
my fan made monkey island game

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Im not a bitch, and Im not stupid either.

I dont care that you are over judgemental of me, and that you all undermind my intellgence..

honestly..I wouldnt care if you all played my adventure games and got can play my crap games if you want, honestly I dont care what you do with your time.

Im not going to act say 4-ish though and start calling you all names.

My posts may not be the best so far, but in the artistic realm they are brillant and very random...

As you can see Im talking a little more collectively as of now, but its not because I give a rat ass of what you've said about me, or what you think about me either..

I advise that If you want experience all of the monkey island game should print off my poorly spelt walkthrough and compalin .maybe say after you try using it with the game, that way you may correctly learn how to use walkthroughs...YOu use walkthroughs durring a game unless you have a real good imganation walkthroughs dont make any sense until you actualy use them... :frusty:

And as for the sanford and son 2 game , which sucks major ass I know click on the bottles and youll get to a new screen eventualy...I was like real young when I made those.

I wouldnt waiste my time playing old kiddy games anyways,

Its been a while since Ive made a game, only recently I was able to post them.

By the by your harsh words arent going to change my games, even though they may suck ass, what you say about them wont change them. :frusty:

Sanford and son wolf 3d is not the greatest game , in the world but it is done..Scrool down my index to find it.

Maybe you should all find better things to do with your time than to be over judgmentel and confuse artistic talent which you dont seem to have with stupidity...ITs an art to be random, random comedy the unepected is famous in the comiedy the by.

By the way I not only came up with all of these outrageous things in the game, but I did it in less than 2 minutes...I dont believe that too many of you could come up with any thing good inside 1 minute...Id already have half a game finsihed in my the way thats brillant.

And this sort of brillant insight in which, I believe many of you lack..makes people a fortune..

Im not moronic

Im a brillant individual Im sorry that no one here can see that in me.

Maybe next time, just to make you all happy and proud of me , I'll pick up a dictionary or maybe a encyclopedia and Ill type text out of it for you all..then I'll sound just like the writter that you and I aren't... :frusty:

Please calm yourselves , Its not my fault that you wasited your time downloading old old games..Ive been inactive in gaming since like I could say full age 13 came up with MI-R in 2 minutes.. :gaming:

Thanks for all of your anger... :frusty:

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Monkeydung, we love you and we would like you to stay. Please don't be discouraged by the loud voices of dissent coming from a small minority. Most of us are perfectly willing and able to look past your grammar and recognize your comedic genius.


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Kingzester, you're all right, thanks for the encourage.

To be honest part of the grammar problems come from A.D.D

and childhood I saw my mother being beat near to death by the garage door , as my dad was riding up and down on the handles of the door.

Not to mention that My father was a kidster, I had more problems speaking growing up, my A.D.D at the time was un-medicated, and do you know what my name was ? wasn't brian, it was dumby retard, and thats all I was called from ages 4-10 until the day he left our family.I quess the Im over reacting to the name calling thing, but I kind of resent people who dont expect others, because they simply dont understand them, or know why they are the way they are.So I medicate now, but sometimes youll see me wander badly....

But this isn't a life biography...

All my life people have thought I was the one who needed to be helped, as I held the doors on every field trip, gave up my luch to a friend when I was starving..They all though I needed, help , they thought I was slow because of the way I am..truly I am a little, I have a chemical inbalance in the brain , and its very very hard to live with..but I thank the ones here who feel the need to call me names because of the way I act at times..i thank you because now I know who I should truly be sorry for... :yep:

Not to mention that Im sort of tired.

Kids used to poke fun at me on a regular basis, I learned from that.

thanks again , kingzester

I want to be friendly, if all of you will permitt that here.


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joex thanks...

Wait, I totally forgot about this thread and just got back to it. Were you thanking me for

:neiiin: Excellent. A victory for good taste.

Because that would make my night.

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So... just out of curiousity... can anyone tell me WHY Lucas Arts haven't sent out a cease and desist order by now? Because I'm under the impression that they're usually pretty quick about it.

Unless of course... and I'm being completely honest here... they're laughing WAY too much to take it as a serious threat to their franchise...

Although I would have thought they'd have a problem with LeChuck and my guddy Buybrush making sweet love down by the fire...

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There have been plenty of LucasArts fan games that never got any such letters. I'm sure there are a few that have but I've never even heard of it happening.

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Haha!! I left off in that stage actress's mind. I swear, it just gets trippier and trippier! :grin::deranged::hah::woohoo:;(:yep:

There's a level like that in Psychonauts too!

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There's a level like that in Psychonauts too!

Whoa, and monkeydang was able to come up with that same idea AHEAD OF PSYCHONAUTS? Wow! I think this clearly puts him alongside with Tim Schafer as a true creative mind -- IF NOT MORE BRILLIANT!

I am sorry I doubted you, man.


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Can we please have ONE thread in this forum that doesn't mention the wonder that is psychonauts? :shifty:

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Im too artistic for my own good at times.

I need to focus, I need to writte a descent script, and I need to join a fan project with gifted programmers in it.

I came up wiht this in less than a minute

Sam and max are in a room..

Sam is in the bathroom

Sam"Well hello there little buddy..."

Max"hiya Sam.."

Sound effect ripping of toilet papper...

Sound effect gun firing...

Max runs out of the room to follow the sound...

