
DS Lite

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Anybody else get one yet?

I picked one up over the weekend, and I gotta say, it's an improvement in every conceivable way over the original. It's not ugly, it's more comfortable (even for freaky big hands like mine), the stylus is bigger, the screen(s) completely blow away the original's, and really, it's not ugly.

The only complaint I have is that GBA carts stick out of the unit...they're not flush like they were in the original. That basically means I won't be leaving a GBA game in there all the time like I did before. But it's totally worth the tradeoff.

I also picked up Mario Kart, which despite my general dislike of the entire series, I'm really enjoying. Much more than New SMB, which surprisingly, I *don't* really care for (it just bores me for some reason).

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NewSMB is great. The marioVsLuigi thing is fun, reminds me of the old 2 player minigame from SMB3 that has the power to obliterate any friendship.


And the relief on seeing the extra levels & big scary castle at the end of world 8 was super sweet. It could have been too easy, but it's just right.

The Lite is very comfortable, it's no wonder Nintendo are doing so well with it, it just feels like a quality gaming experience.

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I usually don't care about the appearance of the tech gizmo when I'm planning my purchase, but now that I think of it, one of the main reasons for Nintendo DS not interesting me at all at first probably lies in the fact that it looked pretty much horrible. IMO, it looks like something you should only be forced to use when you absolutely want to play the old Donkey Kong.

DS Lite, on the other hand, is sexy as hell, and, to my surprise, I'm even considering buying it. (Probably won't, though.)

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DS Lite, on the other hand, is sexy as hell, and, to my surprise, I'm even considering buying it. (Probably won't, though.)

Well it is about the games after all, not the hardware.

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Although again, that GBA slot's a pain to deal with. I'd love to just leave FFIV in there permanently, but it sticks out too much.

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Yeah, that's what I told myself when I bought an uglified DS. But I find myself wanting to play the DS Lite more.

Although again, that GBA slot's a pain to deal with. I'd love to just leave FFIV in there permanently, but it sticks out too much.

I hear you. :yep:

Even though I do think that more people will buy the DS Lite because it looks nice, it's still a moot point if they don't find games that suit them.

The GBA slot seemed kind of odd from the beginning, but hey, we need somewhere to stick our rumble packs in.

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meh. The only reason that I'd ever consider getting a Lite (which will probably never happen) is for the better screen. I don't think it really looks all that much better than the original DS. I'm not particularly crazy about the iPodization of everything. Sure, everything looks "sleek and sexy" but there's hardly any character to it. Having said that, no, I don't really have a better design in mind. heh, though a retro Battlestar Galactica-ish DS would be awesome, but possibly a bit clunky.

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I've had my Lite for just under 2 months now. I gotta say, the novelty hasn't worn off yet. It's a great little machine. Although I agree with Moos in terms of ipodization, my much beloved clunker went gimpy on me and forced an upgrade. The screens make everything pretty, even GBA games are better on the lite somehow.

On the subject of GBA games, the sticking out really isn't that bad. Anyone who's walked around with a DS + Warioware Twisted in their pocket can tell you how bad it can get. In contrast, this is barely anything. I have no qualms leaving a GBA cart in the slot at all times. I think I've got Advance Wars in there at the moment.

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I'd love it if someone made a half-size GBA cart (to fit in that half-size gba slot on the lite) containing basic PDA functionality. It would never leave my DS, and I'd have a device that did calendaring and contact management that I'd actually want to carry around with me (because it would be primarily used to play new SMB, mario kart, etc).

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It actually makes the thing more ergonomic, really.

I know! It makes no sense, but it's a lot more comfortable. Even for freaky big hands like mine.

I used to have to use ugly grips to play GBA games (both with the original model and the SP), but with the DS Lite i'm just fine.

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Yeah, that's what I told myself when I bought an uglified DS. But I find myself wanting to play the DS Lite more.

Although again, that GBA slot's a pain to deal with. I'd love to just leave FFIV in there permanently, but it sticks out too much.

(I want that game)

What's odd is that, since owning a DS I have become so used to having two games in there at once... a DS game and a GBA cartridge... I'm just used to it, I love it. It delights my lazy gland. 'I could play two games if I wanted,' I think to myself, 'without even having to swap cartridges.'

I tend to play DS in bed, mostly. The most recent game I played was Resident Evil DS, and I played that whilst curled up on the sofa. There's no real reason for me to get a smaller DS... except my sick, sick desire to have a posh-and-becks style matching DS with Spaff.

haha I'm kidding. I'm not though.

Okay I am. I want a DS lite because they're sexy. Or 'cute' as girls say. I'm probably supposed to say that?

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Okay I am. I want a DS lite because they're sexy. Or 'cute' as girls say. I'm probably supposed to say that?

Can hardware be considered "cute"?

I guess the bubble-shaped iMac was, and the VW Bug, but most sleek, attractive hardware is definitely more sexy than cute.

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Can hardware be considered "cute"?

yes it can, just stick an Animal Crossing sticker on something (anything) and it automatically becomes cute!

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Thank you Moos. BEHOLD MY DS, EVERYONE!!

Meanwhile, Spaff's red equivalent is more sexy than cute.

I do like sexy technology, don't get me wrong. I really do. But the temptation to make something cute out of something so small is just too much...

Still, I'd rather have a sexy monitor than a cute one, or a sexy PC than a cute one, or a sexy laptop...

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Dude, don't call my DS a fake! I'll have you know there is NOTHING that guys hate more than being beaten in a game by a girl with a pink DS with powerpuff girls all over it.

Not that it even happens that often... ;(

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That dreamcast sucks, the colours are all wrong.

Wait until you see what's inside...

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I'd love it if someone made a half-size GBA cart (to fit in that half-size gba slot on the lite) containing basic PDA functionality. It would never leave my DS, and I'd have a device that did calendaring and contact management that I'd actually want to carry around with me (because it would be primarily used to play new SMB, mario kart, etc).

I'm anticipating the release of the DS Lite's browser, and I wouldn't be surprised this kind of cartridge comes out in the future.

Or do PDA-functions carts already exist in "full sized" ? I guess not, else you'd already have one, but what I know about the DS is mostly what I read about it in your forums, so I'm asking.

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Dude, don't call my DS a fake! I'll have you know there is NOTHING that guys hate more than being beaten in a game by a girl with a pink DS with powerpuff girls all over it.

Not that it even happens that often... ;(

Well, it was a sarcastic comment.

But it actually kinda makes sense, I'd be pissed off to be beaten with a pink DS, it must hurt like hell.

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hmm, I don't know, you'd have to ask Spaff or Bob.

RE: Metroid Prime Hunters

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