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Some day you'll regret destroying my clever thread titles!

Also, I just completed Ico. It was great, although the part towards the end where

you've lost your weapon and have to get all the way up to the elevator

sucked savepoint density/danger amount-wise. Replaying slow parts of a game always sucks, even when it's Ico.

Also, I think I would've enjoyed the game more without the fight sequences. Although they never got horribly difficult,

especially not after getting the mace,

I think the environment did a heck of a lot better job of instilling fear and helplessness in me than those shadow guys. I'm no game designer, though. I'm not even Japanese.

The ending was fantastic.

Seeing the castle collapse

was very powerful, especially when they showed

locations I'd visited several times over the course of the game. What happens if I bring a watermelon, though?

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You can only do what you mention last on a second play through, which has several other bonus features such as translated dialogue, 2 player co-op, sepia old-style film filters and

the lightsaber, which pwns the mace every which way. The watermelon thing is a little bonus on the beach which has the two protagonists happily eating together.

Of course this is all presuming you have the euro version.

nothing could make me regret getting rid of those thread titles, NOTHING!


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