netmonkey Posted February 12, 2007 Seriously. Stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oath Posted February 12, 2007 Been hoping for this thread for a few weeks. Finally! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nachimir Posted February 12, 2007 Thank you They were getting as bad as the "Pirates of the Caribbean to plunder next-gen consoles" type headlines. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted February 12, 2007 And yet strangely endearing. I kinda like 'em, but they need to get more creative. Let's see some game critique in the titles, rather than just references to shit and piss. I find myself coming up with these types of titles while playing a game, but never really bother to post a thread based on them. As I said in a different thread, my favorite of my unused ones was "Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved? More like Gee, Where're My High Scores? Record Dissolved!" but there have been others. I'm on board with stopping the whole "Cock, Piss, Balls, Ass, etc" thing, but if they're done well they're awesome. We need to see a spike in quality, not the elimination of them altogether. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted February 12, 2007 Or just stop. Absolutely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toblix Posted February 12, 2007 Wow, I thought everyone loved them. Of course I'll stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wormsie Posted February 12, 2007 We need to see a spike in quality, not the elimination of them altogether....Naah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrChlorophyll Posted February 12, 2007 I didn't really care one way or the other until I saw on whatever news channel that was covering that female NASA astronaut that was arrested, there was written on the bottom of the screen "Lust in Space." I shit you not. I had enough at that point. So yeah, the title would have to be pretty damn genius to warrant its existance now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted February 12, 2007 Ye Gods! I though I was the only one who DIDN'T like them! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n0wak Posted February 13, 2007 Unfortunately, the sad part of this is that the only real new thread in the gaming forum is a thread telling others to stop posting threads with stupid titles (threads that are rare enough as it is!). Isn't anybody playing, you know, games now? I'm not Waiting for Crackdown though More like ass crack down-syndrome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted February 13, 2007 Unfortunately, the sad part of this is that the only real new thread in the gaming forum is a thread telling others to stop posting threads with stupid titles (threads that are rare enough as it is!).Isn't anybody playing, you know, games now? I'm not Waiting for Crackdown though More like ass crack down-syndrome! A game? What on Earth is a game? Lately I only play whatever's new on the Wii's VC channel, and not much more... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted February 13, 2007 Guitar Hero, waiting for the 360 version. Other than that, I'm playing this amazing role playing game called "Psychology Major." It involves attending a bunch of classes while trying to hold down a job and have enough money to survive. Guitar Hero is actually a mini-game in it, as the character plays it to vent every now and then. Also Picross. There's an expansion out on Friday called "Reading Week." It's supposed to take place in the far off land of Ottawa. Where the hell do they come up with the names for these places? Oh, I'm also interested in Crackdown, but will probably wait until all the Halo 3 folk have their copies before I look into it too seriously. I could care less about H3 (would need to play 2 first...) and as such will just wait out the beta-rush before buying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oath Posted February 13, 2007 I'm playing Viva Piñata and Lost Planet, though the latter isn't very good so far. Also replaying Gears of War, but we've had threads on that before. I played the Crackdown demo a fair bit and would like to get the whole game, but I don't really want to pay anywhere near full price for something I'm certain I'll grow tired of within the first week. There are only so many buildings you can climb before you get restless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Ben Posted February 13, 2007 I'm playing through Hotel Dusk and loving it. I get to fufill my dream of being a complete arse to everybody. After that, it's probably back to Viva Pinata and trying to get those damn Roarios into my garden. Damn thing - you need five Zumbugs and Doenuts in there to even get it to VISIT. And THEN! THEN! You have to let it eat.... three.... I think? of each species. GODDAMMIT YOU STUPID LION I WILL HAVE YOU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roderick Posted February 13, 2007 I'm going through Boktai-sequel Lunar Knights on the DS. After that, it's Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2. Reviews, you understand. Damn difficult to flip a good burger there, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrestlevania Posted February 13, 2007 I wrote up an impressive list of games I want to complete this year, then promptly ignored it for the last couple of weeks by replaying Half-Life 2 for the first time since it was released, and Star Fox Command (which I got for my birthday last week). I've also since been made aware of Dracula X - Rondo of Blood too, which looks like a damned tempting retro play... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qdqwdd Posted February 13, 2007 So this is now a "What are you doing" thread? I'm playing Animal Crossing WW, after playing for 2 months every single day, I'm only one room away to get the biggest house. I'm playing Big Brain Academy, pretty good, much much better than Brain Training. Also I'm playing Starwars Lethal Alliance, It's not a bad game, but it's too simple and the story is pretty lame, probably I won't finish it... I've already downloaded S&M ep 3 though I still haven't finished ep2... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted February 13, 2007 Heeee. :~ I was on the verge of making this thread about a month ago, but I thought I might piss everyone off by calling you all dick heads and condemning your sense of humour. It was initially funny, but the likes of Consolevania (Did you get it from there?) knew to use it sparingly. Enough smelling makes even the sweetest rose smell like the tramps putting their sweaty faces near it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toblix Posted February 13, 2007 It was initially funny, but the likes of Consolevania (Did you get it from there?) knew to use it sparingly. They did the exact same "more like"-thing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted February 13, 2007 Indeed. It's a fairly trademark feature from one of the reviewers, who slips it in at the end of a bad review. Mario Smash Football's, for example, was "Mario Smash Football? Mario GASH Football, more like!". It isn't used in every episode, though. I always assumed it was nabbed from there seeing as a bunch of people here watch it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BooJaka Posted February 13, 2007 I just wanted to be popular... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted February 13, 2007 I just wanted to be popular... It worked. You are. Although, probably more because you volunteered for the Ocarina bet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toblix Posted February 13, 2007 I think I started off planning to reflect my opinion of the game in the thread title, like Picross? More like neat-cross or something, but then at some point (possible right at the beginning) it turned into a poo-fest, an excremaganza, a cockophony of shit. And I'm so sorry. I'm still a bit hurt that there's no trace of my early, old-school thread titles, like the one about Trauma Center. Terrible Center, was it? To be that young again... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites