baconian Posted January 1, 2007 I just hope it gets harder. The desert temple was WAY too easy. I'm probably too inured to the Zelda design philosophy to judge this properly, though. I first played TP on the wii, but I didnt get one so I'm playing it on the gamecube. I think I prefer it on the cube. I only got to the first temple on wii but waving the remote around to use the sword was already getting to be drag. woo for stan. HNY. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roalin Posted January 1, 2007 no way dude! is that guy at the bottom of ur post from the secret of monkey island?! he looks like the boat guy. damn, zeldas makin me get realy nostalgic. ive been playin games i havent seen in 12 years >< sonic and nuckles is awsome hahaha oh and ya, ive played so many zelda games that it does seem easy, the last few dungeons are smaller but more puzzel oriented. if u want a challenge, try the cave of ordeals, i still needa beat that thing. its basicaly fighting progressively harder creatures, and im tellin u some of those battles are intense, u need all ur gadgets and all the hidden skills to even have a chance of beating it. its near the desert temple, right beneath the chunk of the eastern bridge that was twilight warped away earlier on. a hint, use ure wolf senses a the end of every fight to find dig spots for hearts and maybe even a silver (200) rupee ~.^ my personal fav are those fully armored knights, so much fun and such a challenge to fight 2 of those and a stronger version all at once hahaha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted January 1, 2007 no way dude! is that guy at the bottom of ur post from the secret of monkey island?! he looks like the boat guy. Yup, that's him. Glad you've played it, it's kind of a staple around here. As for difficulty, I was never really challenged at all by any enemy right up until the final boss. Even then, I was able to take him out with fully half of my hearts remaining. The odd puzzle was tricky, but after Wind Waker, were you really expecting any of the combat to be that tough? I've heard mixed reactions, with a few friends thinking that it's a lot harder than it has been, but I just don't see it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roalin Posted January 1, 2007 nah, go do the cave of ordeals for some good combat, u were able to find it yes? and gah i have one question... HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET THE BANNANA PICKER OUT SO U CAN GET THE KEY TO THE MONKEY HEAD! sry for yelling, but i nvr did figure it out and i hadda have been 10 when i played that game ahhh the memories. i say someone needsa start a nostalgic gaming thread were we can talk bout the dawn of gaming, the nes almost 20 years ago, and comp classics like the original prince of persia from oh so long ago =D and maybe why the hell did sega fail when they were so technologicaly ahead of the rest when it came to consoles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Simon Posted January 3, 2007 I've completed the first temple and it's hugely enjoyable. A tiny criticism that I've seen in most reviews is that it all boils down to the typical Zelda formula, that rings true so far and I'm not expecting them to fuck around with it at all before it's over. It hasn't stumped me yet but it's early, and having played Ocarina recently maybe I'm breezing through it a bit more than I would otherwise. I think enough Zelda conditions you to know what to look for in these games, because it is a familiar formula. Still, I hope some fiendish dungeon puzzles are yet to come I admit the boomeranging to get the first boss key took me a dense five minutes to suss out, but looking at the floor and going 'ahhhhhhhh' was a satisfying moment, hope it keeps throwing up that kind of thing and also that it opens up a bit into a sprawling world of choices rather than linear areas with a set of puzzles to solve each. That'd be my worry right now. So far, so riveting and satisfying, and the sheer obsessive volume of monkeys back there was charming. I kept thinking of Monkey Island when they were helping me in the Forest Temple. It was just missing a way of reinforcing their behaviour with banana rewards. Also, I think the Wii controls work great and I like sounds coming out of my remote and widescreen Zelda, but I know some people prefer it Cubed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kennyken67 Posted January 30, 2007 im having trouble finding the 4th bottle. not sure which one im missing, i know i have one for the first 20 poe souls, and obviously the one from the beginning of the game. i hear there is one at the fishing hole, but whats the 4th one in case i already have the fishing hole one? and where is the fishing hole one?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted January 30, 2007 Something I've actually been wondering: can you stop the Wiimote from emitting sound? Because if not, that seems really shit for those who want to do a bit of late-night playing with headphones or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilbeam Posted January 30, 2007 Yes, you can stop the wiimote from emitting sound. When you click the home button (I think, either that or it's in Wii settings) a menu opens up that lets you go back to the main Wii menu, and an image of the wiimote pops up. If you click on the image, it takes you to that wiimotes settings and lets you adjust sound levels and the like. If my explanation wasn't clear, it does explain it in the wii manual. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eljay Posted January 30, 2007 Yep it's the home button, then the bottom of the screen, it adjusts the volume level for all remotes though I seem to recall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted January 30, 2007 Ah, superb -- it was just one of those things I was wondering months ago when the speaker was announced. I'd have checked the manual you understand, but I still don't have a Wii. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kennyken67 Posted January 30, 2007 wandered into the cave of ordeals not knowing what it was all about... DAMN! definately going in prepared next time, full bomb bags, full quiver, and bottles o fairies. dont wanna say too much more in case i spoil something anyone else stumble in there unprepared? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Ben Posted January 30, 2007 YES. Goddamn thing that doesn't say what it is until you meet someone in the cave who just says "OH HO HO, IT GETS HARDER FROM HERE! AND IF YOU LEAVE, YOU HAVE TO START AGAIN!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kennyken67 Posted February 1, 2007 finally made it through the cave of ordeals.. BARELY ended up with 1 and 1/2 hearts left, 0 rupees from using the magic armour.. but i made it at least if you ever are in need of rupees you could just go through the cave to the first fairy, warp out and repeat, collecting some nice booty. ps. for shame nintendo! showing scantily clad fairies with hair covered breasts! :tup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted February 11, 2007 Now, all story spoilers aside.. should I go for the GameCube version seeing that I can't afford a Wii in the near future? I mean, there's not a hell of a lot of difference, aside from everything being mirrored. And lack of Wiimote aiming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marek Posted February 11, 2007 Wii version has superior controls and widescreen. GC version has good controls and 4:3. I'd say go for the GC version if you want to play it now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted February 11, 2007 I've got a small 4:3 TV, so widescreen is out anyway. How superior are the controls? The GC controls are just as fine as Wind Waker's, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites