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Gears of War multiplayer

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Oh man, yesterday we got two Xboxes in the house and hooked it all together with two TV's and played Gears of War multiplayer with the four of us. It was so beautiful. Even though I'm far from understanding the strategic possibilities of the maps and gameplay; it's just so wonderfully visceral and exciting to engage the enemy and end the skirmish in a chainsaw decapitation!

So nice! I heard stuff about the game being badly balanced, or this-and-that, and it's all just whining. It's exciting, whatever it is.

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So nice! I heard stuff about the game being badly balanced, or this-and-that, and it's all just whining. It's exciting, whatever it is.

The balance is mostly fine and the actual act of playing in a multiplayer game is great. The huge problem, I find, is the matchmaking for RANKED matches. Completely broken and archaic. But if you do manage to find a decent server, it really is fun.

Hoping that new maps come out soon, though. The same rotation is getting tired already.

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We don't have Live, unfortunately, and the xbox isn't mine to begin with. But who knows, perhaps in a year from now I'll get my own :yep:

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I want to play some more Gears in singleplayer before I go online with it. Maybe in a month or so. I have to finish Zelda first.

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Yeah, I just got it today, and I usually try to make it a point to beat the campaign mode before I go online with a game. Not too bad so far.

I just got back to the camp with the Junker. Would've made it faster but the stupid AI teammate couldn't figure out how to stay the fuck in the light.

I hear co-operative is great, and a friend has been telling me to get it for a while just so we can play some online co-op. Of course, now he's out of town for the week, but soon some two player goodness shall be mine.

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There seems to be a really small player pool for the Player Matches (unranked) as i seem to be playing with the same people every other game. Quite good actually.

My only real wish is that there would be more to the multiplayer than variations on team deathmatch. I guess they don't want it to be too Unreal-like, in anticipation of UT2007 (and, more obviously, it's less work and they could meet the PS3 launch).

One of my roommates was going to buy Gears for his little 10-12-year old brothers; I decided to give him a look of the game while I was playing online (in HD! VGA cable rules) and I guess seeing a man be ripped apart straight down the chest by a chainsaw probably made him rethink his Christmas shopping plans. Not to mention the curb-stomping.

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We should totally schedule a "Gears of Thumb-a-thon". Though I imagine that with all the differing timezones, it might be hard. I'm pretty much available anytime Friday and maybe Saturday afternoon before going away for all that XMas crap.

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I don't have Gold at the moment, but I'll either get a subscription for Christmas or buy it myself soon thereafter, so I'm up for a few games between the 25th and the 30th I guess.

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Sounds good. I'm working a bunch in there, but I'm sure I could squeeze in a few games here and there. I won't be very good, what with the "just got it and haven't really played it" going on, but it could definitely be fun.

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