
Twin Peaks Rewatch 51: The Return, Part 16

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Twin Peaks Rewatch 51:

Twin Peaks Rewatch 51

The Return, Part 16
As Twin Peaks approaches what may be its final episode ever, it delivers an hour stuffed to bursting with amazing moments that are, in and of themselves, cathartic and revealing , but also illuminate past moments from earlier in the season, showing them in a new light. There's so much to talk about we basically can't stop, and get a little scattershot in the process, but what can one do when things are this exciting?

If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the new season of Twin Peaks, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.

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So the latest episode was accidentally released early for Sky viewers in the UK, and I have seen it. I won't say anything right now but it's one hell of an episode. I am very excited for next weekend and the end of this strange show. 

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Thanks for not saying any more until tomorrow but I'm glad to hear what little you just said. 

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Yep. So weird how Sky keep messing up in Europe but kinda glad I don't have to set my alarm for 3am. Can't wait until I can discuss this episode with everyone.

EDIT: They're removed it now. I'm filled with secrets.

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So yeah, that's one hell of an episode. I wonder if the last two episodes will go as quickly as that, or if Lynch just wanted to get a bunch of stuff out of the way in the lead up to the finale? Nevertheless, I'm really excited. 


I loved this episode a lot. It's weird to consider Cooper's return as fan service-y but after so much time with Dougie that's how it felt to me, but in a really satisfying way. Kyle MacLachlan slides back into that character really seamlessly. 


Only thing I did not care for was the description of what happened to Diane. I knew something like it was coming but I still didn't feel great about it. At least she got one last "fuck you" out before the bad video effects took her. 

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18 minutes ago, FutureTuesday said:

I'm thinking Dougie will return. I bet the question about the seed is to make a replacement for the Joneses

That was my take as well.


* Mike saying "Finally" cracked me up.
*  It was so damn satisfying to have Dale Cooper back. I had a big stupid grin on my face for that whole scene.

* RIP Chantal and Hutch. That scene in the suburbs was just completely outrageous, 

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Holy crap, amazing episode all over. Gonna take some time to process all of it. Wow.

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20 minutes ago, gormanate said:

* RIP Chantal and Hutch. That scene in the suburbs was just completely outrageous, 


I love that their downfall was in a stupid dispute with one of those NIMBYs who get all mad when people park at the curb in front of their houses. As ridiculous as the Russian guy was being, they could have avoided the Bonny & Clyde treatment if they had just moved back a bit.

Mr. Jackpot's reach is far. However, Cooper still would have been fine, because I don't think he went back to the house.

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Yo, finally made an account after lurking for the last few months of The Return. Clearly this would be the episode that pushed me over the edge.


19 minutes ago, FutureTuesday said:

I'm thinking Dougie will return. I bet the question about the seed is to make a replacement for the Joneses


That was my thought as well. I can't see Dale as knowingly taking over another dude's life. But as we have already come to understand... none of the doppelgangers are nearly as perfect as the original, so I'm curious what the "new-new" Dougie will be like.


Hutch and Chantal were two of my favorite characters. There was always more to them that we could see at any given time. Their demise was fittingly over the top and hilarious (all because she was out of doggone cheetos). Bummed that their gone but they shouldn't have gone any other way.


Moment by moment my feelings about this episode are evolving. After I got over the initial "heck yeah" I started to feel a little bummed by the rest of the episode. It felt like that excitement was all the episode had. But after I zoomed out, this episode was otherwise as heavy as the rest of the series, just with an extra helping of Coop. Using Muddy Magnolias super slow again in that sequence where Diane walks to the FBI hotel room was intense as heck. Knowing that Dick Horne was walking into a trap made it more cathartic when he got ethereally electrocuted, even if it was at the hand of his bad dad. Janey-E and Sonny Jim watching their favorite guy walk away from them was emotional.


The ending of this series feels like Chantal's and Hutch's truck: as we roll to the inevitable conclusion, the path will be laid in blood and confusion.

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That Hutch and Chantel sequence felt Cohen brothers-esque. Loved it. Was very happy to see them get filled full of holes. Hats of to you, insurance Uzi man.



