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I'm gonna go have some coffee now.

Good thread.

coffee coffee coffee...

Java filter milk no sugar

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I have to say that even when coffee is shit I live knowing that it could be much worse. When I was a younger and we went to visit my family in Poland, they'd put coffee in a cup and pour hot water over it. Not instant coffee. I don't know what to call it. The coffee didn't all dissolve into the water. The point was that somehow most of it stayed at the bottom of the cup. But if you drank too much you'd hit that layer of crap and be really sad.

Oh, I hate it when you're drinking coffee and get to the end and all of a sudden get a bit of grounds that somehow made it in there. Blech, blech, blech. It doesn't taste like anything, it's just the texture.

I drink a lot of coffee. I usually drink a half a pot in the morning. I'll have another cup when I get to the lab and I will often have a cup of decaf in the afternoon (if it's caffeinated, it messes up my sleep). I honestly need to cut back but it's kind of like a drug to me.

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I find that if I drink too much coffee throughout the day, I end up feeling sick and also, the coffee starts to taste bad...

But if I pace myself, man coffee tastes so good.

I love eating Coffee and a Banana. And Coffee and an apple. I don't know why but they seem to go together really well...

Also, usually I hate instant coffee, but sometimes - VERY rarely - I actually want a cup of instant. And I don't know why. Sometimes I just feel like being dirty I guess...

James got me a coffee grinder and some coffee beans for Christmas, and also some chocolate covered Coffee beans. It was all extremely tasty. There is nothing like the smell of freshly ground coffee...

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Quitting caffeine was HARD. Like super freaky hard. Your body does NOT want to stop drinking caffeine. I was in absolute pain (seriously, PAIN!) for about three weeks. The headaches were murder, and my whole body ached.

Exactly why I'm very careful to pace myself. Only had one cup this week so far, so doing pretty well.

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Whoah loony, that's the most extreme coffee addiction war story I've ever heard. How much did you drink on average?

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Ahh coffee.

I usually make it on this:


I have three sizes for different occasions,2 cups, 6 cups and 12 cups (espresso cops).

How do you use one of those contraptions?

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Whoah loony, that's the most extreme coffee addiction war story I've ever heard. How much did you drink on average?

I'd start my day with a giant cup of black sludge, followed by one or two other cups in the morning. Then throughout the day I'd drink other caffeinated drinks.

I'd say on average I'd drink at least 32 ounces of caffeinated drinks in a day. When I was in college, there was one job I'd go to where I'd pick up two 16 oz. cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee on the way that I'd drink throughout the day. I'd get cold, but I didn't care.

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How do you use one of those contraptions?

Well, the top part and the bottom part can be seperated, instead of going through a tedious description I give you this:




Viola - now drink. If you don't own one of the really expensive espresso-machines, it is one of the fastest and easiest methods to make coffee - good if you like it fresh. You can vary the amount of coffe if you don't like it strong.

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I had to give up drinking coffee at work, as I realised I was so wired that I couldn't concentrate on any one thing for more than ten minutes.

I once went out with a girl who drank so much coffee that she almost had a heart attack. She had extreme palpitations and passed out, and spent a day in hospital. Even when I knew her she had to go for a heart check-up every few months, and was obviously banned from drinking caffeine.

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