
WJ5 Team Seeking

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This thread is for folks seeking a team to work with! If you have a particular set of skills and want to contribute to someone elses game, post in this thread, preferably in the following format to make it easy for people to skim the thread and find you. You can also drop by the #wizardjam channel on the Idle Thumbs Slack channel and chat with people to find teammates. Or just drop in and chit-chat with us while you're working on your game! And if you find a team, please edit your post and note that.


This is the team seeking/LFG thread; if you have a game idea and want to recruit people, use the recruiting/LFM thread.



What I'm Doing: What you're able to contribute and your experience level

Contact Info: Your contact info (PM, email, whatever)

And optionally:
Time Zone: It's probably easier to work with people who aren't 12 hours off from you? But maybe it's fine.
Portfolio: A link to your portfolio / website / whatever if you have one, so people can check your style.


Then whatever else you want.



What I'm Doing:

Programming; I'm a web developer and don't know any game engines but would like to learn.

Contact info:

PM me on the forums or message me on the Idle Thumbs Slack channel

Time Zone: 
EST (UTC -5) but I'm usually up late


I've never made a video game but here's my website!  www.chrismaire.com


I've been programming for a long time and am a terrible artist, I'd like to team up with someone who has a little Unity experience that can help teach me and also do art. Willing to work 24 hours a day for 2 weeks straight and my cat can do a perfect Wario impression.





What I'm doing: 

Contact Info: 
Time Zone:

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What I'm doing: I'm pretty familiar with Unity, can write C# code(slowly and hackily) and do both simple 3D and 2D art.

What I'm most interested in is providing art, probably textured 3d models. My style is lowpoly-ish and mechanical in nature. I have no experience with characters/living things and only limited experience with rigging and animation.

Contact Info: You can message me here on the forums and we can work out the rest then. I also lurk in the #wizardjam slack regularly.
Time Zone: UTC+1, Central European Time.
Portfolio: I don't have a portfolio, but you can get a pretty good idea of my skills from my itchio games. http://zirrrus.itch.io/


If you just need one or two models for your project, I'll gladly give it a shot too.

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What I'm Doing: Me and my partner Tessa Racked can offer up voice acting. They are a better actor than I (you can hear them perform in Uwaki Hittoman) but we both have acting experience and a good microphone set-up. My voice is more masculine, their voice is more feminine/androgynous.

Contact Info: PM via forum

Time Zone: CST

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What I'm doing: Mostly looking for another project or two that I can contribute some quick 3d assets to! Or possibly 2d assets now that I know a bit about animating in Unity.

Contact Info: PM via forum is great, I'm also @root in the idlethumbsreaders slack

Time Zone: utc-8, pacific time




I also contributed many of the 3d assets used in Henke's Wizard Jam 3 game, In Search of Paradise

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What I'm Doing:

Coding in C# and doing 2D stuff in Unity.  Experienced programmer but a novice in C#/Unity.

Contact info:

PM me on the forums

Time Zone: 
EST (UTC -5), also I'll be unavailable most of the second jam week



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What I'm Doing: Programming, Design, maybe so music if that's needed. I know plenty of Unity and c# but also tons of c++ (but I've never used unreal), and I'm looking for a project to jump onto!

Contact Info: zach@virginia.edu, zdanz@bighugegames.com, or PM me on the forum
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Timd
Portfolio: zachdanz.com

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What I'm doing: 3d modeling/props, level design, environment art, and I'm familiar with UE4 (not an expert).

Contact Info: mrdeathy[at]gmail[dot]com - if you PM me here I'll probably miss it. or @wormo on twitter
Time Zone: PST (UTC -8) - I work until early afternoon but have plenty of time to work in the evening.
Portfolio: ianmcdonell.com

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What I'm Doing: 2D Programming using GameMaker Studio (versions 2 and 1.4). Have made several games before, and completed one 48hour gamejam.

Contact Info: PM me here, or dm me on discord (@TheCalster on the idlethumbs discord channel).
Time Zone: CEST, but I have a VERY adjustable sleep schedule :)
Portfolio: https://thecalster.itch.io/.

