
The Giveaway 2: The Singles.

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Chris: Just let me tidy away my Legos.

Girl: WTF? Legos? omg, wtf is legos, loser?[/i][/blockquote]

Surely the plural of Lego is still just Lego? You can't have 2 'Legos', can you? If you buy a second set, you either have 2 sets of lego, or just more Lego than before. If you wanted to find out who owns the most, you'd say "Who has the most Lego?" not "Who has the most Legos?" ...etc. I'll shut up now :blink:

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just got mine in the mail ... tossed the game in my drawer (its going to EB after one quick play at it) but the business card is awesome ... totally keeping it in good condition on my wall or something! it reads,

"You must be exhausted ...

... you've been running through my mind all night!"



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ok so, anyone who won a copy and actually plays it, maybe youd feel like sending me a small review, maybe 2-3 paragraphs. if i get enough of them and they are generally good i will make an article out of it

failing that i'll post them in here :)

cheers. heh

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Heheh, yeah. The business card is also my favorite part. ;)

I'll think about sending a review, but I don't know if it'll be any 'good'. I may give the game to my girl for her birthday in two weeks, and before I get slapped, slip in some Harry Potter to redeem myself (no comments on that, please - I know what you're thinking, and I think it too). The Neverhood was her favorite game, but the mundane repetitiveness of the game probably won't be her bag. Unless I can provide her a save-game file for her where they're already at the point where the Singles can fuck. Wooooo. :nuts:

Ok, no more posting for me. I wish the dentist gave me some fucking nitrus - then the bad news would have been less bad.

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Does it take extra long to deliver to Iceland? :(

Jesus H. Christ, do I have to get used to these smilies! That was supposed to be a sad smilie.

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Why would you worry about giving a negative review of the game? If that's your opinion, then so be it, right?

I'll be looking forward to both the review and the next giveaway. Extrapolating from the current line of prizes, the next game can be anything ranging from Varmint Hunter 3 to any game ever produced by Davilex :innocent:

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Why would you worry about giving a negative review of the game? If that's your opinion, then so be it, right?

what are you on about?


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Oh it's just -Jaero said something about his review not being any 'good'. Ah well. Just keep them games coming, ya pepvarmint :innocent::mrt:

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What was the first giveaway btw? I think I didn't even notice that.

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'Twas a demo of Killzone. The real prize being a signed Idle T businesscard of course. To my shame I have to say I've still not been in the position of playing the demo, a predicament that will end this weekend.

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IDLE THUMBS BUSINESS CARDS!!! And Monkey Island Beermats. But the Idle Thumbs Business Cards are AWESOME!!!

Especially the little ¬ ¬ in the corner.

Where did you gays get them?

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As promised, I came around to playing the Killzone demo today, and a sad experience it was. Granted, it's miles above the crap that we usually produce in our country (*cough* Davilex *cough*), but I still lost interest really quickly. The two levels in the demo held no appeal at all. During play (which, being a first person shooter on a console, was tedious and unintuitive as usual) I was asking myself why the hell this game was made? Not a spark of lucid creativity was present. Now I didn't play much, because I lost interest after fifteen minutes, if not sooner, but it was enough to reconfirm that the best bit about the giveaway prize was the businesscard :grin:

Still, nice that we managed to make something with production qualities such as this. Now all we need is our Outcast; the game that will put the Netherlands on the map.

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Rodi, my girlfriend just went to visit her sister in the UK, and brought back a german game called "Sven 004" - have you ever played this? I'm surprised it hasn't put Germany on the map. You play a male sheep who has to pleasure them lady sheeps, while running from the shephard, his sheep-dog, and aliens. I never thought seeing a sheep fuck a turtle or a chicken would be so entertaining.

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Sorry; first I have to play Custer's Revenge before I can get around to another woefully sexually implicit game.

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