
Brütal Legend overload...!

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I think I'll save myself for the full game. Haven't watched a great deal of in game stuff either, so I hope I'll appreciate it more when I get my hands on it.

This comes out the same day as Uncharted 2, Machinarium and The Void. Unfair :(

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Turns out Tim Schafer started working at Lucasarts on my third birthday!

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Cool demo, but I'm a bit disappointed that it was only the exact same sequence that was shown in videos ages ago (plus the intro movie).

The main menu is awesome!

Gameplay feels pretty much like I expected after seeing the videos.

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Yeah, the main menu is a really clever idea. The presentation is so good in this game. I love the freeze-frame woodcut illustrations that pop up whenever you get a new ability or item.

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Gameplay feels pretty much like I expected after seeing the videos.

From what I've heard, the gameplay changes further on, and then occasionally changes back to something like this. But it's not all the same.

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From what I've heard, the gameplay changes further on, and then occasionally changes back to something like this. But it's not all the same.

Yeah, I wasn't really thinking that the open world part would be limited to the same mechanics as the demo.

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Yeah, the main menu is a really clever idea. The presentation is so good in this game. I love the freeze-frame woodcut illustrations that pop up whenever you get a new ability or item.

I really like Scott Campbell's illustration style. He also does a daily (!) comic on the Doublefine website.

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Yeah this is the most bizarre thing ever for me. Since when does a game designer make it on a late night talk show?! It's usually actors, prominent live action directors (only the voices of animated characters, never the animators), and animal wranglers only. A game designer?!

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It's fucking bizarre... I can only assume from that E3 video that Jimmy Fallon is a gamer and has some gaming stuff on his show.

So, if my calculations are correct, Mr. Schafer will be in New York waiting for the taping of the show, which will begin at 5.30PM EST. You can only imagine what must be going through his mind... I'd be bricking it about now.

Edit: What a build up... He isn't even mentioned in the "Tonight's Guests" blog post.

What does that mean, I wonder?

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Fallon's a bit of a geek, yeah.

The demo is excellent and very funyn throughout. A lot of the best lines are just throwaway ones you won't pick up unless you're screwing around a little ("Stay still!" "Smells like a whale. Ate a lot of cabbage. And then died in your mouth. A year ago.") It's going to be a long, hard wait till December (which is when my copy of the game arrives).


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Oh man...


Ah, the first time I watched I was cringing, like I felt nervous FOR Tim Schafer -- "don't freeze up, dude!". But I've watched it a few more times now and I think he did a pretty damned good job up there.

Edited by ThunderPeel2001

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The main menu really is the best main menu of all time.

The demo itself was short, limited and something I had already seen before, so it didn't shift my expectations on the full game one way or another. They managed to show a lot of cool stuff on the video that played when you beat the demo though.

By the way. Some of the sounds effects and even parts of the dialog somehow sounded flat or compressed in the PS3 demo. Did anyone else notice this or is it just me and/or (the settings on) my amplifier?

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Holy crap, I haven't tried the demo, but from what you've all been saying, I can't wait to try out the main menu!

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Holy crap, I haven't tried the demo, but from what you've all been saying, I can't wait to try out the main menu!

Yeah, it was a nice surprise... It's probably not so "amazing" if you're expecting it.

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Yeah, it was a nice surprise... It's probably not so amazing if you're expecting it.

Well, I honestly don't know what to expect. Could it be that the main character pops his head out through a hole and makes hilarious comments based on which items you select? Or maybe... no, I could only imagine that one thing. So I guess I will be surprised after all.

Unless someone spoils it first.

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Yeah, but I couldn't watch it because I couldn't stop myself from revealing the beginning of your attached spoiler saying it was


, and I don't like



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Eh? It's not cringeworthy. Tim did better than loads of Hollywood people do.

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He seemed slightly tense, but that's not surprising. I found it enjoyable to watch. Thanks for posting that, ThunderPeel.

I pre-ordered the game yesterday! I'm looking forward to all the awesome games coming out this october/november.

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Heh, that clip is weird. Tim handles himself really well and manages to be funny a good few times, whereas the host's humour was pretty poor and entirely predictable. Tim needs to be hosting these things, man. ;(

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Anyone would be better than Jimmy Fallon, really. "Late Night with Some Chimpanzee."

Tim seemed fine to me, aside from seeming unsure about talk show protocol. You can see him sort of thinking "Should I set down,or do I have to wait for the host to sit? What are the rules here?"

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