We come to a scene that takes place just out of the sam and max office, Its a robbery...

An eldery laddy is nearby standing outside of a near by room, this is the room being mugged from...

Eldery woman"oh my stop him, theif, theif! I say its a thief!

The thief (random character) starts to run Max jumps on him...

The next scene is again of the office we see a closed door and in front of it is text that reads Sam: push come one push it out!

We then go to another scene where max is holding a knief over the thief..

We have distanced text exiting the office saying...

Sam"push damn it push!"

And then max violently just starts knifing the vilian , and the old laddy says..

"Oh my! oh my!

Sound effect:Flush!

Sam: "All It needed was a good push...

Sam exits the office and enters the hall that max is in...

Max" your telling me , hes much better stuck to the floor, with the knife in him..he wont being robbing anyone now.."

Sam" Max , what the hell are you doing!?"

Max" I pushed sam, I pushed the knife into him just like you said...

You then may notice that the old woman is still standing near the door...

See slowly closes the door..and near the door reads "oh my poor husband.."

We cut back to an empty office and it zooms in on the window and we see the real vilian running away...

I came up with this in one minute or even under a minute, please someone let me join a group of gifted programmers...


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2 thers any way to edit posts!?

2 seconds..It would be better if..

"I pushed like you said Sam.."

Sam: "damn it max, dont listen to those voices inside of your head!"

2 seconds as in as soon as the post was posted it auto-maticaly snapped into my head.

I have some talent..maybe, I wish A fan-project of gifted programmers would pick me up, its my porgramming, and my previous 12:00- 1 a.m post that make me look stupid, Im not though ...


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I just game up with something that would make it even better...

MAx"I pushed like you said, he kicked he screamed and bleed like a pig, then there was utter silence..

Max"Ya know sam?, its times like those I hold dear to my heart, times such as those let me to be at peace within my mind..and bodly soul.

MAx" It's so beautiful, so much emotion ,so much pain and suffering!, and then silence, its so beautiful..sniff sniff.."

Hes pulls the knife out and blood splatters on the walls..he hugs sam..the scene follows as it did and then the rooling credits, is this a better edit?


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Paradise Lost, I hate to say this but..

"What's paradise lost?"

I wish I diddnt have to ask, it's probably realy obivous and commonly known.

I bet everyone here is going to violently attack me now, since I asked..

I bet your brothers your sissters and your mamma and even your uncle know what paradise lost is..right?

What is it?

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I just looked it up, and the intro pulled me in, I would love reading the book and then , yes..trying to make it.But at this time I could only help make it flow , I would add to it here and there I would have to be aided by other script tellers..not to say that Im script worhty myself , but Id need help.

To be honest I thing I have a good game started with my Sam and Max posts that were previous to this post.(considering I came up with it all in one minute or less..)

I suppose that after reading it, or having someone better explain to me, I could work up some crap..LOL

: :yep:

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By the way, if I was seriously considering to make a SAM AND MAX script , I would make it with aid, people would fix all my text errors, and all together myself included aided by a team, I could make a script worhty game..maybe.

You've seen my earlier work, and if you make "fan games"..maybe we could help eachother (I definetly need help to translate perfect artistic into an intelligent and orderly fashion, so that people know what's happening in the game, and can understand it...)

I would love to work with other individuals who have a comical sense of themselves...

George Lucas himself is merely a concepts being, he diddnt writte any of the candy-erous guotes such as "When you left me I was but your I am the master.."

"Only a master if evil darth..."

I feel that my concepts to monkey resurrection were great...

Largos crotch incident and the beach scene..

but the problem was that Im too artistic for my own good and I needed talented script writters to tigh all of the ideas together, so that the game had some order, and then in return the game would have made more sense.

And as for the momment, which was poor , that was do to a lack of team, If I hadnt try to make this game alone, I could of found a decent programmer, and maybe even used the scumm engine.

Im taking more time on these posts for you all, I hope you see a difference in reasoning and spelling, sometimes when i take my time on things they turn out better..soemtimes When i rush they are better.

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I'd love to help on your game. You could write the story and create a unique world in which the game is set, and I could do all the programming. We could make a 2D Psychonoots fangame!

Do you have AIM or MSN?

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Hum, I'll consider it.

TO be honest I dont even know what the game Psychonoots is..Ive heard alot about it though, and I think that Im going to go buy it.

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um ok..Im not sure if the world still hates me or not, but im making a new post here...

this is sanford and son wolf 3-d keep in mind that its wolf 3d and that it was made years ago..Its a good challenge I suppose you paly as fred sanford and you kill grady who uses a jet kill fred..{so you kill yourself..?)

You start in the sanford and son yard and the house is included, theres the kitchen and sanford and son circus as well...

Not the best and you kill the 2 sanford and son police officers smitty and scotty , maybe there names cant remember..ITs an ok game

i suppose

i want to make a sanford and son map for enemy territory, or I want some one else to make it.


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actualty this is rather good, better than I though it to my opion.

Good porgramming, obivously.

Play on hard to test yourself ..its no fun on easy.. :woohoo:

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brillant lechimp!

That made me laugh..

LOL, I like that image ..did you come up with that spare of the momment , that was starting to like it here again. :yep:

Lechimp thats awesome, other individuals here may not agree, but that babby picture and that funny text with it , was so random that I loved it.

Maybe I will make a babby shaving

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