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Is anyone willing to offer a prediction as to whether I'll enjoy Deadwood, despite not being a fan of westerns in general? It's not just that the setting doesn't do anything for me, it actually acts as a (pretty mild) turn off. Nevertheless, I keep hearing Deadwood is worth watching. Any opinions?

It's good. Ian McShane surprised me and was very good as Al Swearingen, and overall even though it got cut short I really like the arc into the final series.

The real Deadwood was a very immoral town compared to other places, but at the time "Damn" was considered a shocking word to utter. They tried writing the script authentically at first, but it came over as hilarious instead, resulting in liberal use of "cunt" and "cocksucker".

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Is anyone willing to offer a prediction as to whether I'll enjoy Deadwood, despite not being a fan of westerns in general? It's not just that the setting doesn't do anything for me, it actually acts as a (pretty mild) turn off. Nevertheless, I keep hearing Deadwood is worth watching. Any opinions?

Large hats. Shooting men. Liberal (as mentioned, often ridiculous) cursing. Saloon doors!

What more can a man ask for?

(If it doesn't cost you anything to try it other than say, a store rental/netflix, give it a go.)

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I hear that some warning is needed re. the



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Is anyone willing to offer a prediction as to whether I'll enjoy Deadwood, despite not being a fan of westerns in general? It's not just that the setting doesn't do anything for me, it actually acts as a (pretty mild) turn off. Nevertheless, I keep hearing Deadwood is worth watching. Any opinions?

If you've never enjoyed a western, I can't imagine why this would change things. That said, I haven't watched much of Deadwood, but it just doesn't strike me as raising above its genre.

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Now, Firefly on the other hand...

Yeah, for reference I adore Firefly. So things that have western elements in can absolutely be enjoyed by me (I also enjoyed Red Dead Redemption, although not always for the same reasons as others I think), but if Deadwood is just a good western, then it might not be for me. It's the difficult to define difference between something that is a good example of its genre, and something that is good and happens to be within a genre.

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Ian McShane is, and always will be Lovejoy for me :)

Hah, me too. They used to show Lovejoy a lot on TV over here, I guess on Saturday afternoons when I didn't have school. The characters had terrific chemistry on that show.

Oddly, Deadwood doesn't really feel like a Western to me. It's more of a gangster show set in that time period. No reason not to try it.

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For those of you talking about the Wild Hunt, I decided to watch it myself the other day with some friends. I actually found it more interesting than I thought I would. From the brief "horror with LARPers" description I chose to pick up, I expect much more of a slasher film in the woods. The truth was actually somewhat more troubling.

The realism with which the characters and their actions were portrayed actually made the climax much more disturbing to me than if it had been just a bunch of nutters in a forest killing each other. The fact that not many people were actually seriously hurt and that they were all hurt in pretty believable ways - the escalation of small problems and opposed personalities - made it much more affecting for me. Admittedly I had other reasons to be particularly sensitive to the possibilities in the film at the time, but nevertheless I think it's a film that does quite a lot with not very much.

Edit: I just realised that I heard about the Wild Hunt from other people, so disregard the "for those of you talking about..." line. It is an indie film from Canada and I'd be very interested in hearing opinions from some Idle Thumbs about it, since it was surprisingly powerful for me.

Edited by Gwardinen

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It played at our Underground Film Fest here in Calgary last year, and I was the projectionist on shift for it that night. I caught about 45 minutes of it, but as I was on the clock I didn't get to see the whole thing. It definitely struck me as disturbing and interesting, and yeah, a lot more dark than the trailer made it out to be. I'm not much of a horror movie guy, so I'm not sure how much I can say that would be that relevant to talk about, but would add my voice to yours in saying that if the premise of "LARPing getting way too real and going real bad real fast" sounds interesting to you it should definitely be looked into.

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NOTE: This is not necessarily a recommendation. It's more of a consideration/quest for the thoughts of others.

So, Andromeda.

I've watched Season 1 a few times over the last couple of decades. I think this last time was the fourth. But I've always either been stopped by;

1. The place I was watching it didn't have Season 2+

2. The Magog episodes that intertwine Season 1 and Season 2 are. . .surprisingly disturbing.

But, I have a gigantic mancrush on Kevin Sorbo, and the week or so I spend with Season 1 every so often finally lead me to get the whole set.

I'm currently _______ deep (insert appropriate/inappropriate body part) into Season 2 and immensely enjoying it. I don't regret the purchase at all, and suspect this won't be my only time through the series in the next few years.

TL;DR - Gene Roddenbery's Andromeda = Good. Thoughts?

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Deadwood is enjoyable because of 2 or 3 strong characters, and it's over the top vulgarity. I'd say give it a shot if you enjoyed the sopranos or Kings

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Transformers 3: I hated, hated, hated everything in this movie. It tries so desperately hard to be exciting and hilarious that it loses all credibility and only serves to show how incompetent everything about it is. Furthermore, I hate Shia Le Beouf's overacting in this and I hate how his new girlfriend looks.

To illustrate how a sexy woman really looks I have created a visual to settle it once and for all.


Get it right, people!

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You like pink-haired chicks, and women in dresses are whores, got it.

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I find her fairly revolting too, going by all the photos and footage of her. Ever notice how her mouth is always open? She looks like a goddamn blow-up sex doll. Also she doesn't get to say even one word in the trailers - that's clearly not why she's there. It's all pretty offensive.

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I haven't seen the movie, but obviously I have no problems imagining she's in it purely as eye-candy, and that's offensive, etc. However, women have (more than men) been cast in movies for those purposes since the medium was invented (consider all the ladies just standing around looking hot on the platform in Train Pulling into a Station), but – disregarding pornography – calling it prostitution is taking it a bit far, in my opinion.

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I like both of those women. I'm sorry, but I think they're both sexy to look at in different ways. (Also, I don't see how we can judge their personalities from still images :deranged:)

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Oh we can't. In person she's probably lovely and utterly bewitching.

But lets get to the point: we all just miss Megan Fox. amirite? :getmecoat

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. . .we all just miss Megan Fox. amirite? :getmecoat

Hell no.

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I feel I have to clarify something.

I do not actually think that the lady in the picture is a prostitute. That's a statement I made for comical effect and to metaphorically say that the way women are portrayed in most movies is abhorrent and demeaning and actually not enticing at all. Let me assure you that the way that woman in Transformers 3 seems to look in the trailer is exactly how it is in the movie. The first shot you see of her is her ass and bare legs, going up a staircase. Later on in the film there's a long shot of urban devastation with her framed in the middle, her mouth half open. It was excruciating to watch, there was nothing remotely pleasant about it. I was squirming in my seat.

TF3 is obviously a particularly egregious example of how women are protrayed in media, but fuck me if I'm not going to make a statement about it. Scott Pilgrim's Ramona might not be the perfect counterweight -though she does embody, perhaps ironically considering the movie, a more 'real' person in my mind- but it's the best I could think of on short notice of ladies in movies that I found charming and used in a non-offensive way. I could've also gone for Scarlett Johannson in Lost in Translation.

But blaargh, it's just a funny pic, laugh at it and move on.

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But blaargh, it's just a funny pic, laugh at it and move on.


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I feel like the ass shot was pretty much Bay flipping Fox the middle finger. I'm not one to follow the tabloidy shit, but I do recall many a rumor about bad blood between them causing recast for the female protagonist. So it's like "hey, Megan? there are plenty of asses to choose from".

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