually, I totally agree with you. They feel like two very separate things... I just prefer the world of the song.

Yer jonothan coulton is awesome!

But i also agree with the seriousness of it, a superficial player might find the concept "zanny" but if u really think about it, what would a giant self aware scientific super computer buried under the ground do after it killed everyone in its way? Test super cool stuff until the end of time. The Rat dens also made the world seem so much more real, all the little details that valve are so good at just completely sold it for me. Quick question, it may sound stupid, never played half-life want to start, should i start with 1? is it worth it or should i just read a synopsis? half-life nerds please dont hit me im not very strong

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All of the Dead Rising endings touched me in different ways.

Some of them were quite depressing, but very effective and as I unlocked the 'positive' ones it made me want to see what happened if I fucked it up.

Oh yeah, I also liked the Far Cry 2 ending.

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Half Life 1 and 2 are so goddamned amazingly different. I've honestly never finished the first one without cheat codes (I was 13, don't judge me too harshly) but have played through 2 about 4 times now. Were I you, I'd just buy the Valve Complete pack or whatever it's called and give the first one a shot. If you don't like it, you've still got 2 and both episodes, all of which are amazing. Half Life is a great game, but is showing its age much more than its sequel has.

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I love the transition that occurred near the end of Portal. Once GLaDOS started talking about Chell as if she were a threat it suggested a new way of thinking about the situation and gave a purpose to your actions. You were no longer just solving puzzles, you were trying to find GLaDOS and destroy her.

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