
Important If True: Show Announcement Teaser

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Important If True February 9, 2017:

Important If True February 9, 2017

Our Newest Show
In an effort to understand the baffling world around us, we take your questions about the most fascinating, inane, and inexplicable happenings you can find, and draw them out to their most extended—and almost definitely inaccurate—conclusions. Join Chris Remo, Jake Rodkin, and Nick Breckon of Idle Thumbs each week as they attempt to find truth and meaning through absurdity. Will they succeed? Probably not, but we'll all enjoy the trip.

Explained: Some aspects of this podcast, Terminator pec oilers


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Ah, question answered! Super exciting. 


I laughed a lot at the 5 minute teaser! I am excited for you to have an outlet for your interesting conversation without having to constantly chide yourself for not talking about video games. 

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12 minutes ago, Patrick R said:

I was picturing a podcast with less direction, but this is much better. Can't wait to listen.


The full first episode isn't as focused as I'd like, but hopefully once the reader mail wheels start turning, we'll be able to hone things a bit more. We're definitely feeling it out as we go.

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This teaser was great, if you told me it's a clip from Idle Thumbs 302 I wouldn't believe you because you said you're taking a break after 300.


edit: The acronym game is strong, you went from IT to your 2nd podcast IIT.

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11 minutes ago, Jutranjo said:

edit: The acronym game is strong, you went from IT to your 2nd podcast IIT.


I realized this just a few hours ago and didn't know how to feel.

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25 minutes ago, Chris said:

I realized this just a few hours ago and didn't know how to feel.


And then, if you ever bring Idle Thumbs back, you can call it Is It Idle Thumbs. IIIT.

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Ninth podcast will cause some trouble because you have to work X into that title. (Unless this important and real pattern is just adding I's, not roman numerals before T)

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40 minutes ago, zerofiftyone said:

@Jakehas been really been knocking it out of the park with these podcast logos. 


Also, I'm excited about the show. 👍


It's really good, I hope the forum index gets something too.

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It would be hard to overstate how happy I am about the name of the new podcast.  Flawless victory.

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Also, would it have been wiser to put the teaser for Important, If True into the Idle Thumbs podcast feed to make more people aware? I know Waypoint did it when they switched from Vice Gaming's New Podcast to Waypoint Radio. They put a short note in the original feed basically saying "Hey, we're in this other feed now. Sub to that!"


I know Idle Thumbs isn't ending (yet) and so you want people to stay subbed to both shows, but I feel like your main way of promoting I,IT was via Twitter which not everyone who listens uses (clearly, if they thought Chris was bald and Nick was a caveman) and on an episode of a show that people are already apparently not listening to all the way through/at all (as per Chris' reasons for why Idle Thumbs is on hiatus anyway)


Also, we all know Idle Thumbs is ending so Nick can take the name over as his E-Sports handle.

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I see Jake has been overruled on calling the new podcast "Important XOR True".


Also, given the chance to get in on the ground floor for some new shenanigans, I made a potential Twitter ebooks account called True if Important. Please send questions to, and then I'll throw them into a bin or something.

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I am officially teased. Looking forward to the full episode. 

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35 minutes ago, SecretAsianMan said:

Very critical question: To whom do we address mail?  We can't rightly call you Thumbs on this podcast so we'll need to come up with a new salutation.

The True Crew.

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1 hour ago, SecretAsianMan said:

Very critical question: To whom do we address mail?  We can't rightly call you Thumbs on this podcast so we'll need to come up with a new salutation.


Please just keep saying thumbs. It'll work!

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If I,IT is going to use the same email address Idle Thumbs used (questions [at] idle thumbs dot net), do you want us to stop sending in video game related questions, or....?

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