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Dear (most of) middle America....

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Related; it occurs to me that I find it weird that the US is still being all occupied with stuff that's so commonplace here in The Netherlands. Gay marriage, abortion; the kind of stuff that any free cosmopolitan society of this age should have. I can easily see a host of Americans looking at Asia and the Middle East going all "aaaww, they're still so undeveloped and archaic in how they think", while I'm thinking the same way about them. How can they competently rule the world when they're still so far behind most of the others, bogged down with things that aren't even an issue here anymore?

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You know that syndrome that hostages get for their kidnappers sometimes?

I think that's called Stockholm syndrome. Just so you know.

I stayed up until 7 this morning waiting for the fucking Ohio result. Like a fool.

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Did I say four years? Impeach the fucker. There's a million reasons to do so by now. So many things have happened that should have been scandals.
That is the first thing that went through my mind while I was vomiting last night, earnestly shocked by the results. But then I remembered that Republicans have a firm hold on both the House and the Senate, plus also the Supreme Court...

I was kinda late there, eh?

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On the subject of Bush being a fucking idiot, listen to Jon Stewart. It's easy to write him off as a moron and go on with your merry life, isn't it? We were all guilty of that somewhere down the line, and many still do. But here's the thing - he's a fucking smart moron.

It's the labels that we give him such as "simple" which create a fucking throng of apologists. I can't fucking stand apologists. For one thing, they can not think for themselves. They do exist on both sides, because to a degree they rely on the partisan labels of "democrat" and "republican" to decide where their vote goes. There are plenty of Republicans that I like such as John McCain, and plenty of utter shitheaded Democrats to match them.

One of the last things that George Washington said at the end of his term in office, and the very reason for drafting his Farewell Address (click here and educate your damn self) was the political parties that began forming while he was in office. Though the Address is a bit too long to be posted here, what he said about political parties is that it is unwise to base our morals in groups of people as the President is an individual - that the erection of parties gives the voters an excuse to vote on the basis of the general beliefs of the party, and not what the individual stands for.

Parties make us blind most of the time. We cease to think for ourselves when we affiliate ourselves with one or the other, as we have less reason to do so. This isn't the case for everyone of course, especially on these boards, however it's these blind voters that become apologists for Bush because 1) he's a Republican and 2) because people think he is more "simple" than someone who actually has a brain, and thus they are more inclined to shift their bias in his favor - it's as if he has a fucking disability. No! He's good at what he does (and make no mistake, by that I mean fucking up our country), but clearly he's very good at winning elections, making shady deals, and expecting the American people to follow him without question because the 'President' is supposed to be the greatest leader in the world, so much so that the concept of how 'great' the position is blinds us from the person who actually sits in that seat.

Another cantankerous rant, fueled by rancor and depression because I voted for Kerry - someone who asked me to think for myself. I'm sure I got something wrong in this post, as I'm frustrated... :frusty: Kinda.

Yeah, and fuck you too, Media. Right in the fucking ear. :shifty: Assholes.

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Listen, guys. You don't need to stay where you are. Leave this sinking ship and come to Holland. We've got food, and blankets to keep you warm.

I propose USAID: Assistance for America.

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Listen, guys. You don't need to stay where you are. Leave this sinking ship and come to Holland. We've got food, and blankets to keep you warm.

I propose USAID: Assistance for America.

I could probably get dual citizenship there through my father. Not a bad idea.

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And all the Texas people would be crawling around New Mexico with their teeth, because that's where they'd have been blown to, crying and saying, "I wish I could find my son. Oh, how I wish I'd never voted Bush!" But at that point I'll be laughing and smearing his blood on my face and saying, "Well it's too late, sucka, because guess what? YA DID!" and then I'll laugh some more.

I fucking hate you guys. You fucking assholes. It's not even like you've been duped by a con artist. You've voted for the fucking DEVIL and he wasn't even in DISGUISE. And even worse, he's so fucking stupid he probably even fools HIMSELF. You FUCKWITS. You fucking TITS. I hope he blows up your homes and creates a race of supernazis to keep you all in place. Good luck bringing up your children in COMMUNIST AMERICA.

That is pretty much the harrangue I was surpressing in class today... I wish I am not in San Antonio when that happens, though...

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I really am considering Canada, though. I'm going to seriously look into it after I graduate if things don't shape the fuck up over here.

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Parties make us blind most of the time. We cease to think for ourselves when we affiliate ourselves with one or the other, as we have less reason to do so.

Europe should start exporting democracy to the USA.

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I would second that recommendation of Holland if it wasn't for the shite government we're stuck with right now.

The problem, it seems, is that in every single country, every now and then the majority gets it into their thick heads that liberal government sucks and the country needs to be taken over by right wing extremists. This happened with Fortuyn in Holland and in France they had to choose between right-wing Chirac and nazi Le Pen, Switserland seems to keep being overrun by Haider, and didn't some right wing party win in Germany as well recently?

