
Snakes on a Plane (and Gnarls Barkley)

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This movie is about a survival horror game where if you die, you die in real life....:mock:

Meh, why not? They are making tons of bad horror movies based on video games, so why not a movie about a game that kills you?

But it can't be better than... SNAKES ON A PLANE!

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Yes. Seriously. "Stay Alive"? Looking at the title, I don't know what it's about. What are they trying to stay alive against? Why? But I see "Snakes on a Plane", and I know exactly what it's about.

Also check this awesome dialogue:

Bomb squad missed them. Particle detection missed them. And the goddamn infrared team missed them. Because the fucking bastards are cold-blooded.
-Samuel L. Jackson

As for "Stay Alive", it's going to be to games what "Fear.com" was to the internet. What? You forgot about that movie already?

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Yes. Seriously. "Stay Alive"? Looking at the title, I don't know what it's about. What are they trying to stay alive against? Why? But I see "Snakes on a Plane", and I know exactly what it's about.

Also check this awesome dialogue:

-Samuel L. Jackson

As for "Stay Alive", it's going to be to games what "Fear.com" was to the internet. What? You forgot about that movie already?

I haven't seen it yet...;(

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I'm actually quite looking forward to Snakes on a Plane. One of the crappiest concepts I've heard in years + Sam Jackson = go drunk with friends and make my very own MST3K. It is through this method that I enjoyed both Elf and Doom, so why not this? Add Stay Alive to the list as well. "1 in 4 gamers are addicted" OH NOES!!!

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Apparently Samuel Jackson is doing this movie simply because its so ridiculous. I heard they wanted to change the title to something less silly but then Jackson flipped out and they kept the original one.

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Perhaps it was Samuel L Jackson who suggested Attack of the Clones to Lucas.

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Snakes on a Plane is going to be the number one grossing film of all time. I'm pretty sure about that, but don't quote me on it anyway.

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HMm, looks like Final Destination meets Ring. But about a game.

Actually I remember seeing a Japanese Horror film like this. I think it might have been St John's Wort. Or maybe it was a different one. It was enjoyably ridiculous whatever.

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This is the fist time I've heard of Snakes on a Plane. For a few minutes I thought it migt mean "Snakes on a surface" which would have been nicely abstract. Now I realise the hilarity. Please tell me more :D

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This is the fist time I've heard of Snakes on a Plane. For a few minutes I thought it migt mean "Snakes on a surface" which would have been nicely abstract. Now I realise the hilarity. Please tell me more :D

What else can we tell you? Snakes on a Plane, I believe the title says it all.

EDIT: Alright, but if you actually want to learn more, go here


But oddly enough, it's been renamed to S.O.A.P.?

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Holy shit, until you posted that link I thought this whole "snakes on a plane" thing was a joke. (I thought the Samuel L. Jackson thing was related to Stay Alive.) :getmecoat

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Holy crap. This movie is going to end up with an "Escape From New York" style cult following, isn't it? I'm suddenly really looking forward to it.

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From the Snake on a Blog poetry contest or something:

Motherfucking snakes.

Running rampant through the sky.

Motherfucking plane.

by crazymonk

There are others just as hilarious.

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Apparently Samuel Jackson is doing this movie simply because its so ridiculous. I heard they wanted to change the title to something less silly but then Jackson flipped out and they kept the original one.

Yeah, they wanted to change it to Flight 121, which, when compared to Snakes on a Plane, let's face it, sucks donkey testicles. One title tells you everything you need to know, the other gives you a useless flight number.

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Samuel Jackson apparently has this line in the film, which is bound to become a classic up there with lines like "Here's looking at you, kid."

“You don’t know me well, Claire Miller. I spend every day dealing with people who do terrible things to one another. So I have very little faith in the human race as a whole. But I have faith in you.”

This is quality writing, people!

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Can we change the name of this thread to " Stay Alive? Snakes on a Plane!" please?

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Apparently, New Line has greenlighted a 5 day reshoot for the film... Not because it needed fixing, but to make it MORE hardcore, to take it from PG-13 to an R. In short, to make it as fun as the fans hope it can be, what they wish it could be... They want to fulfill the dream of what SNAKES ON A PLANE starring Sam "The Man" Jackson can be. And they're doing it because of the incredibly strong early fan support.

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