
Great Gaming Quotes

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Lifted directly from Aliens, but reproduced with appauling acting in Aliens Vs Predator 2:

"Hurry up."

"I know".

"I mean it."

"I knoooooooowwwwww."

Truly horrible.

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"Think of automobiles powered by these machines! Think of tanks! Think of AIRPLANES!"

"Kerner, you fool! Think BIG like the AMERICANS! Think of BOMBS!"

-- The Fate of Atlantis

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"THERE IS NO FUTURE IN YOUR DREAM." - Gitaroo Man (I believe it was Puma who said it first, followed by the villain during the climactic showdown.)

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"Hail to the king" and "come get some"... ok, those... but there are much more oneliners in duke3d and those are not from army of darkness.

For example "your face, your ass, what's the difference"

or "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum. "

or "I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck! "

I said all the best ones. I like the They Live one, though. That movie had oodles of great one-liners. The point is how unoriginal Duke is. It's ALL reference.

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I wil kill you... With death!


hehe.. I loved that "level". Anachronox was a masterpiece

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Anachronox, yeah. I remember loving that game, and that it felt really epic and fantastic. Too bad about the part where you had to select three characters out of the group and travel real long time to fight some bosses, and it appeared I happened to have chosen the wrong people, so that the fight was impossible. I hate it when that happens, and since I had to do so much stuff over again to try it with a different group, I just gave up on it.

That's why I love linear gameplay.

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That's not true, it was always possible to beat all bosses with any combination.

There are only one point in the game where your team selection really made a difference. And that's right before you get captured by the comic super villain Rictus. In this case you get different levels to play depending on the characters you selected.

Just too bad part two of the story was never created.

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Well, I guess it was technically possible, like me playing ten minutes of Condemned in a dark room without chest pains and horrible death being mine is technically possible. Believe me, I wanted to get on with the game; it got impossible all of a suddenly. I can't remember much of it anymore, but I think the boss (or were there two?) had some fantastic attack that killed super good or something. Too late now, anyways.

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"Hah, that's 20 questions, you guys lose."

"So what was it?"

"Anachronox, man you guys are dumb."

"But...you said it started with a 'U'."

"Yeah, I know."

so hilarious...

"Have a beautifil life, Sly.

I'll love you always.

Yours truly,


...so sad

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When using the LeChuckie doll:

"My name's LeChuckie! I want to be your friend! I'LL KEELHAUL YOUR MOTHER!"

From Psychonauts:

"You have the insanity...of a manatee!"

"I know. My friends tell me that all the time."

Fawful threatening Mario and Luigi:

"Your lives that I spit on are now but a caricature of a cartoon drawn by a kid who is stupid!"

When you refuse to dance with the faries in Hero's Quest and they make you dance to death:

"Man, those faries play ROUGH!"

When using Max on the psychic:

"Can you bend this?"

"He looks pretty twisted already."

A favourite from Banjo-Kazooie:

"Corrr, a giant ice key!"

"I know where I'd like to stick that!"

Oh, and any rhyming threats by Gruntilda as you're wandering around the lair. They're priceless.

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Manuel Calavera: Glottis. Are you loco? What got into you? That was a company car.

Glottis: Oh yeah. And it's even better company now. Hop in.

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something i can never forget:

"Ahhh. Another visitor. Stay awhile. stay.... forever! muahahahahahahaha"

and you knew that soon to come would be..

"Kill him.. my robots."

Impossible Mission

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Ford: "Remember to only use pyrokinesis only when it's absolutely necessary...or entertaining. And if you're using pyrokinesis to impress girls, make certain they're not wearing a lot of hairspray first."

French soldier: "You killed my father, bridge!"

Raz: "I'm baking a pie."

Agent: "You better not be trying to steal my husband...tramp."

Raz: "I'd like you to meet Mr. Pokeylope!"

Ford: "It's nice to see that you're making new friends after all of your old ones GOT THEIR BRAINS STOLEN!"

Purple Tentacle: "I feel stronger, faster, more aggressive. I feel as if I could...if I could...take on the world!"

Fisherman: "Holy mackrel!"

Max: "I'm a trout, stupid."

Fisherman: "Holy trout!"

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Raz: "I'd like you to meet Mr. Pokeylope!"

Ford: "It's nice to see that you're making new friends after all of your old ones GOT THEIR BRAINS STOLEN!"

I just love that there is specific dialog in the off chance that someone would bring Mr. Pokeylope back to camp instead of going up the tower straight away.

Yeah, I brought him over too...

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"Who be you?"

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

"Hey! What was that noise? Whose footprints are these?"

Metal Gear Solid


NFL Blitz


"What a Debacle"

Some WWF game for SNES

"Revive me!"

"Die Hominid."

Gears of War 2

"We're ready and waiting for you."

One of the Ridge Racer games for the PSX

"I remember you; you're mean."

Fallout 3

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"Lock and load."

"Rock and roll."

"Light 'em up."

"Roll out."

"Give 'em hell."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you, alien scum."

"Die, fuckers."

"Son of a bitch."

"Damn it."

"God damn it."



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Exactly, Chris Remo. I'm aiming for archetypal stuff. Exactly.

also: you forgot:

"Let's do this."

"it's game time"


"let's kick some ass."

maybe even...

"time to take out the trash."

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"AAAA yourself you headless freak"

and pretty much all of Discworld. That game was amazing, if hard as nails.

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ooh... Serious Sam, must play that game again (the first two of course, not SS2).

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Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

EDIT : I was thinking to myself "What a cool thread, then realized I made it. Scary huh ? I don't even remember posting this thread"

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