... and of course where I am at the moment, the UK, it's hardly any better with Bush' big buddy Blair.

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I will have to correct you Dojo,

Haider is in Austria and Germany is still in the hands of the green party and the "socialdemokraten"

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Then there is no hope. Kill Bill Bush.

If he'd gone through his campaign saying things implying something else, he'd have lost without question. He really had to say a lot of things or else he'd be dead meat. Remember how they blew up the words "global test"? He had to watch out what he was saying.

Kerry being all tough guy is the same to me as Bush saying he's a compassionate republican in 2000.

I think everyone who said the two candidates were much alike were wrong, just like everyone was wrong about it in 2000. To give a concrete example, Kerry could have gone to Germany asking for troops and would have got them. (If it was up to the people, anyway. But Schröder would basically be in deep shit if he said no, as Kerry quickly rose to a sort of rockstar status in Germany.)

Yeah you're right - I was just in a fit of unclever bitterness...

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I will have to correct you Dojo,

Haider is in Austria and Germany is still in the hands of the green party and the "socialdemokraten"

Oops. Yeah, Austria. I actually knew that, I just kind of, er, forgot. :eek:

Good thing Germany is still run by sensible people, but I'm sure I did read something about a right wing party at some point. Maybe it was a regional thing.

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The problem, it seems, is that in every single country, every now and then the majority gets it into their thick heads that liberal government sucks and the country needs to be taken over by right wing extremists. This happened with Fortuyn in Holland [...]

Although I agree with the consent, Ninja, I have to correct you. Fortuyn was NOT a right-wing extremist. He was wrongfully portrayed as such by the media and by bickering politicians, which eventually lead to his murder. But he was not an extremist. His views were, in fact, pretty balanced. He was a very nuanced, smart man. And demonised, literally, to hell.

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I perceived Fortuyn as a threatening and dangerous development, and I still think of it that way in retrospect. Let's not forget that he deliberately put himself in the underdog position. They were screaming "he was demonized!" when he was killed, but the whole campaign strategy was built on Fortuyn stirring controversies and blaming the media.

I know this is not a popular view, but it's what I really think.

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people are too retarded to vote for Nader or Libertarian.

Yes that's what we need, Nader or a Libertarian in control. I like the existence of people like Nader, and the Libertarian party when they are serving the function of preserving checks and balances, and bringing things to light that need to be addressed, but I wouldn't want Nader or a Libertarian politician governing the nation.

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I hate hate hate that bloody word, especially because that fool Fortuyn added it to the Dutch language and suddenly everybody was demonizing everybody. It's a lame token response to any and all criticism that does considerably more harm than good.

And make no mistake, he may have not been as bad as some extremists in his views, but he was to all intents and purposes most definitely a xenophobic right-wing extremist, and the popularity his slightly milder approach gained him actually made him a more dangerous extremist than your average foulmouth neo-nazi.

Even if, for a moment, like hypothetically, we assume that Fortuyn wasn't a dangerous right-wing extremist, then there is still no question that his avid following was...

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...the following that actually GOT into the government when they got innumerable 'sympathy votes' after the leader died :shifty:

But I still won't believe he was extremist. I think he'd have surprised a lot of people if he'd have governed the country.

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Thankfully they were so incompetent that the entire cabinet imploded before you could say "new election".

Of course then the right-wing Christians stole the election from Dutch Labour so we're not that much better off, but at least we're not shipping Turks and Moroccans off to camps just yet. Although there's no telling what certain populists will come up with.

Is it true that Wilders said something like "Of course what the SS did was wrong, but you have to respect their drive and efficiency."? Something I heard.

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Related; it occurs to me that I find it weird that the US is still being all occupied with stuff that's so commonplace here in The Netherlands. Gay marriage, abortion; the kind of stuff that any free cosmopolitan society of this age should have.

Thats easily the most Huxleian (yes I'm inventing a word) thing I've heard all day.

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Thats easily the most Huxleian (yes I'm inventing a word) thing I've heard all day.

Oh? I would say it is kinda Fluxian.

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Sure, Bush would have won this election anyway if elections were based on the popular vote instead, but had a popular vote system been in place in 2000, it would be Gore running for re-election this year.

Not nescisarily. If it was a popular vote more people would probably come out to vote, because their vote would actually mean something. If I lived in a state like Texas I'd probably be a lot more tempteted to not waste my time on the crappy American voting system because my vote realy wouldn't matter in a state so completely controled by republicans. It'd be really interesting to see how much voter turn out would increase if it was switched to a popular vote and election either held on a Sunday or people given the day off to vote. More voting machines so people don't have to face long lines would also be a plus. Of course, it's not like things are going to change during the next four years considering the Congress we've got, though I wouldn't put it past them to get a couple of laws passed to restrict voters a bit more.

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