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What I'm Doing: I do game arts of the pixel, voxel and polygonal variety.

Contact Info: email: nihilem@gmail.com. On the Idle Thumbs slack channel, I’m “Zi11ion”

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time US. (-0500 UTC) On weekdays I’m available after work around 6:30pm until 9:30pm. On weekends I’m available at most times, barring previous engagements.

Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/zi11ion and http://zi11ion.tumblr.com/

I mainly prefer working with pixel art and voxel models, although I wouldn’t mind brushing up on my Blender 3D skills with some lo-poly stuff. For pixel art I mainly use Pyxel Edit, while for voxels I use MagicaVoxel to sculpt the model, then take it into Qubicle to polish it up. I can then export it as a mesh to be rigged and animated in a 3D Animation program.

I modeled and animated most of the characters in Robo Puzzle Smash.  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=828299702

Feel free to hit it me up via email or on Slack if you have any questions.


(edit) Oh, also, I can do a load of silly voices, either high or low-pitched, like monsters or goblins or gnomes or wizened old-folks or Skeletor, that sort of thing. I am a cartoon-man.

Edited by zi11ion
More dumb stuff that I can do

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What I'm Doing: I'm a 3D artist, I have some experience with C++, C and Python but I'm fairly new to Unity and C#. I have access to Game Maker 1.4 if you're into that. I'm not against trying other tools.

Contact Info: watermelon here and on slack

Time Zone: GMT (Europe)
Portfolio: Last wizard jam I contributed some low poly, Blendo style models (unicycle, dart board, axe, balloon machine, ceiling fan) to Eyes of Cheatin' Hitman

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What I'm doing: I am an illustrator. I can do 2D backgrounds and character design/animation. I do a pretty good walk cycle. I prefer to do 8-bit or 16-bit, but I can work in other styles too. I can do also help with writing/story if that helps!

Contact Info: Email is steinersteiner@gmail.com and Slack is steinersteiner.
Time Zone: Eastern US time (-0500 UTC)
Portfolio: petersteiner.xyz


I've toodled around in GameMaker before, but never completed a game. I've also worked with the Processing IDE. I only mention that to say that I understand development at a high level, but I'm not a developer in any sense. 













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What I'm Doing: I'm a 2d background/environment artist, but I'm up for doing any illustration work! I can also do a bit of 2d animation if needed!

Contact Info: Here on the forums is okay, or my email is StevenRSugar@gmail.com!
Time Zone: Pacific
Portfolio: I've got my stuff over here on tumblr or here on twitter!


I've done a little games stuff before, mostly doing concepts like these guys!


Edit– Found a team!

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What I'm Doing: Music and ambience. I have a lot of experience writing music but I'm eager to practice my production skills.

Contact Info: Here on the forums or by email at attlantic.jam@gmail.com

Time Zone: GMT
Portfolio: I can make all sorts of music but here's some stuff that might be suitable for games:



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What I'm Doing: Game Design, Level Design, Blueprint scripting in UE4, Programming/scripting in Game Maker, and VFX

Contact Info: PM or email at sean@maclean.work
Time Zone: -5:00 Eastern
Portfolio: It really needs an update. Game Design-y stuff: http://www.maclean.work/?tag=Game+Design VFX stuff: http://www.maclean.work/?tag=VFX

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Hey I'm putting this up last minute as the person I was working with disappeared in a puff of smoke. I was really excited to make something for this jam so if anyone needs any help hit me up. Itching to do anything. Permanent resident of Deadline Hell so quick turnaround doesn't bother me, but I would need direction as I know n o t h i n g about the programming side of things.

What I'm Doing: I'm an animation artist. I do visdev, BGs, animation and general 3D.
Contact Info: PM me or contact me on twitter (@vehementa). Tweeting me is quickest.
Time Zone: CEST
Portfolio: http://helenamelin.tumblr.com/

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Super late to the party but would love to offer some help by testing if anyone needs/wants it.


What I'm Doing: QA, programming[Unity C#], math-y design. Or remixes of the space jam theme.

Contact Info: @karathrash on twitter is easiest.
Time Zone: US-EST
Portfolio: https://dvdonato.com/

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