
[Release] Classic Dogs & Demons

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That's right! The classic paper & pencil RPG is coming back as a video game!


So this isn't technically an episode title, but Jake talks about Classic Dogs & Demons on Important If True:



You play as 500 dogs and must destroy towering city-sized demons. 


It's going to be a grid-based puzzle game sorta like Adventures of Lolo or Stephen's Sausage Roll. The current priorities are getting the dogs to:

  • Bark randomly
  • Pee
  • Fetch
  • Cast dark rituals to banish demons


I've got help with the game this time (I'm mainly tackling the art side of things). Hopefully my cohort will come on here and comment too!


I'm super into Wizard Jam (yet again) and thanks to the Thumbs and all here making cool games! Stay Spicy!



Here's The Itch.io!!

More info below...


Edited by z_bill

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Very intriguing, as expected ^_^

That's a cool towering demon design, reminded me a bit of the FF6's last boss.


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Thanks everyone! It's good to be back jammin!


The game is coming along nicely. It's placeholder art right now in the game proper, and my partner's kicking ass getting the mechanics in. But we should have screens soon!


Meanwhile, I hope these dogs cheer you up:




Multicolored dogs.




Greenscreened dogs.



On 6/3/2017 at 7:21 PM, atte said:

Very intriguing, as expected ^_^

That's a cool towering demon design, reminded me a bit of the FF6's last boss.



Yes! That is the exact inspiration for the demon towers I'm cooking up for this game! I want them to be pretty effed up. Good catch!

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Messing around with the tilemap.




Dogs will able to drink water and pee to connect rivers.

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On 6/5/2017 at 5:45 PM, nkornek said:

I'm holding out for Advanced Dogs & Demons.

It will take a second jam just to figure out how to incorporate THACO.


On 6/5/2017 at 10:26 PM, infamous space turtle said:

I love the dogs, all of them.  

Thanks. More mutts to come for sure!


Kinda still in boring mode. I'm hoping to have some gameplay gifs up over the weekend!


Here's the Bone Towers you must fetch. 






We might do the fog of war as red instead of black to make it more hellish. Otherwise my map looks much like an almost cheery JRPG worldmap (what I was going for). And I think a bit of Stephen's Sausage Roll got in there too.


Demons to be unearthed soon.

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Loving these demons. I really hope there's some kind of intro screen for each demon so we get to see that art in the game. Or maybe some kind of unlockable grimoire pages?

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4 hours ago, BluShine said:

Loving these demons. I really hope there's some kind of intro screen for each demon so we get to see that art in the game. Or maybe some kind of unlockable grimoire pages?


Thank you, sir!


This art will absolutely be in the game. Expect to be taunted by full res demonic beings!

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I might have a problem. This is the first wizjam where I'm only doing the art. And I think I've been favoring doing the high res/intro/cutscene art over the art...you know, essential to the gameplay. Ah well, I'm sure it'll all work out.....right?

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I'm the programming cohort! Here are some sandbox gameplay gifs :


1. Level monuments



2. Basins & urinating



3. Pushing buildings



4. Demons and blocking demons



5. Vision



Will swap these placeholders with @z_bill's eye candy sprites soon!


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This looks great! I love the sprites and tiles, and the mechanics look like fun!

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Classic Dogs & Demons is out!


Link to Itch.io!


From Itch.io:


Control a dog swarm and outwit city-sized demons.


You must be good dogs. And use arrow keys or wasd to fetch the fallen bone towers. 


You can press "R" to restart the stage if you get stuck.


Created by Greg Tapper & Z. Bill Taylor for Wizard Jam 5 2017. Thank you, Idle Thumbs!



The game is pretty cool! Amazing thanks to Greg Tapper, who totally killed it making the game mechanics work, and stayed up all night on weekday nights busting his ass.


We didn't have the most time to create stages unfortunately, but I'm happy with what we got completed!


The peeing is in the game but we were not able to make it actually helpful from a gameplay perspective. But it is hilarious! Pee away! Make all the world's rivers yellow! (haha, I'm a little delirious...)


This wizardjam has been great and I think produced my most legit (ie: classic) game yet! I am very much looking forward to people playing it. Tell me what you think!


edit: hmm, can't post images for some reason now. what's the deal?


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Hey, is the game working for people? I got a report it is freezing my friend's PC. Yikes!

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Works fine for me!


Great art here - the retro tile graphics and the demon portraits - and an amusingly weird story. Some cool puzzle rules too, though I did feel like I was just brute forcing rather than thinking, though, and a skip button would have really helped when repeating levels!

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Fine for me as well.


I really like the surreal, desolate, apocalyptic atmosphere you have here. The echoing dog barks, the crazy art style and the surprisingly large levels create a very strange vibe.


Game mechanics were cool, but I agree with Ben about brute forcing it. Still a cool space to inhabit and poke around in.

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Soooo stylish. I like how well-timed everything is in the opening, and the illustrations, pixel art, and dialogue system are all impressive. Good sense of humor with the writing, too.


I was defeated by the second stage, but I think part of the reason was that I didn't understand that my dogs' barks were stunning the demons (I thought they were enraging them, so I always backed off when it happened). I might give it another shot now that I understand that mechanic.

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Continuing to be a z_bill fan, your style is a unique blend of whimsical and gross, familiar and weird. At first I didn't remember the connection between dogs and the Law & Order theme, but I still (or maybe because of that) found the intro track superbly funny.


On 19.6.2017 at 4:15 PM, Ben X said:

 a skip button would have really helped when repeating levels!

This came to my mind also.

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