adfegg Posted December 25, 2007 Just finished 25 minutes ago. A triumph as always. Did anyone else spot Sarah-Jane Smith and Alan Jackson in the teaser for the next series? (Or am I the only one here who'll admit to watching a kid's show. ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brkl Posted December 25, 2007 Ach, can't wait to see this. Fucking lazy criminals, torrent it already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coldkill Posted December 26, 2007 Was an awesome watch. Dr Who: Something the BBC got right! Also yes, spotted the teaser for the new series, although, they aren't going to do a huge amount of new episodes I've been told. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brkl Posted December 26, 2007 Only three more specials. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
adfegg Posted December 26, 2007 And another thing: If you're name is Astrid and you meet The Doctor, and you don't want to die a spectacular death, don't get involved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted December 26, 2007 I was quite indifferent to be honest. Seems this was at odds with other members of my family, as well as you lot, but I really didn't find anything about it particularly special or exciting -- it seems every other episode he's battling rubber-faced automatons in the modern series. OK, this might be a staple of Dr Who in principle, but it's being overused to death by the current writers. I've yet to see anything as frightening or unusual as, say, the sea-vampires which Sylvester McCoy had to battle with. I still don't enjoy David Tenant playing The Doctor either, even though he is a very good actor and clearly understands the role beyond the superficial. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DanJW Posted December 26, 2007 Oh man, the sea-vampires. I remember being scared by that episode. I think Tennant is a great Doctor, but the xmas specials never do much for me. I know exactly what you mean about the automatons, Wrestle. My favourite episodes are the ones that owe more to Quatermass. In fact the New Doctor Who stuff often has me feeling slightly torn. It's like the writers are on the edge of something brilliant, but then they fall back into typical BBC hokiness and cliché. I've said before how I think english TV sci-fi is lagging behind the rest of the world somewhat, and New Doctor Who personifies that mixed feeling of hope and frustration. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
adfegg Posted December 27, 2007 I get your point about the host. They just seemed to be a combination of the Ood and a much less scarier cousin to the Weeping Angels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmuerte Posted December 27, 2007 this wasn't a great episode, it kind of remembered me of the Poseidon story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salka Posted December 27, 2007 I've seen trailers and things for Dr Who and it does not look awesome. I know it probably shouldn't, but lots of little things about it annoy me... Billie Piper, or the main actor's voice, for instance. Or irritating cameos by irritating people like Kylie Minogue... I love Doctor Who though, I have read tens of the (crappy) books... so maybe I am missing out. Is Dr Who any good? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brkl Posted December 27, 2007 Yeah, Billie Piper has been gone for over a year now. And which main actor, the one in the first new season with Billie Piper or David Tennant, the current Doctor? I think it's really great sometimes, sometimes it's not. They've got really good people doing puppets and stuff (the face of Bo) and I think Tennant is awesome in the role. Sometimes the plotlines really falter, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmuerte Posted December 27, 2007 yeah, there were a couple of awesome episodes, like "The Impossible Planet" & "The Satan Pit" "Gridlock" "42" "Blink" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted December 28, 2007 Piper was actually very good by the end of it and her character's final episode was quite touching I thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DanJW Posted December 28, 2007 Yes, I had my doubts but she did turn out surprisingly well. I don't have much joy at the thought of Catherine Tate being a permanent assistant though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted December 29, 2007 I don't have much joy at the thought of Catherine Tate being a permanent assistant though. The idea of that is so appalling, I actually thought it was a wind-up - or at least an over-generous cut for the trails - at first. Utter, utter shit; if you thought New Doctor Who was already too repetitive and predictable, prepare to be amazed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
adfegg Posted January 1, 2008 yeah, there were a couple of awesome episodes, like"The Impossible Planet" & "The Satan Pit" "Gridlock" "42" "Blink" I didn't think much of '42', really. It seemed a bit rushed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coldkill Posted January 2, 2008 When watching "Runaway Bride"(?) I was utterly appalled at Catherine Tate, I'm hoping she's not going to do many Dr. Who episodes . "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit" were both awesome episodes. It seems some they make are extremely well written and enjoyable to watch, some on the other hand are either just utter rubbish or good at the start and ruined some how. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmuerte Posted January 2, 2008 I didn't think much of '42', really. It seemed a bit rushed. well, that was the whole idea wasn't it? 42 minutes to save the world Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Redwall Posted January 3, 2008 Nobody's mentioned "The Girl in the Fireplace"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted January 3, 2008 The early stuff was generally superb and definitely compulsive viewing in our house. It's maybe been a little too back-to-back, in terms of seasons, and so is perhaps burning itself out quite rapidly now despite some great ideas still coming through. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brkl Posted January 3, 2008 I think that some stories, like the last episodes of the previous season, blow up to a scale they cannot handle. Smaller stories work really well most of the time, but the epic stuff not so much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted January 3, 2008 I agree. Doctor Who has always been quite an intimate character, typically dealing with just a couple of other key characters in any one particular story -- regardless of whether he's actually saving an entire race or otherwise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
werd123 Posted January 3, 2008 I never thought of Doctor Who as a kids show, even the new series which looks all sexed up, new and all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites