StrakAttack Posted February 6, 2014 Hi all. I'm a long long time listener but only recently ventured into the Idle Forums. Originally from California but now live in DC. I used to work on cell phone games at EA but left that years ago to go to law school and am now a lawyer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CTastic Posted February 6, 2014 Hi! My name is Carson, and I'm a film student from North Carolina. I have been listening to the podcast for almost a year now, but I have only now bothered with the forums. I am a long time Nintendo fan/junkie and a (relatively) new DotA addict. My Steam ID is "Serenok" if anyone cares to play a game. God knows I own more than I probably should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gamemore Posted February 6, 2014 Oi, I'm some dude on the internet who likes listening to dudes talking about video games on the internet and sometimes even plays them himself (the games, not the dudes). I'm currently waiting to go to university, so I don't have to help my father repair his dental practice all the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bkbroiler Posted February 7, 2014 I'm originally from Michigan, now live in California. I work at a movie trailer company as an assistant editor. Pretty new to the Idle Thumbs podcast/site/thing, but long time lover of adventure games, and then Double Fine and Telltale stuff, so I was immediately hooked! Also pretty obsessed with Chris's daily Spelunky runs (my in to the podcast). Edit: Hello, by the way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daroga Posted February 7, 2014 Hey guys! I've listened to the Idle Thumbs podcast for a while, and the most recent episode had enough good things to say about the community that I thought I'd join up. If you do or have run along in the forums on CAG or Talking Time, you might know me. Otherwise, hi! I'm a dad of two awesome kids, living with my wife in California's thankfully now-soggy Bay Area. As a result of family and work priorities don't have a whole lot of time to play games lately (and truthfully, have even less time to dink around on forums), but I thought I'd at least take a peek in here and see what was shaking. Take care, all! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danimo Posted February 7, 2014 Whats up. I've listened to the podcast for a year and some now and actually lurked these boards a bit. Registered around when the Thumbs were playing Crusader Kings 2. I live in Houston, work in a boring industry where I can listen to lots of podcasts at work, play a lot of video games and recently am dipping my toes into game development as a hobby. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kmart123 Posted February 7, 2014 Hello everyone! I'm from Michigan, but am currently a Illinoian. I've been listening to the show for about a year now, and am a big fan. I use to be a console gamer, but have been exclusively a PC gamer for almost a decade now. I'm also an aspiring software engineer and a hobbyist game developer. Tone Control has provided some of the most useful and insightful wisdom when it comes to developing games and I look forward to it every other week. I also like cooking, board games, and movies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fnargog Posted February 7, 2014 Hello. I've been listening to the show for a while, signed up for the forums last May but haven't posted anything in here yet. I'm pretty new to forums in general but though I'd give this a try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jutranjo Posted February 7, 2014 Hello, I'm a listener from Slovenia, I really like your shows! At least half of them talk about things I'm interested in (video games, their developers, DOTA2 and Netrunner) as well as being a joy to consume. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chairman Yang Posted February 7, 2014 Hi youse guys, I decided to register for these forums because I love the Tone Control, Three Moves Ahead, and Idle Thumbs podcasts, and I think the community here might mesh well with my video game tastes. Hmm...what else. * I'm ostensibly Canadian (although I can't appreciate beer or hockey despite many attempts, and despite living here since I was three I haven't adapted at all to the weather) * I'm currently working on a roguelike dynamic grand strategy game for the PC called "Victors and Vanquished". I won't be ready to show it for a few months, but if you like Paradox's grand strategy games, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Advance Wars, permadeath in procedurally-generated worlds, or Dan Carlin's "Hardcore History" podcasts, think of a combination of those except ten times better! Well, that's the plan anyways Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasari Posted February 7, 2014 Hi! I heard on this week's Idle Thumbs that tons of people signed up recently, and I felt I should get in on that. I'm a game design student from Scotland, although I'm sort of taking a year out of studying for various reasons. Hopefully, that means I have more time to keep learning Unity! I also came along due to mention of that game making thread; I'd love to get involved. Also today I played Jazzpunk and want to recommend that you play Jazzpunk right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benArcen Posted February 8, 2014 Hello everyone I've been listening to thumbs for a few years now I suppose and with the guys shamelessly plugging the forums I decided it was time to join in lol. I finished USAF enlistment almost 2 years ago and continued pursuing my degree at ULL in Computer Science w/ concentration in Game D&D. I'm approaching my junior year and loving it. As far as game D&D is concerned I have worked as a tester on a few PS3 titles but I'm more into design and development than I am actually into playing at this point. I've worked on a few small projects volunteering as a programmer that were never finished but proved to be valuable experiences plus I kept my code for later use lol. I'm always open for anything and I'm interested in experience more than anything else. I do