ThunderPeel2001 Posted December 26, 2007 It's very odd, especially considering that being stealthy is an option for dealing with bad guys. What's with all the great reviews? None of the ones I've read have mentioned this glaring hole in the gameplay... Is everyone afraid because of the Kane & Lynch thing?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted December 26, 2007 I think the AI isn't quite so bad that it really detracts from the play; rather, it's just a massive missed opportunity. I guess it's difficult to really mark it down for that. To be fair, the AI isn't terrible as far as games in general go (HL2 is an example of pretty sub-par AI, but due to the scripting it seemed fine). It's just that in such a non-linear game with so much potential experimentation it stands out when you try a certain thing and the AI doesn't respond appropriately. Apparently Crysis is a planned trilogy, so they'll hopefully spend more time on non-visual technical stuff next time and more on gameplay/story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nappi Posted December 26, 2007 Apparently Crysis is a planned trilogy, so they'll hopefully spend more time on non-visual technical stuff next time and more on gameplay/story. no. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted December 26, 2007 Tee, fucking hell. :~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
completelysexy Posted January 3, 2008 I found Crysis to be boring & quite repetitive actually, I wasn't expecting things to be so linear from beginning to end. To its credit the graphics are amazing & the physics engine is beautiful too, but as the first poster mentions soemthing still holds back the gameplay. Possibly the lack of a decent story & as I mentioned the task of repeating the same thing over & over again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LOPcagney Posted January 3, 2008 Welcome to Thumbs! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted January 3, 2008 Yup, cynicism about games that are getting raves. You'll fit in just fine. As for Crysis, got it for Christmas along with Assassin's Creed, but I started loving AC and want to finish it before Crysis comes out of the shrinkwrap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
werd123 Posted January 3, 2008 I think I wait down the track until I get a new computer which might be never, would rather play it when computers become more advanced then half-assed with the computers currently available. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ginger Posted January 3, 2008 I found Crysis to be boring & quite repetitive actually, I wasn't expecting things to be so linear from beginning to end.To its credit the graphics are amazing & the physics engine is beautiful too, but as the first poster mentions soemthing still holds back the gameplay. Possibly the lack of a decent story & as I mentioned the task of repeating the same thing over & over again. That's rather insightful for a sex-bot, man AI is getting good taste Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted January 3, 2008 But does the sex-bot taste good..? Back on topic: My interest in Crysis has been virtually non-existent, once the initial wow factor wore off. The early teasers, which included fighting a huge alien machine on the deck of a ship were quite exciting, but it's nothing particularly new or revolutionary. Come to think of it, did that part make it into the final game? Or was it, as I have suspected since seeing it, just E3 eye-candy? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted January 3, 2008 Yes it did. There's quite a lot to Crysis that nobody's really talked about because they either haven't got the hardware to run the game enjoyably or just didn't get it. There's also the whole frozen island thing, huge alien structures, etc. I mean, the whole game isn't just the demo stretched out onto different parts of the island. Like any FPS, things are mixed up along the way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted January 3, 2008 Yes it did. There's quite a lot to Crysis that nobody's really talked about because they either haven't got the hardware to run the game enjoyably or just didn't get it. Then that's criminal, as it appeared to have a fair amount of potential judging by those few minutes of action. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted January 3, 2008 The worst thing for me, and the only thing that's making me question whether to buy it or not, is the fact that the AI is so absolutely appalling. Why bother introducing 'stealth' gameplay if you're not going to actually let it have any real significance in the game? Especially considering how "technically advanced" it's supposed to be Still, I did enjoy myself on the island... provided the rest of the game is so open and that stealth is still a part of it, I might enjoy it. But seriously....... how hard is it to program: If an enemy is within a certain radius of a dead enemy, then enter 'suspicious behaviour' mode (the same one they enter when they see you). If an enemy 'sees' a dead enemy (the same way they 'see' you), then act the same. Allow you to pick up bodies (just showing legs and slowing your speed down, like in Deus Ex, would be fine) and hide them... and voila! Fairly decent stealth gameplay. It's an oversight that borders on flaw, if you ask me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LOPcagney Posted January 4, 2008 Yes it did. There's quite a lot to Crysis that nobody's really talked about because they either haven't got the hardware to run the game enjoyably or just didn't get it. There's also the whole frozen island thing, huge alien structures, etc.I mean, the whole game isn't just the demo stretched out onto different parts of the island. Like any FPS, things are mixed up along the way. But shouldn't we judge the game not by the content itself but by the motivation to explore it? And to ThunderPeel2001, I'm replaying Deus Ex GOTYE, and it may just be shear luck, but I've started leaving bodies around left and right since I haven't once got buzzed having an opponent spot a body. They should sound the alarm right? I may just be getting very lucky... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted January 4, 2008 I don't really get your comment to me, LOPcagney -- not unless I've misunderstood it. I never find myself really motivated to explore any game. I wouldn't dream of saying Assassin's Creed isn't very good just because I have absolutely no motivation to try it at all. Same for Gears of War, which I've still never played. It doesn't make a game any better or worse just because it doesn't immediately attract you with an almighty pull. Granted, classic games often do pull me in immediately such as Mario Galaxy, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Half-Life (2), etc. However, just as many haven't such as the amazing Beyond Good & Evil. All I was saying is a lot of people haven't even played Crysis, let alone seen what differentiates it from other games. The set pieces, story, and areas you explore? Most people haven't got a clue. It's like saying the entirety of Half-Life 2 is the train station you start in (which as far as interactivity goes isn't too inaccurate). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LOPcagney Posted January 5, 2008 Yeah, I reread my comment and I was making pretty rash judgments. I meant, like you said, that a good game will pull you in or that you shouldn't have to work to find the merit in a good game, but like you said, thinking back, there were many games that I despised at first but learned to love. I think I'm going to stop talking about Crysis, since I've hardly even played the demo... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted January 20, 2008 Hmmm! I've been told that the AI in Crysis is very good... but you need to be playing it at the right difficulty level to see it. Apparently I played the demo in "easy" Oops. (I just assumed it meant their health would be less.) Can anyone confirm that the baddies are more intelligent than those I experienced? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted January 23, 2008 A team of academics known as Digital Urban are attempting to create a virtual copy of the City of London using the Crysis mod tools. They're importing individual building meshes from SketchUp, Google's free 3D application which integrates user-submitted 3D constructions with the Google Earth software. It's pretty basic at the moment, but I'm impressed nonetheless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nachimir Posted January 23, 2008 Something especially impressive about it, from the comments at RPS: The movie is only a work in progress - as the blog states, although we feel crysis is impressive in the level of detail that can be achieved in only two days and thats including working out how to use it.We will have a tutorial online sometime next week, fingers crossed…. its all about outreach and sharing the techniques. Our London model goes out to the M25 covering 3 million buildings for those interested Andy (of Digital Urban) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted January 23, 2008 Steaming filth, that's even more impressive that I first appreciated. :tup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted January 24, 2008 This is nothing to do with Crysis but it's the same people doing more damned impressive stuff! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted January 31, 2011 I'd hate to resurrect this long dead thread but now that I can finally run Crysis and play it.... It looks so pretty I nerdgasmed, but as soon as the fighting starts... Should I bother to turn on God Mode to see how pretty the rest of the game is? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orv Posted January 31, 2011 Just get MechWarrior Legends and forget the base game even exists. Problem solved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted January 31, 2011 Ok... I'll try that... Should I even bother to download Crysis Wars and Warhead? I got the whole package while it was on sale... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites