
Snakes on a Plane (and Gnarls Barkley)

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that doesn't look like a harpoon

Ok.. But at least it's something pretty similar.


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oh.. that does look like a harpoon

wtf is there a harpoon on a plane? for the sharks? Sharks on the Plane? (sequel to Snakes on the Plane?)

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I bet viewers will be continuously on the edge of their seats, wondering what weapon of choice Samuel will whip out next.

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Wow, that was a really positive review. The hype had really bored me of late, but now I may go see it pretty early in its run.

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Forget Snakes.

Mother fucking James Earl Jones papas that damn Leia whore.


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Forget Snakes.

Mother fucking James Earl Jones papas that damn Leia whore.


Maintaining the current level of black representation is an important Imperial objective.

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I just saw it. It actually surprised me. It wasn't what I had expected at all. I was expecting a retro, campy movie with crap special effects and cheesy dialog that I was going laugh my way through. It ended up being a surprisingly solid movie. I also wasn't really expecting it to be all that scary either. Come on, just how frightening can a bunch of snakes on a plane really be? It could just be that I usually don't watch scary movies, but, for me at least, the movie was quite intense. I'd say that it's with out question the best action blockbuster of the summer, and well worth seeing with a bunch of friends. I, on the other hand, saw it by myself in a theater full of people over 50 and a couple of young teens. :fart: They didn't even appreciate the movie's signature line!


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I'm pretty sure that SoaP will be never seen in movie theaters here.

Sounds like straight to dvd movie, because this kind of great "low profile" movies will never get the chance to be in movie theaters in Finland... :(

Same happened with Serenity and the same will happen with Nacho Libre.

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I saw it yesterday. It takes a bit too long to get going, and the ending could have done with being ramped up a bit, but it's generally good fun, inventive and cleverly avoids most cliches.

Not Tremors, but exactly as good as you expect it to be deep down in your heart.

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From imdb.com

Movie Reviews: 'Snakes on a Plane'

Film critics finally were given a chance to see Snakes on a Plane Thursday night and many of them stayed up late afterwards to knock out their reviews. Most succeeded only in posting them on their respective papers' websites, but some also were able to speed them out fast enough to get them in print, many of the reviews tagged with the word "Exclusive!" above the headline. New Line, the studio releasing the movie, is likely to be stunned by the initial reception, which has been highly positive for the most part. Paraphrasing the unprintable catchphrase in the movie, Christopher Borelli wrote in the Toledo Blade: "I just got back from ^&$# seeing those &%!@ snakes on that ^*#@ plane, and let me tell you something, ^%#$@ - it's kinda fun." Kyle Smith in the New York Post opined that the film is "horribly good" -- an old-fashioned good Bad Movie. "The film failed to be frightening, suspenseful or dramatic but accidentally succeeded in being absolutely hilarious," Smith wrote. Peter Howell in the Toronto Star observed that since all the hype over the movie began spreading on the Internet, moviegoers have been waiting to see whether Snakes on a Plane would "suck." Howell commented, "The coils were finally loosened late last night, and the venomous verdict -- wait for it -- is that Snakes really does suck. It also hisses, bites, chokes, terrifies and amuses far more than anyone had any reason to hope or even suspect. You wanted snakes on a muthalovin' plane, baby -- and why go if you didn't? -- and you got 'em." Sean P. Means in the Salt Lake Tribune came to the same conclusion -- that it delivers what the audience expects. Wrote Means: "It's a movie that knows what it is, and is quite content to play within those parameters. You don't come to a movie with such a matter-of-fact title and expect Shakespearean brilliance." And Richard Roeper in the Chicago Sun-Times ticked off several over-the-top lines from the film, then summed up: "Now that's what I call your campy entertainment."

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