
Wii number exchange

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Okay, I'm 6595 4401 4209 7986.

I spent most of today playing Wii Sports with my little brother. Great fun. My first impressions with Zelda weren't very positive, but I'm going to play more right now.

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Hey, what's with the lack of Wii love (cheers Oath & miffy)?

Zelda is awesome after the annoying village in the beginning.

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I'm sure the Wii love will start to come back once the releases get going again. Meanwhile, after Super Paper Mario, I know that my Wii isn't getting much action aside from the occasional round of Elebits. Give it a couple of months. You may actually be in the better situation right now because once you've worked your way through the essential launch titles, the next wave should be hitting. Those of us who played them as they released are stuck waiting things out.

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Honestly, I'm perfectly happy with only having Zelda to play for the Wii right now. If there were any big new releases coming this summer I'd probably get distracted and not play any one game much, thus getting nowhere in any of them and in turn burning myself out. If Metroid and Mario come out this winter, I'll be very satisfied with my purchase.

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Guest great

I think that Wii is great I really love it.:yep:

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Hahaha man you're not even trying.

Come on, seriously think about this. This is a small, tight-knit community of internet-savvy people. Do you really think anybody is going to buy adult DVDs from you?!

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But he loves the Wii! He must be trustworthy enough to supply me with pornography!

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If only I could play my porn on the Wii, I would surely have bought a dozen DVDs, at least.

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You've got the opera browser, right? So plenty of possible pr0n for the wii. No need for DVD-playback ;)

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Hey all,

I am knew to the forum. I hope that won't keep any of you from adding me to the long list of exchanged. My kids are soo excited about seeing some new mii come around, and after hereing that there is a jack black roaming around out there, I am kind of excitied as well.

My wii number is: 0309 5731 0259 1546

I hope to see the mii come soon.

PS I already added quite a few of the numbers, soo I just need the responses, I guess?

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Guest eve6grl02

Here's my number: 1657 6008 9971 9153

Send me a PM if you decide to add me, and I'll add you back! My Wii parade only has one Mii in it, because I only have one "real-life" friend with a Wii that's connected to the Internet! I want a flock of Miis! ^_^

I have some cute ones, and I'll prolly make more: I have myself, my boyfriend, and my kitty in Mii form! Yay Miis!!!!! ^_^

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Oh man, that's awesome. It shows off all those weird little techniques you can use to get facial features that aren't supposedly available. Brilliant! I was impressed enough when watching that Zoidberg mii get made with the strategy they used to get the mouth right, but some of the ideas on that generator are legitimately inspiring to someone who likes to make weird miis when I'm bored.

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So does anyone have Mario Strikers Charged? I picked it up today and had a lot of fun playing with my cousin & little brother. Apparently it supports internet play?

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It's out in America at the end of next month, a 2 month wait is not really a big deal. It's mainly been done to pace their release schedule, an 8 month wait for Paper Mario is nonsensical and NoE are absurd :violin:

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That and they (probably rightly) think that a lot less people care about soccer/football over here. Still, with the Under-18 World Cup going on around now, you'd think they'd want to capitalize. Ridiculously arcade-y or not, it's still got the basic idea.

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Its only barely got more to do with soccer than it has with say basketball. Actually I think it's marketed under a different name in the States. Over here it's Mario Strikers Charged Football.

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Mario Strikers Charged over here. Just drop "Football" to avoid confusion and let the game release. And as someone who used to play both Soccer and Basketball, hell no. If anything, Mario Strikers is like if someone had made a mod for a hockey game that removed sticks and put in some bob-ombs. Still, I could never stand the Fifa or Winning Eleven series and long ago decided that soccer is a game that's fun to play but dull as hell when simulated. Hockey on the other hand still grabs me in sims, I think that's why Mario Strikers is a series I loved instantly.

One last thing, before the Wii friend thread gets clogged, There is already a thread for this game here. This is really starting to go crazy off-topic.

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Yeah, sorry, I was wondering if anyone had it so we could try online play.

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My parade is very lonely 4639 4699 9186 5928

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Added. I'll check to see if you're validated when I get home from work. If so, I'll send you some Miis. This'll be around 3am your time though, so don't hold your breath.

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