This damn season has made me cry so much. That scene with Cooper saying goodbye to Janey-E and Sonny Jim was gut-wrenching.


Who was Diane a placeholder for?! 

How the hell am I going to make it to next Sunday?

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Did anyone catch those hints of the old coop when Dougie got out of bed, spoke to his family, and then said he was in the FBI? I know we say this every week, but I think next week Cooper is finally gonna wake up!!!1!!1!!

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Mike saying "finally" lol.  This is Black Tar grade fan service and I am eating it up like an outrageous slice of chocolate cake.


Edit:  People are under a lot of stress!

Edited by bill_crystals

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Were all the roadhouse scenes some kind of Audrey hallucination? 


Her dancing was equally outrageous to James's song.

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7 minutes ago, UnpopularTrousers said:

Did anyone catch those hints of the old coop when Dougie got out of bed, spoke to his family, and then said he was in the FBI? I know we say this every week, but I think next week Cooper is finally gonna wake up!!!1!!1!!

This guy gets it. 

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What was interesting to me about the Cooper scenes is that Lynch seemed to be overtly channeling a soap opera vibe, starting with the coma trope and the emotional speeches...even the music was appropriately treacly in a few of the Cooper scenes, it would crescendo at certain moments and really push the soap opera-ness (which was all by design, that is in no way a criticism). I think the heightened reality of the melodrama connected really well with the old school feel of TP, (at least the overwrought/emotional moments). It was weirdly compelling to not only see Cooper, but to feel that older style of TP feels. It was like Lynch knew this would be received as fan service, so he added that very David Lynch layer of arch genre play. 

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This was a fantastic "penultimate" episode! I am not embarrassed to say that my husband may or may not have video footage of me weeping uncontrollably at Dale Cooper's return. It's been an amazing ride. I cannot believe it's almost over, but I trust in David Lynch to take us home "100 percent." 

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After 15 hours of loving new Twin Peaks unconditionally, through good times and bad, I feel as if Twin Peaks at last looked me square in the eye and said "I love you too".

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I suppose Diane and Naido are probably related? DoppleDiane says she's in the Sheriff's station. (Also how great was it that after that intense, dangerous encounter the only thing Gordon Cole says is "Sheriff's Station?"


If Naido and Diane are related, that's a really fun reversal of dramatic irony. The audience never knew what Diane looked like, otherwise we would have recognized her in (the white lodge?) Agent Cooper's Wild ride during episode 3. We also would have known that Laura Dern Diane was a fake.

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I know some things because of spoilers of ep 17 and 18 so I won't comment on anything regarding what I do know (which is only as much as the episode synopsis for TV guide blurbs would tell you). 


Loved the video effects of Diane's tulpa being deconstructed down to its seed. If Dale is intending to create a Dougie tulpa and send that back to Janey-E part of me finds that tragic. Dale's knowledge of everything going down confirms to me what I had sometimes wondered about Dougie - if Dale was always expressing agency as Dougie just in a different form and with some limitations. Pure intuition or something like that. 


Mitchum brothers fanboy for life. They're the PERFECT goons for Dale especially if there is a season 4 or a movie follow-up. Excellent.



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This episode was wonderful. 


Diane acting like a sassy .gif in the red room was really something else. 


Also -- Wait just a goddamn minute -- If Naido is the real Diane...


(A) Why don't the guys from the FBI recognize she's not really Diane or did they never see her before? 


(B) that makes Diane's whole orientalist costuming thing waaaaay more problematic. '


Edit: (C) It also makes it seem legit that Naido is also Judy, and even that the character could still be the sister to Josie, problematic racial depiction and all. 

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When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV "Eat that, Internet! It's not a coma!"


Then the MC introduced "Audrey's dance," someone smashed Barney with a bottle, and Audrey screamed at her husband to get her out of there and flashed to a mirror in a white room.... so, I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet, but I'm starting to think she might be in a coma :)


The seed Dale asked for is probably related to him making a replacement Dougie. And it seems tragic for Janey and Sonny Jim to lose the DaleDougie, but it occurs to me the original was probably a seed from bad Coop, but the replacement would be from good Coop. So perhaps a better version than the philandering, gambling Dougie whom Dale replaced.



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