still play a good bit of game and I'm up for game nights or team based games. I'm actively playing the following: Dota2: I have actually stopped playing because I started late and almost every match one or more players just drops from the game. I've been told this is offset by gold rate increases but it doesn't seem to help that much. I could just be unaware of how to utilize the increase. That being said I practiced via co-op bot matches quite a bit and I feel like I'm a decent player. If a team has an open spot or looking to bring someone up that would be cool. About the only thing I'm not decent at is item choice because I haven't learned the progressions yet. DayZ: I play from time to time but I'm kinda waiting for the devs to fix some of the more glaring issues as well as refine some of the systems. I do think it's a really interesting game but at this point it just makes me super nervous and jumpy lol. I don't know anyone else who plays this so playing with other members would be rad. TF2: Still good, that is all. Path of Exile: I tried this out way back during the beta and recently installed the steam full version. It's diablo 2 refreshed and refined. I played a lot of D2 so it's losing it's appeal pretty quick. If I'm missing some element I'm not aware of please let me know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Threndsa Posted February 8, 2014 Hi everyone, Im Threndsa (or David if you want to use booooring RL names) Im an avid KoL player so when Jick/Zack came on the show I listened in and decided to join the community since im slowing running out of VG hotdog episodes to listen too and I love forums! Im an MMO/action/RPG gamer digitally and play table top board and cardgames whenever I get the chance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeremywc Posted February 8, 2014 I live in Houston, work in a boring industry where I can listen to lots of podcasts at work, play a lot of video games and recently am dipping my toes into game development as a hobby Ah ha! Another Houstonite. Our numbers are growing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gormongous Posted February 8, 2014 Ah ha! Another Houstonite. Our numbers are growing. "Houston: Everyone's got to live somewhere!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golden Calf Posted February 8, 2014 Ahoy-hoy thumberinos (hmm...) Long-time listener but I've just started looking at the forums recently. I'm from California and currently living in St. Louis studying computer science. Currently taking video game programming and computer graphics (woo). So hopefully I'll get out of this with some marketable skills on top of my debt and anxiety! My other hobbies include playing violin, cooking, and calligraphy. Opera is underrated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syntheticgerbil Posted February 8, 2014 But I sort of like Houston and I miss it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeremywc Posted February 8, 2014 But I sort of like Houston and I miss it. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about Houston. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted February 8, 2014 Opera is underrated. Do you mean Opera the web browser or Opera the dramatic art form? Either way I agree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golden Calf Posted February 8, 2014 Do you mean Opera the web browser or Opera the dramatic art form? Either way I agree. Well, I've never used the browser before, but I'll be sure not to dismiss it out of hand in the future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmuerte Posted February 8, 2014 Opera is overrated. It used to mean something, it used to bit a big thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gregab Posted February 9, 2014 Hi all. I came across the the podcast a few months ago and have been ravenously consuming the back catalogue since. I'm a master's student at the MIT Media Lab in a brand new research group called Playful Systems. We make and study games and other ways of playing within complex systems ranging from digital computation to food distribution. My background is all over the place (from indie music to computer vision), but in games I come from the Big Games tradition: making games that involve running around in cities and strange mixes of computers and the real world. If you know the Come, Out, and Play festival, it's that kind of thing. I'm currently working on a game for this year's SXSW based on Neuromancer that involves streaming 3D video from an iPhone to an Oculus Rift. Lately, I've been getting more and more interested in making specifically video game-y video games and listening to the Thumbs podcasts has been inspirational in that regard. I'm definitely interested in the Amateur Game Making thread and am really excited to see what people are cooking up there. I'm currently playing: Banner Saga, Super Hexagon (obsessively), Eliss Infinity, Nidhogg, VVVVV, Quadradius, and others. Probably about to play Far Cry 2 after hearing about 30 hours of pro-it ranting by the Thumbs. Also, being at MIT means I'm in close proximity to all kinds of weird and frightening Robot News items if anyone is interested in those. Thanks for the great podcast! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasari Posted February 9, 2014 Do you mean Opera the web browser or Opera the dramatic art form? Either way I agree. I used to use Opera all the time. Eventually it became really bloated and slow compared to other browsers, so I switched to Chrome. How is it these days? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TychoCelchuuu Posted February 9, 2014 Opera never became bloated and slow, I dunno what you're talking about. It was the fastest browser up until a few months ago, until the massive fucking idiots at Opera literally killed the entire browser and started it from scratch, this time basing it off of Chrome. So now it's just a shitty fucking piece of shit Chrome fork. I'm still running my old Opera install and I suppose I will have to do so forever. I'm still mad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites